The Urgent Call for Yoga in the 21st Century
By Micheline Saliba – Lebanon
The Urgent Call for Yoga in the 21st Century
The increase of Technology in the present century has certainly affected the whole global, as we are witnessing huge and fast changes, these changes are not in harmony with the natural changes but they are man-made, which means they are provocative and cause mutation. Mutation is followed by hardship because it would be very difficult for people to make adjustments in attempt to be adapted to the current situation, and this causes much suffering mentally and physically.
Who is responsible for this mutation? Possibly, we all are. As we are walking our way, we have stumbled and fell many times, yet most of us haven’t learned from the previous experiences and are now going through them all over again. We have been seduced by the material world more than necessary, and it was very hard for us to stand alone while everybody around us was drifted into the consumerism wave unconsciously. Thus, we all, each one of us, especially yogis, hold a big responsibility to what is happening. We are all responsible, each person from his/her own work, to give something to the world we are living in. Our responsibility is to educate and to spread awareness. But how much are we really doing that? We should think it from own levels.
The Difference : Yoga in the 21st Century
The difference between our elders and our generation, is obvious, our elders were in balance with their inner and their outer, they knew the dangers of imbalance, so they worked on daily basis thriving with persistence, to keep the balance, through yoga and through their daily lives in their relationships with their fellow humans and with their environment. In other words, they lived in harmony with the cosmos; they didn’t need to search any further. Unlike our times, we do need philosophy, we do need to search for a meaning for our lives and for its purpose, since the age of “great sages and seers” is absent, we need to look for wisdom and better for this wisdom to work hand in hand with Science, and to be written down in books for the sake of the future generations.
Now, we have come to a great gap and an immense imbalance, between our inner and our outer, between the grounding energies and the spatial energies, and we lost our path.
Let us take a look at the yogis of the past and the yogis of our present times in general. Ramana Maharishi, Paramhamnsa Yogananda, Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo, Swami Dayananda. How they were much wiser and spiritual than the present Gurus of our days that try to help others but their teachings are divided and incomplete. Perhaps their Agni (Fire Energy), Endocrine glands like pineal, pituitary, adrenals are passive, degenerated and blocked in this declined age, they are infected by the chaos of their surrounding, by the stressful vibrations among people, competition, inferior complexities, starting from the bad quality of food that we are all eating, to the internet, mobiles vibrations, etc. We are not against technology, but the exaggeration and the misuse of it has destroyed our well being from A to Z, from the physical to the mental to the spiritual.
The gurus of the past lived a simpler life and had great insights and their spirit healed all the people around them. We are not saying we must be nostalgic weeping the old day, but we must extract examples and lessons out of it, while stating the current situation as it is, to be realistic and see what can be done, as our duties as yogis.
It is essential to realize and to emphasize on the mistakes we all have been making altogether by giving a good deal of energy to the OUTER PHYSICAL LIVING more than the INNER SPIRITUAL LIVING, this is the seed cause of all this imbalance we are witnessing.
Now that our world is full of wars, pandemics, bad health, pollution, consumerism, chronic diseases, lack of devotion, lack of empathy, intolerant, aloneness, lack of faith and fully mechanical. We must see all this clearly in order to search for solutions.
Man has forgotten his roots, genes, ancient schooling and his environment.
We have thrown the values that were followed by our ancestors for many centuries. We have forgotten the ground, the Earth and exploited its resources. As Yoga Masters, our duty is to help our learners to “ground” themselves and to go back to the main genuine yoga; it is never enough to give asanas class while keeping aside all of the other aspects, the yamas and niyamas, the pranayama, mudras, dhyana and all the rest. One thing I must code here dhyana or meditation, a major weapon of yoga must be attempted as means of Yoga in order to achieve the goal, a state of devoid is Yoga.
Whats Next :
Yes, proper education is needed and a huge rehabilitation for the yoga teachers who most of them have no idea what is behind the yoga asanas. The fact that some yoga schools are being commercial, giving yoga teachers’ certificates to anyone, and with only few hours of training with few series postures as gymnastic tips. Is this acceptable to you Sirs? Shouldn’t the teacher be the good example for the students? We are crying loudly to you to make restrictions in this specific domain which may result positively.
Here is the outcome; it is disastrous, when we can all see the millions of images of western yogis showing off their perfect figures in asanas on the internet. Is this really yoga? This is certainly a misleading image of what is yoga is really about. And it is frustrating because it is total ignorance. Adding to this, lately there are these kinds of trends from Hot Yoga, Power Yoga, Yoga for shoulders, Yoga for a slim body, Yoga for this, Yoga for that, and the most ridiculous one is floating yoga. Where are the feet?? Where is the balance when the students get on the ground?? This is devastating, this is total ignorance, and as we know already Yoga is not about power at all. I have many students running away from these classes, coming to my class, complaining they had injuries during the yoga class, plus, they don’t know how to breathe, and even some of the yoga teachers who are famous on the internet, breath from their mouth!! a total scandal !! From where did they get their certificates, from Nepal or India? No, it’s from business camp.
We are asking the Yoga Ministry or any concerned Authority, to consider this and to watch and educate the commercial yoga teacher’s schools and to educate them.
We should not allow this; otherwise we would be irresponsible and unqualified yoga teachers.
The duty of the yogis is to show others what true yoga is all about. There are lots of works to be done and it has to be done seriously and urgently.
The world needs no more commercial yoga but in need for genuine scholars and gurus.
They say, it takes one wise person to uplift many people, but let us not forget that also, it takes one ignorant teacher to drown many people. Which side are you with? Our responsibilities as yoga teachers are bigger now and the challenges are wider. Wise people where are you when the world needs you most?????
The world relies on you for knowledge, wisdom and empathy.
May we all be awakened from ignorance to knowledge? May we all work harder and wiser for a better world? Without any delay, the true lovers are looking for the core value of this great ultimate life science.
To Sum up: The Urgent Call for Yoga in the 21st Century
Therefore, Yoga connects together the integration of hands, head and heart that means the responsibility is on the Hands, the understanding is in the head and honesty is in heart. This is the theme of yoga in the 21st century, along with cosmic self intelligence of our spiritual attitudes, which has to be nourished like the roots and the sap of a tree but not the outer covering of it.
If we want to experience and realize the sense of yoga, then we should deepen ourselves in this source of true knowledge with the 3 wisdoms “live, love and laugh”. Having one thought in mind: “No matter how many times we fall, and shall always get up smiling and keep on walking consciously because Yoga is the science of happiness, and the science of consciousness.” So, recall the SMS i.e. straight body, mindfulness and smiling.
Happy International Yoga Day, 2020
News platform of International Day of Yoga, 2020
“Yoga for Health and Yoga at Home”
AUM! Happy International Day of Yoga to all beloved Souls,
With the slogan “Yoga for Health and Yoga at Home” for the 6th International Day of Yoga, 21 June, 2020 this year announced by United Nation, Yoga Week has begun with the different programs, mostly Virtual way. Every year is being more memorable Day in Nepal.
Zoom Meeting has been called by Minister of Education, Science and Technology dated on 09-06-2020. The agenda was the celebration of International Yoga Day on June 21, as a virtual meeting with the Government of Nepal.

We did the inaugurated ceremony on 18th June at 6 am, inaugurated by Minister of Education, Science and Technology.
On 18th, evening session at 6 pm, The chairman cum Yoga Guru of Himalayan Yoga Academy Yoga Guru Subodh has presented tilted on “Introduction and History of Yoga” and also demonstrated Yoga practical session of “Surya Kriya Yoga” dated on 19th morning session 7 am.
“Surya Kriya Yoga” – Surya Namaskar has been practiced in ancient period for many centuries as sanatan rites in the form of worship to the Surya Devata, Sun God. Hanuman, the great monkey king, was one of the prominent characters in the epic of Ramayana. This story has been representing the origin of Surya Namaskar, relates to Hanuman’s childhood.
#VirtualYoga, #InternationalDayofYoga, #HimalayanYoga, #RealYogaSense, #TraditionalYogaspot
2. Main Day of Yoga Week– Date: 21-06 – 2020
Hon’ble Prime Minister of Nepal K. P Oli has inaugurated the International Day of Yoga on 21-06-2020 at 08:00 am and released the National Yoga Protocol on the same programs. Program was centralized on interactions about National Yoga Protocol and also conducting yoga related interactions, speech, your participation in the program is cordially requested.

First time in Nepal, the research article of historical truth of applied Surya Namaskar as Guru Dakshinaa and as Vaatasaara Kriya (Air Drinking) has been published in Yoga Journal called “Yoga Sandesh” 2020; published on the occasion of International Day of Yoga by MAHAMANA MALAVIYA MISION KATHMANDU NEPAL. Thank you for Yogacharya G.N. Saraswati, President of this Mission. This article has been researched by our Yoga Guru Subodh.
- Hari OM!
3. Closing Session: Happy International Yoga Day 2020
Topic: International Yoga Day related programs
Time: Jun 24, 2020 06:00 PM Kathmandu
Naman: Former Prime Minister Jhalanath Khanal and Dr. Baburam Bhattarai, Mr Giriraj Pokharel, Minister of Education, Science and Technology, former ministers, political persons, Yoga Professors, Yogi people, Yoga lovers have participated . The session was on 24th June in evening at 6-8 pm. Program was very well managed with speakers, big participations.

Use this link to take part in “sixth international yoga day, Nepal-2077, week of closing Session”
Hari Om Tata Sat.
Tantras & Mudras
Tantras have almost always been misunderstood. Somehow Tantra and sex (not that there is anything wrong with sex) have always been clubbed together. Unfortunately, because of this, Tantra has attracted a lot of misdirected attention. Normally, the superficial or the most provocative, base and easily excitable, attract the average seeker. But Tantra, it is believed, have superseded the Vedas over a large part of India. Two-thirds of Hindu religious rites and at least one half of medicines are Tantric. These are different schools of schools of Tantra. For the purist, the rituals of Dakshinacarina are considered to be in harmony with Vedas, while the rituals of the Vamacarins are considered suitable for the more adventurous.
The teachings of the Tantras are base on the Bhakti Marga, which is regarded as superior to Karmamarga and Jnanamarga of the Upanishads. The doctrines of Tantra are derived from the Sankhya philosophy, mainly the theory of Purusa and Prakriti with a special emphasis on the mystic side of the yoga. Brahma is niskalpa (non-differentiated) and sakalpa (differentiated). Tantra deals with sakalpa or saguna Brahman and its five main features are: Bijamantra, Yantra, Shree Cakra, Kavera and Mudra. The Panch Makar whose names begin with the letter M (Madya, Mansa, Matsya, Mudra and Maithauna) _ respectively meaning wine, meat, fish, parched grain and sexual union _ have been interpreted literally as representing the five elements of Hatha Yoga.
According to Tantra, absolute reality has two aspects: shiva (Male) representing energy and activity. The truth regarding the union of Shiva and Shakti is to be realised within the human body while it is alive. This is a different approach from other schools of thoughts that claim that the truth is attainable only after the physical body has been shred.
In Tantras, the human body is a microcosmic universe. The spinal cord represents Mount Meru, while the three main metaphysical veins (ida, pingala and sushumna) running left, right and middle of the spine respectively, represent the sacred rivers _ Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati. The breathing process represents the course of time.
The identification with sex is because Shakti, the female source, also called the kunadalini, lying serpet-like, coiled and quiet around the Muladhara Chakra (Wheel) is aroused and made to move upwards to unite with Shiva (Male). The sexual union represents the activities of the negative and the positive. The male resides at the Sahasrara Chakra, which is described as thousand-petalled lotus at the top of the head. The union of Shiva and Shakti brings about the transcendental realization of the absolute non-duality.
“AUM! YOGAH SAMAADHI” – “ॐ योग: समाधि”
Yoga is the soul of Human Life. Body is a laboratory for yogic practice as a hardware system. We connect the body with energy and mind technology as software system. Then it goes fully and smoothly on natural excess, the soul of human life that makes us achieve ‘Yoga’. So we can say that Yoga is a well unification of the hardware (body), the software (mind) and the quantum (the soul).
The slogan “Yoga for Health and Yoga at Home” has announced by United Nation for this Year on the occasion of International Day of Yoga. With the consideration of covid-19 pandemic situation, we all yoga friends, yoga lovers, yoga practitioners, yoga Masters (Guru), even governments of more than 177 countries have been initiating the yoga day celebration throughout different channels, medias, and public forum by updating the optimum use of the modern science and technologies. So this slogan is highly appreciated due to this current issue that suggest us do yoga at home and with all the members of family and neighbors applying the safety rules as need.
Since 18th June 2020, we are running the virtual Yoga workshop and seminar inaugurated by respected Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Mr Giri Raj Pokharel dated on 18th June at 6:00 am Nepali time. Then we are conducting the two sessions at 6:00 to 8:00 (More Practical) and 18:00 to 20:00 (More Theoretical) regularly. It will remain until the evening session of 18:00 to 20:00 by 24th June, 2020 as concluding session.
From Himalayan Yoga Academy, “हिमालयन योग एकेडेमी ” Chairman and Yoga Guru Subodh “योग गुरु सुबोध” has working as a active member of Management Committee for this Yoga Week and has presented the theoretical session tilted on ‘Introduction and History of Yoga’ on 18th June at 18:30 and also demonstrated the practical on 19th June at 7:00 am tilted on Surya Kriya Yoga which was on live via different social medias.
Live Page :

We Himalayan Yoga Academy Family would like to request to join on this virtual yoga workshop by managing your valuable time for the celebration of IDY, 2020 with us and hope you will get maximum benefits and well connectivity as well. In fact, Yoga is itself celebration on each day, even each moment of life and these types of the Day will be the social or international commune celebration. So let’s join, let’s enjoy and let’s have peace in all over the world.
“Hari Om Tat Sat” – “हरि ॐ तत सत् ”
By Erika Bam
GU- Darkness and RU- Destroyer or Lightness ( Guru )
Destroyer of darkness is termed as “GURU” derived from Sanskrit words. It is termed as expert, Teacher or Master of certain skills, but in eastern traditions this divine master is more than a teacher i.e in Sanskrit. IT means one who dispels the darkness and takes towards the light; the spiritual guide who can help to understand the and discover the potentialities. He or she is a realized one who can guide on to his/her spiritual destiny as mastery over the life.
The concept of guru is found in the earliest vedic text of Hinduism. Guru and Gurukul , were established traditions in the east during 1stmillennium BCE, and these helped compose and transmit the various Vedas, The Upinishads, text of various schools of Hindu Philosophy, and post Vedic shastras ranging from spiritual knowledge and various arts. These led broad ranges of studies including Hindu Scriptures, Buddhists texts, grammar, philosophy ,martial arts, music, painting and spiritual knowledge. Above all, the guru’s significance to once life is spiritual awakening; only by the master’s grace one can realize the divine.
Furthermore, It is not limited to a persona. It exists within “inner guru” and outside in any form; the source of knowledge . The outer master, the divine source of knowledge can open one’s inner master that can lead to awakening of inner self; true self. That true self can then only realize the divine within and in the whole.
The verses below are reflective of above explanation of divine “GURU” :
Dhyaana-Moolam Guru-Murti
Pooja-Moolam Guru-Padam |
Mantra-Moolam Guru-Vaakyam
Mokshya-Muulam Gurur-Kripaa ||
Which means;
The Root of Meditation is the Form of the Guru,
The Root of Worship is the Lotus feet of the Guru
The Rootof Mantrais the Word of the Guru,
The Root of Liberation is the Grace of the Guru.
One can meditate on master physical form or subtle form, master is the core guidance to meditation.
One who bows down to master, one who sees divine in master identifies master realizes divine, one in whose this word is glorified becomes the mantra; the power of word, speech, thought can be achieved and only by the grace of master one can liberate.
Divine or God is our ultimate master and to realize the ultimate one needs the physical form of awakened master who can open up our inner master/divine master with which we can be one with divine.
Mantra below is reflective of above words:
GururBrahma GururVishnu GururDevo Maheshwaraha
Guru Saakshaat ParaBrahma Tasmai Shri Gurave Namaha
which menas ;
Master is the Creator (Brahma),He is the Preserver(Vishnu), He is Destroyer(Maheshwara)
Master is the absolute (singular) Lord himself, Salutations to that Sri Guru
Guru: Dispeller of Darkness ( ;Gu=Darkness,Ru=Remover )
Brahma: Creator; Personification of Creating Quality of God
Vishnu: Preserver; Personification of Preserving quality of God
Deva: God
Maheshwara: Destroyer; Personificationof Destroying Quality of God
Saakshaat: Self/ Himself
ParaBrahma: He who is the highest Lord; Consciousness
Tasmai: To him/ To such
Sri: Holy, splendorous
Namaha: Salutations
“I bow down to my divine master and divine master within”
May masters grace is upon all of us.
Online Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal
Himalayan Yoga Academy has started online yoga teacher training with certification.We will run this course in order to spread the yoga knowledge during this pandemic as well.We will fully focus on providing the best practical and theoritical knowledge of yoga through online platforms. So that students could totally get best out of it.So the Highlights of our Online Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal are as follows:
Highlights of the 200h Yoga Teacher Training
- International 200 hour Yoga Alliance certification
- Our yoga instructor certification courses are of outstanding quality, marked by excellence and attention to detail. They are the most through and comprehensive ones you will find
- The training is not only suitable for aspiring yoga teachers but also for those who simply want to learn more about yoga and develop a stronger self-practice
- 200-hour advanced virtual yoga teacher training
- On-demand training released every week
- Private training accountability group
- Weekly live Google Meet or Zoom Sessions.
- Self-paced: can be completed in an intensive 2 weeks or longer
- Live online sessions will be held over Zoom or Google Meet
- Online sessions’ time zone: UTC or London time
- Yoga Styles: Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin , Bhakti. Asthnga
- Study Materials through Google Classroom
So, due to this pandemic, we will be starting this course in very budget price.So every people can afford it and get the best knowledge and skills from best teachers in very best prices.
How the Online Yoga Teacher training in Nepal works :
The training will be held online via Zoom or Google Meet. Kindly make sure you have a webcam or smart phone with a camera. You can use your iPad or other mobile devices to complete this training. You will have live training option with Yoga guru for certain classes, all of the core training and learning material will be available on-demand. You will be able to access your courses 24/7 on any of your mobile devices, desktop, or laptop. You can take this course based on real time or at your own pace that suits your schedule from 3 weeks and extends it as you like.
Price : $ 700 per person
Certification : Yoga Alliance.
More about our 200 hr Online Yoga Course
Natural Immune Boost Against Covid-19 Prevention
Natural Immune Boost against Covid-19 Prevention:
By Yoga Guru Subodh
“Prevention is better than Cure”. As we know, the world is in almost lockdown. Nobody can win and overcome to Nature. Accountableness of nature is supper. Nature always keeps the account of all. Whenever it is lost or cheated, we will be kidnapped by nature. Every creatures has right to survive in the nature. It has own way of eco-system and own way of life sustain process. They have been struggling to survive in eleventh hour since creation. It is not the strange thing what is now happening in the world.
People are globally facing this current situation and some of them are suffering by corona virus but very fewer people are suffering by covid-19, it means 2 -3 % people are only getting ill from Corona. The question rises here, why less people will be being victimized due to Covid-19? The answer is the natural theory, every viral infections behind the immune system is working that we have naturally, just we need to generate and boost by applying the natural lifestyle.
In order to empower our entire immune power, we should be close to nature and apply the natural rules and regulations. We have to maintain proper work, rest, sleep, entertain, eating, drinking, exercise, thinking, attitudes, moral values, etc. for revitalizing our defense mechanism within us. Main thing is, either we should work physically hard to break the sweat in farms or do Yogic project regularly as demonstrated here, and then get natural immune capsule form this. Do not wait for vaccine; it is not for you by nature. Your natural vaccine is your yogic lifestyle which will be the perfect healing, but not a medication. Understand your life, recognize yourself and stay safe with peace, love and light.
Firstly, in order to refresh and recharge our body, mind and spirit, we should utter the mantras, divine vibrations and also to keep the entire atmosphere peace and calm. So we must utter AUM, are the three fundamentals sound of the existence. It represents Birth, Living and Death in life and electron, proton and neutron in atom. It is the yoga for unconditional Joy and love. It is for devotion, dedication, strong belief & faith and also a kind of worship as well.Secondly, some of subtle exercises are practiced for opening the joints and muscles, warming the body, stretching the muscles and ligaments and charging the body. Thirdly, as a cardio-empowerment and full of energized body system, shakti sanchalana kriyas, jogging acts & aerobics, Dynamic exercises are performed.
People are now making the understanding Yoga as Yogaa or Yogasana for physical trainings or physiques and understand Dhyana (meditation) is different science come from other planets. In fact, meditation is the final, the real, the inner, only one ultimate key for Yoga or Samadhi. Other means are preparatory phases of Yogic practice purposed to qualify the practitioners for meditation. To those who are practicing hundreds of Asanas daily, ultimate goal is to be able to sit at any meditation postures for a long time as much as being statues or motionless.
Yoga, a very ancient science appeared with the creation of beings is rhythmic unification bounded naturally. Just our ancients experienced and realized one by one issue, and they threaded and formulated into sacred texts and also in practice for coming generations that today fortunately we study and practice. It was their great contribution and blessings for us. With the change of time, sages and seers researched and condensed their experiences and true knowledge into well- sequence of learning and practicing in different novels, epics, philosophy and small commentaries.
Fourthly, Asanas are performed as exercise purposes with fast movements and repetitions, and then really for yogic and spiritual merits. Fifthly, some of swasa kriyas (Breath Acts) and also pranayama to generate and revitalize the life force in the body. Pranayama, concentration, meditation work for expansion of life force, purity of body & mind, inner rest and peace, longevity, expansion of consciousness, spiritual exploration, feeling of blissful, and ultimately liberation.
Eventually we can conclude the session by sankalpa (resolve) and chanting AUM and peace mantra wishing to all peace, happiness and harmony. This is the one full yogic project or yogic capsule. But remember this session around one hour is not everything, is something because still we will have rest 23 hours of the day, which we should plan well.