Himalayan Yoga Academy

Education & research Foundation

200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal

Himalayan Yoga Academy offers 200 hours of the first level of 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Nepal – 22 Days with fundamental principles of Yoga Sciences, Philosophical Aspects, Training skills, Workshops, Teaching methodology, and Practicum in a very original foundation. This training course needs a lot of practice. The students should have a clear vision and aim. Needless to say, the training aims to accompany and support you in your quest to attain mastery over traditional  Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga with introductory knowledge and practice command on Mantra, Karma, Bhakti, Jnana, Dhyana, and Kundalini Yoga. The Yoga Teacher Training course program utilizes a carefully formulated curriculum to bestow upon you the power of imparting knowledge to others who wish to find peace within – Thus making you a  Yoga Instructor ( Guru ). 

We present the 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Nepal Course – 22 Days with a progressive approach to yoga. We teach primarily in English, followed by Sanskrit and Hindi languages as well. This Training Program is the perfect platform for you to lay the groundwork to be a motivational Yoga Teacher. The training by itself will build you a solid foundation. We teach programs in a traditional and relaxed environment. It will encourage, support, and guide one to learn more about oneself. Come prepared to push your mental and physical limits to attain your goal of becoming a Yoga Teacher.

Our 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training  Nepal goals are to:

✔ Offer inspiring, educational, and authentic yoga teachings to you no matter what your level of practice is.

✔Encourage you to deepen your love for yoga, and offer you the skills to get confident at teaching yoga safely with your students.

✔ Build a positive learning environment in which you and all other like-minded yogis will thrive, and create long-lasting friendships.

Eligibility to join the 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Nepal Course

These 200 hours of Yoga Teacher Training Course are designed for everyone no matter their background, nationality, or religion. Be ready as this course will lighten your paths and open a gate of hope for a better life. The age of the student shouldn’t be less than 18 or more than 60.

Certification of 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Nepal Course 

For New Aspiring Yoga Teachers, a 200-hour certification can be a platform to learn ancient knowledge of health, harmony, and well-being on a worldwide level. This is one of the most serviceable minimum ethics set by an organization to instruct Yoga in recent times. Credit goes to Yoga Alliance for all the efforts made to bring an idea of regulation over literacy and tutoring Yoga by setting up the designations for Yoga Seminaries and Yoga professionals the world over. After successful completion of a 200 hrs. course from an RYS 200 Yoga School (Registered Yoga Academy at 200 hrs. level) with 200 hrs. For yoga Certification, participators are eligible to get registered with Yoga Alliance, USA for a designation of RYT 200 ( Registered Yoga Schoolteacher at 200 hrs. position).

After successful completion of the 200-hour yoga teacher training in Nepal course, students will receive the 200-hour yoga teacher training certificate enabling them to register with Yoga Alliance or any other Yoga Federation in your country. This course will provide you with new insights into all areas of yogic practice and also present you with an opportunity to become a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT 200)

What You’ll Leave With

  • Authentic yoga knowledge in a yoga posture, history, and anatomy.
  • An established inner teaching voice sharing your wisdom with many others.
  • Mindfulness practice to embrace the present moment.
  • A confident voice to lead and inspire others to lead a more spiritual way of living.
  • Lasting friendships with like-minded souls from all over the world.
  • The experience of living in nature in beautiful Nepal, the land of the Himalayas

Accommodation and Facilities

Neat, beautiful, and well-furnished rooms with Jungle, Monastery, and City Views are going to be provided to make your stay comfortable. Each room will have an attached bathroom with hot and cold water power. Besides that, the rooms will also have free Wi-Fi with necessary amenities for day-to-day life.

Arrival & Departure :

  • The day before the Start date: Arrival and rest.
  • Starting Date: Includes opening ceremony and orientation.
  • Day-Off: 3-4 days are off (depending on the schedule and situation. )
  • Last Day: Departure after 2 p.m.
  • Additional days of Stay: You are welcome to stay before or after the retreat by paying an extra charge of $25/day, which includes all meals and drinks. This price doesn’t include any classes or activities.

FAQs About  YTT in Nepal

Why Himalayan Yoga Academy?

Upcoming Dates for 200 hours of Yoga Teacher Training 2023/2024

Start Date Availability Max. Participants Book
1st – 22nd  January 2024/25 Available 12 BOOK NOW
1st – 22nd  February 2024/25 Available 12 BOOK NOW
1st – 22nd  March 2024/25 Available 12 BOOK NOW
1st – 22nd  April 2024/25 Available 12 BOOK NOW
1st – 22nd  May 2024/25 Available 12 BOOK NOW
1st – 22nd  June 2024/25 Available 12 BOOK NOW
1st – 22nd  August 2024/25 Available 12 BOOK NOW
1st – 22nd  September 2024/25 Available 12 BOOK NOW
1st – 22nd  October 2024/25 Available 12 BOOK NOW
1st – 22nd  November 2023/24/25 Available 12 BOOK NOW

Our Team ( Lead Teachers ) : 

Sudan Bhetuwal 

Your own action should inspire you, nobody should be applauding you to do the best of yourself,” says Sudan

He has been a self-taught hatha yoga practitioner for the last two decades. He is also known as Himalayan Yogi as he has been doing intense yogic practices on the lap of the Himalayas for years. More than university studies he has delved and learned from the mysteries of nature. He has graduated in Yoga and Naturopathy from Nepal Sanskrit University and is a certified 200hr/300hr Yoga teacher. He was awarded Mr. Yogi 2018 and received appreciation from the government of Nepal. He has been to India, Australia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia for Yoga and Philosophy teaching.

He is a very enthusiastic soul and his aura recharges everyone around. He is a proficient teacher with intricate knowledge of all aspects of Hatha Yoga (Asana, Pranayama, Kriyas, Shatkarma, Bandha/Mudra, and meditation).

Yogi Rajkumar:

Raj Kumar’s practice is immersed in connecting to the energetic self via the use of both pranayama and meditation, using the physical body as a tool or metaphor for something deeper. His self-practice is echoed in his teachings defining a unique style that is his own. With a lineage of multiple styles of yoga, combined with enthusiasm for Eastern philosophy gives Raj Kumar a calming aura to be around.

In the quest for happiness, Raj Kumar decided to try the yoga path (2008), realizing very quickly that ‘Yoga provides an efficient and graceful way to navigate life by keeping you connected to the life force “Prana” and to the inner fire in any situation. Now Raj Kumar’s passion is to share the power of yoga and meditation and how it can be unleashed within us, helping us live a healthier, fuller, and more balanced life. He has been a Singing Bowl Trainer since 2018. He highly practices Nada Yoga and explores the different dimensions of Yoga through his daily practice.



  1. Application: Complete the online application form. You will get your application confirmation back from us within 24 hours,  or in case please send us an email at himalayanyogainnepal@gmail.com. Please always check your spam if you don’t see our response within 24 hours. You can also contact us at our Whatsapp number +977 9860831725 for the status of your application.
  2. Booking amount: Once accepted in the course you will be asked to pay a non-refundable but transferrable booking fee for the Advance Course ( 20 % ) through the given link  ( Online Payment Link ) or through any bank transfer as wise.. Your place on the course will be confirmed only upon receipt of the deposit amount. This fee will be adjusted to your total course fee.
  3. Remaining balance:  Upon arrival at Himalayan Yoga Academy cash in any currency ( best options ) , debit or credit card, or bank transfer.
  4. Refund Policy

Apply Now 

Day Schedules

06:15 am – Wake up and Ushapan (Early Drinking water)

06:30 am – 7:00 am – Jalaneti & Herbal Tea

07:00 – 08:30 am – Hatha / Ashtanga Yoga Asana

08:30 – 09:00 am – Pranayama

09:00 – 10:00 am – Breakfast and Herbal Tea

11:00 – 1:00 pm- Yoga Philosophy Class

01:00-02:00 pm- Vegetarian Lunch and Herbal Tea

02:00-03:00 pm – Free Time / Exploration/ Self Study

03:30-05:30 pm- Hatha Yoga Alignment (Class 6 Days a week)

05:30 – 06:00 pm – Herbal Tea

06:00 - 07:00 pm – Evening Meditation & Yoga Nidra Session

07:00 – 08:00 pm – Dinner and Herbal Tea (Trataks) Optional

08:30 – 09:00 pm – Evening walk, Vajrasana, Self-study & Practice

9:30 pm – Bedtime (Lights out)


  • Holidays will be on the 7th and 14th of every month.
  • One-Day World Heritage Sightseeing Tour OR, Nature Hiking

Course Syllabus

  • Prayer: Om chant, Mantra prayer, and Chanting
  • Jogging; Subtle exercise, Dynamic (warm-up) exercise, Spinal exercise, and Suryanamaskar
  • (Traditional and integrated form both)
  • Satkarma: Dhauti, Basti, Neti, Nauli, Tratak and Kapalbhati
  • Traditional Yoga Alignment
  • Yoga safety guidelines
  • Mudra, Bandha, and Pranayama (Breathing Ethics)
  • Yoga Nidra (Yogic Sleep) and Dhyana (Meditation)
  • Guided Teaching Practice
  • Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary Series
  • Asana (postures) and Asana Series

1. Pawanmuktasana series 1
2. Pawanmuktasana serie 2
3. Pawanmuktasana series 3
4. Surya Namaskar ( sun salutation)
5. Chandra Namaskar (Moon salutation)
6. Tadasana (palm tree pose)
7. Triyak tadasana (swaying palm tree pose)
8. Trikonasana (triangle pose)
9. Parivirtatrikon asana – revolving triangle pose
10. Uttkatasana –chair pose
11. Virbhdrasana 1 -warrior 1
12. Virbhdrasana 2 -warrior 2
13. Virbhdrasana 3 -warrior 3
14. Ardha Chandrasana- Half moon pose
15. Vriksasana – tree pose
16. Parvatasana – mountain pose
17. Adho mukha svanasana – downward facing dog
18. Kati Chakrasana – waist rotating pose
19. Malasana – squatted yoga pose
20. Garudasana – eagle pose
21. Baddha Konasana- bound angle pose
22. Rajkapoot asana – pegion pose
23. Bhujanghasana – cobra pose
24. Urdhva mukha svanasana –upward-facing dog
25. Matsyasana-
26. Setu Bhandasana
27. Utrasana
28. Dhanurasana
29. Salabhasana
30. Supta Virasana- reclining hero pose
31. Virasana –hero pose
32. Vajrasana –thunderbolt
33. Gomukhasana
34. Balasana
35. Dandasana
36. Ardha Matsyendrasana

  • The brief study of yoga philosophies and traditional texts: Meaning, Definition, and History of Yoga, Biography of some yogic Rishis such as Lord Shiva, Patanjali;
  • Brief introduction of the Yoga Sutras, Hatha Pradipika, and Gherand Samhita;
  • Forms of yoga: Karma yoga, Bhakti yoga, Gyana yoga, Dhyana yoga, Mantra yoga, Hatha yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga
  • Yogic Lifestyle: Day Regimen, Night Regimen, and Seasonal Regimen, Aahara – Vihaara – Vichaara – Vishraama;
  • Ethics: Yama (social ethics): eg. Ahimsa (non-violence), Satya (truthfulness); Asteya (non-stealing), Aparigraha (non-possessiveness), Brahmacharya (True nature)
  • Niyama (individual ethics): eg. Shouch (purification); Santosha (contentment), Tapa (tenacity), Swadhyaya (self-study), Ishwor pradhan (self-surrenderer to god)
  • Concepts of Dharma and Karma, Bondage and Moksha
  • Yogic Aahara / Sattvic Food, Rules of healthy food habits
  • Ethics for yoga teachers, such as those involving teacher-student relationships and community
  • Understanding the value of teaching yoga as a service and being of service to others (seva)
  • Constituents of the Human Body: Cells, Tissues, Organs, Terminologies;
  • System of Protection and Movement of bones, joints, muscles, Flexibility, Efficiency, Yogic Body ,
  • System of Intake of raw materials and the elimination e.g. Digestive, Respiratory, Excretory;
  • Communication and Immune System-Cardiovascular, Nervous, Endocrine, Lymphatic:
  • Spiritual anatomy and physiology: Panchakosa, Chakras, Physical and spiritual Nadis, Kundalini power, etc.
  • Communication skills such as group dynamics, time management, and the establishment of priorities and boundaries
  • How to address the specific needs of individuals and special populations, to the degree possible in a group setting
  • Principles of demonstration, observation, assisting and correcting
  • Teaching styles and Qualities of a teacher
  • The student learning process
  • Business aspects of teaching yoga (including marketing and legal)
  • Practice teaching as the lead instructor
  • Receiving and giving feedback
  • Observing others teaching
  • Assisting students while someone else is teaching

What's included?

Accommodation; Attached Bathroom with Hot & Cold shower

Training Fees and Certificates

3 vegetarian or Vegan meals daily (Cultural Food on Festivals & Rituals)

Daily herbal tea as mentioned above, Drinking water

Library of yoga literature

Yoga Book-1, Notebook-1, Pen-1, Jalaneti pot-1

1 Whole Day Hiking / Overnight Stay ( Extra Cost per Night ) in Nature / Sightseeing ( Optional )

One Way Transfer / Transport (Arrival or Departure )

What's not included?

  • Laundry
  • Extra Tours
  • Extra Therapy Sessions.