13 Aug 2019 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

Himalayan Yoga Academy presents an article on Mantras for Daily Life which is described below with its types.
Types of Mantra: Mantras for daily life
- Pranava Mantra
- Deviya Mantra
- Divya Mantra
- Pranava Mantra-the hymn of the universe i.e. AUM or OM
Om – often referred to as the hymn of the universe is considered the ultimate vibration because it contains every vibration that has ever existed and every vibration that will ever exist. It’s pure yoga – union.
Literally, Om, the universal sound, is first mentioned in the twelve verses of the ancient Vedic text the Mandukya Upanishads, which explains the three basic states of consciousness: waking, sleeping, and dreaming. In its original spelling and pronunciation, AUM (pronounced ahhhh-uhhhh-mmmmm) is a blending of those three states of consciousness into the one-ness of three distinct syllables: A, U, and M. These three vibrations also represent the three stages of life: birth, living, and death. When the three individual vibrations are combined, a fourth vibration is created like a chord in music made up of individual notes. AUM (pronounced ahhhhhh–uhhhhhh–mmhhmm) represents the fourth state of consciousness – transcendent consciousness or turiya – what we call enlightenment or oneness. In Vedanta, it’s the unity of the divine made up of its three components: creation; preservation; destruction (and rebirth). Chanting Om (out loud or silently) is an ideal reminder of our universality.
- Deviya Mantra–
Chanting mantra for prayer and worshiping purposed to explore devotion, good senses, and feelings. E.g.
“Om Sahanavavatu, SahanouBhunaktu,
Tejasvinavadhistamastu Ma Vidvisavahai”
Om Shantih! Shantih!! Shantih!!!
Meaning: May He protect us both Master and Disciple! May he nourish us both! May we both work together with great energy! May our study be enlightening and fruitful! May we not hate each other! Om Peace! Peace!! Peace!!!
- Divya Mantra: divine sounds/ words – specially recitation for Dhyana Yoga; Mantra Dhyana Yoga, Kundalini Yoga; Raja Yoga
Rim; Krim; Shrim; Lrim; Brham; Yam; Hum; Rham; Rhim; Klim; Hreem; Swaha;
Chanra and beej mantra:
Mooladhaara chakra – Lam
Swadhisthaana Chakra _ Vam
Manipura – Ram
Anaahata – Yam
Vishuddhi Chakra – Ham
Ajna Chakra – Om
Sahasraha Chakra – AUM
Ways of Mantra Chanting or Recitation for Dhyana (Meditation)
- VaachikaJapa (Verbal) –Chanting by loudly
- UpaanshuJapa (whispering) – chanting by internally with low action and effort
- ManasikJapa ( Mental/ reminded) – reciting or reminding with action less or motionless
- Aajapa Japa ( Hearing inner sound) – hearing inner sounds like breath sound, heart sound, any inner vibrations. Inhaled sound is “SO’ and exhaled sound is ‘Ham’. Mantra ‘SOHAM’ is very common in beginning.
Types of Mala – 108 beads as significant in all sacred texts and 1 sumeru bead.