Janai Purnima
Janai Purnima is a Hindu festival celebrated on the full moon day in the month of Bhadra according to the Hindu lunar calendar. On this day, Hindu men from the Brahmin and Chhetri communities take their annual ritual bath and change their “Janai” or sacred thread while people throng Shiva temples in different parts of the country. This day is also celebrated as Raksha Bandhan with people from different communities tying “Doro”, a sacred thread, around their wrist to protect themselves from disease and fear.

The Newar community, meanwhile, celebrates the day as Gunhi Punhi where they have family gatherings. They prepare a special dish called Kwati (a soup made from a mix of nine different types of sprouted beans) and other delicacies.
It is also a great opportunity to observe the ancient shaman culture of Nepal. The shamans of the Kathmandu Valley and other parts of Nepal gather to perform their ancient rites in places like Kumbeshwar in Patan, Gosainkunda in Langtang, and Charikot in Dolakha.
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Can Yoga Save Our Schools One Teacher at a Time
Can yoga save our schools One teacher at a Time? By giving teachers the tools to cope with the sometimes overwhelming stress of educating children, especially in under-resourced communities, Breathe For Change thinks it can. The organization launched last year by Teachers for Teachers is on a mission to reduce teacher stress and burnout. Through wellness practices like yoga and mindfulness, they’re already seeing encouraging results in communities across the nation.
“Teacher burnout is a huge problem in our country today,” says Sam Levine, Director of Partnerships for Breathe For Change and a former teacher in the Washington, D.C. area. “Seventy-three percent of teachers report feeling extreme levels of physical, mental, and emotional stress, yet our current education system is not prioritizing their well-being.
As a result, teachers are leaving the profession in droves, with some studies estimating that 50 percent leave in the first five years. Many who do stay in the profession become burned out, which research shows has a significant negative impact on student learning. If we want to sustainably improve our education system, we need to focus on the health and well-being of our teachers.”
Breathe For Change’s founder, Dr. Ilana Nankin, was a pre-K teacher herself at a low-income Spanish dual-immersion elementary school in San Francisco when she found yoga to help her deal with the daily stresses she faced as a new teacher. She began to implement mind-body practices in her classroom, creating a peace corner in her room and leading group breathing exercises during transitions. Students became incredibly engaged and better able to focus their minds and regulate their emotions, she says. “My students would always ask, ‘When is yoga time?’” Nankin recalls. “And as soon as we practiced our mindful movement, my students would calm down and focus in ways that seemed impossible before.”
Inspired, Nankin went back to school at the University of Wisconsin’s School of Education to pursue her doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction. While conducting research for her dissertation, she realized how prevalent the issue of teacher stress and burnout is — and how much it negatively impacts teaching and learning. “I think my 4-year-old pre-k superstar, Patrick, put it best,” Nankin says. “He once told me, ‘In a community, first you have to love yourself. Because if you don’t love yourself, you can’t love anybody else.'” Through Breathe For Change, Nankin has now made it her life’s mission to ensure that teachers everywhere are supported in taking care of themselves, so that they can provide the best possible education for their students.
How to Get Certified: Yoga Save Our Schools
Mantras for Daily Life
Himalayan Yoga Academy presents an article on Mantras for Daily Life which is described below with its types.
Types of Mantra: Mantras for daily life
- Pranava Mantra
- Deviya Mantra
- Divya Mantra
- Pranava Mantra-the hymn of the universe i.e. AUM or OM
Om – often referred to as the hymn of the universe is considered the ultimate vibration because it contains every vibration that has ever existed and every vibration that will ever exist. It’s pure yoga – union.
Literally, Om, the universal sound, is first mentioned in the twelve verses of the ancient Vedic text the Mandukya Upanishads, which explains the three basic states of consciousness: waking, sleeping, and dreaming. In its original spelling and pronunciation, AUM (pronounced ahhhh-uhhhh-mmmmm) is a blending of those three states of consciousness into the one-ness of three distinct syllables: A, U, and M. These three vibrations also represent the three stages of life: birth, living, and death. When the three individual vibrations are combined, a fourth vibration is created like a chord in music made up of individual notes. AUM (pronounced ahhhhhh–uhhhhhh–mmhhmm) represents the fourth state of consciousness – transcendent consciousness or turiya – what we call enlightenment or oneness. In Vedanta, it’s the unity of the divine made up of its three components: creation; preservation; destruction (and rebirth). Chanting Om (out loud or silently) is an ideal reminder of our universality.
- Deviya Mantra–
Chanting mantra for prayer and worshiping purposed to explore devotion, good senses, and feelings. E.g.
“Om Sahanavavatu, SahanouBhunaktu,
Tejasvinavadhistamastu Ma Vidvisavahai”
Om Shantih! Shantih!! Shantih!!!
Meaning: May He protect us both Master and Disciple! May he nourish us both! May we both work together with great energy! May our study be enlightening and fruitful! May we not hate each other! Om Peace! Peace!! Peace!!!
- Divya Mantra: divine sounds/ words – specially recitation for Dhyana Yoga; Mantra Dhyana Yoga, Kundalini Yoga; Raja Yoga
Rim; Krim; Shrim; Lrim; Brham; Yam; Hum; Rham; Rhim; Klim; Hreem; Swaha;
Chanra and beej mantra:
Mooladhaara chakra – Lam
Swadhisthaana Chakra _ Vam
Manipura – Ram
Anaahata – Yam
Vishuddhi Chakra – Ham
Ajna Chakra – Om
Sahasraha Chakra – AUM
Ways of Mantra Chanting or Recitation for Dhyana (Meditation)
- VaachikaJapa (Verbal) –Chanting by loudly
- UpaanshuJapa (whispering) – chanting by internally with low action and effort
- ManasikJapa ( Mental/ reminded) – reciting or reminding with action less or motionless
- Aajapa Japa ( Hearing inner sound) – hearing inner sounds like breath sound, heart sound, any inner vibrations. Inhaled sound is “SO’ and exhaled sound is ‘Ham’. Mantra ‘SOHAM’ is very common in beginning.
Types of Mala – 108 beads as significant in all sacred texts and 1 sumeru bead.
Religions in Nepal
Abstract: Religions in Nepal
Nepal is a mountainous country consisting of vast diversity in culture, nature, tradition, caste, language religion etc. There are 124 languages spoken in Nepal. These languages differ from one ethnic group to another ethnic group. Various religions prevailing in Nepal are:
- Hinduism, majority religion
Nepalese are mostly Hindu, accounting for nearly 80% of the total population, which explains the cows that you will often see walking in the middle of the street, avoided by cars and pedestrians. But more than that, we can find many temples dedicated to the main Hindu gods scattered throughout the country and many images of these gods are also exhibited in all kinds of places, from offices to private homes, including public transport.
At least you will need to know the three main ones: “Brahma represents the creation of the world”, “Vishnu protection of world”, and “Shiva destruction and transformation of the world”. Many more are added, and the list is almost infinite. Religion is scrupulously respected, and it is common to see Nepalese stop to make a brief prayer before a temple, an idol, or a sacred object before returning to their path.
Be careful and ask around before taking photographs or even approaching some religious buildings, whose sacredness makes them untouchable by unbelievers. Finally, one of the fundamental principles of Hinduism is the idea of karma: good or bad actions influence the conditions of life during reincarnation. It is therefore common to see Hindus acting generously to have a better life after their death. Yoga Philosophy is said to be born from Mountains as said in various books of Hinduism(Vedas and Granthas). Nepal Himalayas are mentioned in various legends of Hinduism as the motherland of Yog.
2. Buddhism, religion of peace
The other major religion of Nepal is Buddhism, representing about 10% of the population. You will see many monks in the cities, especially near the great Buddhist buildings of the country, such as Swayambhunath and Bouddhanath Stupa, the largest stupas in the country. The Buddhist imprint in Nepalese is very present and respected, As the legend says the Buddha himself was born in the region of Lumbini, in the south-west of the country, before going to create his religion in India. He is considered the 10th reincarnation of the god Vishnu(God from Hinduism Legends).
3. Other religions of Nepal
Among the other religions, there is a large community of Muslims, mainly from India over the centuries, as well as minority religions such as animists or pagan religions, poorly identified because few in the urban population. There is also an increment in the number of Christians due to the influence of Western Culture and some religious values as well.
Yoga & Ayurveda
Yoga & Ayurveda belong to each other like a brother to his sister, a branch to the body, a plant to its soil. Taken in context, each nourishes the other removed from the other, they can exist for a while. But will lack the feeling of wholeness and continuity and will ultimately perish. Yoga has been known in the West for over a hundred years. Yet it has only been in the past few decades that Ayurveda has come to be studied.
Ayurveda and Yoga are sister sciences of the Indian Vedic Tradition known as Sanatana Dharma, paths to the eternal truth. The teachings are considered timeless as they apply to everyone in all cultures and times. By the practice of the lifestyles they recommend, life becomes more fulfilling, leading you to specific Classical Yoga Practices. It has the potential to bring about a lasting change in your lifestyle, health, and overall outlook on the purpose of life.
David Frawley, a preeminent authority on Vedic Culture has written that “Ayurveda is the Vedic Science of healing for both body and mind. Yoga is the Vedic science of Self-realization that depends upon a well-functioning body and mind. “Yoga builds upon the foundation of Ayurveda.
Similarly Ayurveda alone is unfulfilling to the human psyche as it evolves toward Self-Realization. The practices of the two sciences as a lifestyle are necessary for the achievement of their independent goals. Yoga rests upon Ayurveda Medicine for its health implications. Ayurveda rests upon Yoga for its mental and spiritual dimension.”
Nepal is home to yoga and Ayurveda. Nepal provides several opportunities to explore both sectors of yoga and Ayurveda. We provide several Ayurveda courses in Nepal. Nepal is home to Ayurveda and Nepalese vegetation consists of several herbs that have the highest medicinal values around the world.
Why Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal
Introduction: Why Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal
Yoga is a subject of worldwide gaining interest, and popularity all over the world. However the understanding levels and quality are different. People understand Yoga Teacher training as physical training for physical fitness. A yoga teacher is not just a teacher of Schools and colleges who guides professional skills. But, a Yoga Teacher is generally called a Yoga Master or Guru who has more responsibility for all dimensions of life. The word Guru where Gu stands for darkness and Ru stands for lightness. So Yoga guru brings lightness in darkness in life and leads her/ him to have health, happiness, and harmony. All Yoga Teachers must know this beautiful identification and choice.
Yoga is the science of life or mastery over the the mind or science of happiness. It is an ancient science with more than 15 thousand of history; it’s not science, just a few years or a few decades old. In the Yoga Teacher Training course, the trainees can experience the true sense of yoga.
Nepal is a tiny mountainous country situated in two big countries China and India with so much diversity with cultural beauty, natural beauty, humor beauty, wisdom beauty, and lots of socio-cultural factors. It is the origin place of Yoga and almost Eastern philosophy where Yoga Teacher training will be more fruitful and meaningful.
Some reasons to choose your Yoga Teacher Training Course (YTTC) in Nepal are highlighted below.
- Understand the true yoga from literal and ethical perspective
- Learn yoga on the land of Shiva and Shakti, Maharshi Kapil (Sankhya Yoga), Patanjali ( Yoga Philosophy), Buddha (Peace and Love), and so on.
- Perform Yoga practice with scientific rules following the theory of cause and effects
- To view about the Body science as a laboratory for yoga experiments
- Learn traditional Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga on true yogic patterns, and cover all traditional yoga mentioned in different texts Karma, Bhakti, Gyana, Mantra, Dhyana Yoga, and Kundalini yoga but not done as a glamour way
- Learn in very literal way of yogic norms and values submitting all sequences
- To submit the whole journey of yoga from beginning levels to Higher levels in yogic orders
- To do yoga teacher training with some spiritual healing and spas
- Stay on the lap of nature surrounded by jungles from 3 sides jungle and one side views the whole of Katmandu city
- To feel your stay like own home and being a part of yogic family
- Get the different experiences of Nature hiking yoga, world heritage sites seeing yoga
- To get a yoga alliance certificate for global validity
Yoga Nidra, a Foundation for Meditation
Introduction: Yoga Nidra
“Yogashchittavrittinirodhah” – Yoga means the cessation of fluctuated thoughts in Chitta. Chitta is a composition of four fundamentals e.g. mind, ego, intellect, and consciousness. The spiritual form of yoga is Samadhi. Yoga or Samadhi has itself infinite goals. Meditation is the final tool for this submission. When yogis reach Meditation (state of devoid) through specific techniques or paths, then yoga or harmony begins. Meditation is still a state or entire homeostasis, is a kind of mission with ecstasy, one meditates to feel that enthusiasm within. Meditation is not done, just makes the atmosphere. It is not easy to attempt the meditation how the people, even the most of Yoga Guru think about the meditation practice and merits.
Patanjali Yoga Darshana, the first and authentic pure sacred yogic text is the systematic and modified version of all the yogic experiences from the Shiva civilization and Vedic civilization to the classical period of the Yoga era. Maharshi Patanjali summarized the yogic patterns into Ashtanga yoga, the eightfold path of Yoga which is given below.
Ashtanga Yoga (Eight Limbs of Yoga):
“Yama- Niyamasana- Pranayama- Pratyahara- Dharana Dhayan -Samadhayoastavangani” P.Y.S 2:29
- Yama (Social Ethics)
- Niyama (Self Ethics)
- Asana (Body Ethics)
- Pranayama (Breath Ethics)
- Pratyahara (Mind Ethics)
- Dharana (Attitude Ethics)
- Dhyana (Wisdom Ethics)
- Samadhi (Consciousness Ethics)
Pratyahara (Mind Ethics or Withdrawal of senses) is the fifth stage of Ashtanga yoga which is neither external nor internal. It is just a bridge from Bahiranga Yoga (External) to Antaranga Yoga (Internal). It is the condition in which the senses have no contact with the objects of their nature of Chitta. As a pratyahara practice, Yoga-Nidra (Yogic sleep or psychic sleep) is the major tool and also the use of the five senses in silence patterns.
Yoga Nidra is rooted in Tantra Yoga as a self-healing or self-hypnotism healing. Yoga Nidra is an art of physical, mental, and emotional relaxation. It is also for the union of body and mind. It is the foundation for meditation. But for people with modern stressful life is itself full of meditation. It is the inner awareness creation practice. In this state between sleep and wakefulness, contact with the unconscious and sub-conscious dimensions appears spontaneously. Yoga Nidra is the practice of hearing and feeling. It is the rotation of awareness throughout the body parts. It is performed in shavasana.
The following methods can be used in yoga nidra practice.
- Body preparation and relaxation
- Resolve
- Awareness of breath
- Awareness of atmosphere
- Rotation of awareness throughout the body
- Feeling of sensations
- Resolve
- Bring back the awareness to the breath
- Bring back the awareness to the body
- Concluding
Mantras for Daily Prayer Part 1
PRAYER: Mantras for Daily Prayer
Mantra yoga is a type of yoga that uses mantras to awaken the Self and deepen the meditative aspects of a physical yoga practice. Mantra yoga is an exact science that is meant to engage the mind through focusing on sound, duration, and number of repetitions. Mantra yoga may also be referred to as Japa yoga. Japa is a Sanskrit word for the act of repeating mantras.
The word mantra comes from two Sanskrit words: ‘man’ meaning mind and ‘tra’ meaning vehicle or instrument. A tool to transport the mind from a state of activity to one of stillness and silence. Easiest and effective way to have Bhakti Yoga, Pratyaharaand Dhyana Yoga, Samadhi, or Raja yoga.
Stages of Physiological Change:
# Inner purity, rest, peace and internalizing the senses
# Concentration setting
# Awakening of Kundalini
# Expansion of Consciousness
Pranava Mantra Practice
AUM: A……………………………………………….U…………………..M……………. AUM: A…………………U………………………………………………..M……….……. AUM: A…………………U…………………..M……………………………………………
A: U: M stands for
3:1:1 – Long A frequency makes Physical effect High
1:3:1 -Long U frequency makes Mental effect high
1:1:3 – Long M frequency Makes Spiritual effect high
Deviya Mantra Practice:
- Guru Mantra:
Om Namo; Guru DevA Namo!
I bow to the infinite Master/ Guru within, and open myself to the infinite source of wisdom and creativity within me.
Omkāram Vindu Samyuktam, Nityam dhyāyanti Yoginah!
Kāmadam Mokshadam Chaiva, Omkārāya Namo Namah!!
Salutation to the AUM which is united with that point. Yogis meditate on that point every day. AUM fulfills our desires and liberation, so hail to hail AUM.
AUM Bhoor Bhuvah Svah, Tat Savitur Varenyam; Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayaat !
O Earth, Space, & Heaven; and Divine Mother beyond these who are Truth, Consciousness, and Bliss. We meditate upon the glory of that Supreme Being Sun God who has created this universe; fit to be worshipped, the embodiment of knowledge & light and the remover of sins & ignorance. May he guide and illuminate our actions and intellects at all times in the right direction. (Rigveda 3.62.10)
Twameva Mātā, Cha Pitā Twameva!
Twameva Bandhush, cha Sakhā Twameva!
Twameva Viddhyā, Dravinam Twameva!
Twameva Sarvam, Ma Ma Deva Deva!
You are my mother and also Father, you are my sibling and friend, You are my Knowledge and Wealth, you are everything to me as my almighty.
Dhyāna Mülam Gurur Murti!
Püjā Mülam Gurur Padam!
Mantra Mülam Gurur Vākyam!
Moksha Mülam Gurur Kripā!
The main source of meditation is through Guru or His Statue. The root source of worship is the lotus feet of Guru. The main mantra is the words of the Guru. The root of liberation is the compassion of the Guru.
OM Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah; Sarve Santu Nirāmaya!
Sarve Bhadrāni Pashyantu; Mā Kashchid Duhkha Bhāg Bhavet!!
May all be happy, May all be healthy, May all be enlightened, May none suffer misery and sorrow.
OM Asato-mā Sat Gamaya!
Tamasomā Jyotir-Gamaya!!
O Divine Power! Please lead me from Untruth to Truth, from Darkness to Lightness, and from Mortality to Immortality.
Why Yoga Retreats in Nepal
Why yoga Retreats In Nepal????
Nepal is the land of ancient wisdom and philosophy, the land of Rishi Bhoomi (Sages and seers), the Land of Tapo Bhoomi ( Sadhana Zone), the Land of Shiva, the Land of Veda Vyasa, the Land of Maharshi Kapil, Land of Maharshi Patanjali, Land of Yogi Matsyendranath, Yogi Gorakhnath, Land of Buddha, Land of King Janak. It is also considered Dev Bhoomi (Land of divine Power). Thousands of Saints, sages, seers, and Yogins were born and used to practice here on lap Hills, rivers, mountains, and jungles.
People are so much stressed and suffering with modern life and technologies. People are unhealthy and unhappy due to the absence of nature and culture. So, they need free and real retreats where they will attempt relief from the hustle and bustle of life, from busy and crazy life.
But Nepal is such a land where we can get natural beauty, cultural things, different costumes, traditions, lifestyles, natural energy, and spiritual energy. Here the people will naturally refreshed, and happy, feel a sense of humanity, and originality, and feel the real and karmic life which is a plus point for retreats.
Some Reasons to do Yoga retreats in Nepal:
- Right adjustment of Natural resources
- Seeing of Natural and original beauties
- Feeling of Energy of spiritual land
- Energy of Himalayas, such as third pole of the world.
- Country of Peace, love and Harmony, influence of land of Buddha
- Rich in Cultures, so will have great experiences
- Cultural foods as different cultures, festivals, ethnics group
- Core value of Rest, relaxation and recreation
- Experience of Upavas (Fast) and Maunavratta (Speechless)
- Silence eating, silence walking experiences
- Open hearts, intuition, entire potency
- Rejuvenation of life on land of Yoga and spirituality
- Experience of Ultimate land for Spiritual sadhana in life
Stress & Yoga Pt. 2
Stress & Yoga : Abstract
Strategy of Stress:
1. Ethical changes i.e. social ethics, self-ethics
2. Better way of living i.e.
- Positive Nature, (Samyaka Prakriti)
- Positive Food ( Samyaka Aahar)
- Positive Action ( Samyaka Vihar)
- Positive Rest & Relaxation (Samyaka Vishrama)
- Positive Thinking (Samyaka Vichara)
3. Body warm up/ Preparation by the subtle exercise and cleansing process.
4. Yogasana, Pranayama and overall Workout routine.
5. Yog-nindra (psychic sleep),music healing.
6. Shavasana: a complete rest and balance pose.
7. Meditation: a way of inner awareness, sound rest, and mind purity.
8. Counseling i.e. talk therapy and life coaching.
9. Body relaxing therapy and spiritual healing.
10. Other helpful tips:
- Proper knowledge of body, mind, and spiritual issues associated with stress.
- Action oriented life pattern.
- Realistic goal setting.
- No compromising with your norms, values, and beliefs.
- No competition in life, always try to be excellent but not the first one.
- Low-stress lifestyle.
- Love to all.
Brain functioning nature and calming pattern. Our brain fires 14 to more cycles of thoughts called beta waves a second which is for getting tasks done. But it is not for enhancing your learning capacity of new things. So doing any type of relaxation practice keeps sound rest at atom levels which minimizes the high consumption of oxygen and energy which provides better life and long life. Taking a few minutes to relax deeply slows our brain waves down which are alpha waves, occur at between 7 to 14 cycles a second can empower of learning level and soundness in life.
Finally, yog is all the solution of life. If one problem is in mind, hundreds of solutions you have in mind. But just one hour of going to yog studio and practicing yog is not a yogic life. This complete world is a yog studio and this precious life is itself a huge yog laboratory in which we have to do well experiments for ourselves. This beautiful life gifted by nature is itself a huge chemical, biological, and physics industry where we can find all the requirements for your experimental fulfillment of our being and consciousness. So, please globalize the yog science for peace, harmony, happiness, and bliss with the exploration of wisdom and intelligence all over the world.