Why Nepal as a Perfect Yoga Destination ?
Nepal, the land of Himalayas is the original birthplace of yoga,and also many Eastern philosophers and deep wisdom. Since long time, thousands of yogis and Rishis (sages) have meditated and practiced yoga in this beautiful country for their attainment of samadhi. Nepal is considered a yoga destination because Nepal compromises of mountains filled with lush green forest and many more natural gifts that makes it a country with positive and joyful aura.Nepal known as yoga destination as many western people come Nepal to get their yogic training from Nepal.
Nepal is that the land of an exquisite combination of Hindu and Buddhist philosophies, yoga and meditation and offers a mix of those practices. Nepal may be a mountainous country filled with lakes, forests, jungles, caves, rivers, waterfalls and other natural wonders that are suitable for yoga and meditation. A culture and history of yogic meditation has been established here by thousands of Yoga Rishis that reflected nature with their asanas, since time out of mind .
Nepal is one among the few countries within the world, which supply 1, 2 & 3 month visas upon arrival! Thus offering a non stress long stay opportunity to actually deepen your practice and learning.
Reasons that makes Nepal a perfect yoga destination :
- Vyas Rishi was born and meditated within the caves of the Himalayas who further developed Eastern philosophy by writing The Puranas, and achieved the very best level of wisdom.
- The yogic disciplines of Hatha, Mantra, Tantra, Shiva and more are said to be the outcomes of conversations held within the lap of the Himalauas; between Lord Shiva (the true ‘Transformer’) and Parvati, the Hindu Goddess of fertility, love and devotion.
- Lumbini, Nepal is that the birthplace of Lord Buddha,who preached of world peace through his meditation and dissemination of wisdom.
- Nepal was the middle of meditation for Pāṇini, the best Grammatical scholar of the Sanskrit language (Dev Vasha), which is that the oldest known language on Earth.
- King Janak, who achieved salvation before death and was referred to as the King of Sages, practiced meditation and spiritual politics in Nepal.
- Guru Gorakhnath, an excellent Vaishawik practitioner/preacher and therefore the modern exponent of Hatha, Tantra, Mantra traditions; was born and lived in Nepal. His followers are called yogis.
- Nepal is the country with thousands temples, which represents the country with most spiritual auras, this particular reason makes it place for a perfect location for meditation practices.
Maha bandha:
Maha is a Sanskrit word meaning “great.” As such, this final bandha may also be called the “supreme bandha” or Tribandha (“triple lock).” Maha bandha is named as such because it provides the health benefits of all three previous bandhas. Jalandhara Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha and Mula Bandha are applied together to formulate Maha Bandha. Since it is the combination of all three locks, it is recognized as ‘the great lock’. The Sanskrit word ‘Maha’ also stands for ‘great’. The practice of Maha Bandha brings together the benefits of all three bandha.
Importance of Maha Bandha:
Maha Bandha requires a great deal of physical strength as it is an advanced practice. You must have mastered (if not mastered then at least sufficiently good at) all three bandhas separately before commencing to ‘the great lock’. The practice of Maha Bandha promotes the awakening of Kundalini Shakti, a form of primal energy.
In bandhas, we actually contract some specific body muscles. This is done by holding the breath for a while, to bind prana energy within us. There are three major Bandhas, Jalandhara, Uddiyana and Moola Bandha, that lock the energy in the throat, abdomen, and pelvis.
When we combine three major bandhas, we form Maha bandha. In Maha Bandha, we perform Jalandhara, Uddiyana and Jalandhara Bandha together to get maximum benefits of these three bandhas. Ones these all practices are masted, we perform all these practices together in Maha Bandha as the last step of Bandhas.
Maha Bandha Technique :
Sit in a meditative posture to begin your practice. Padmasana or Siddhasana is the ideal posture for practicing any of the three bandha. But one must be completely comfortable in either of them. Sukhasana is a good pose for such people for whom Padmasana or Siddhasana is uncomfortable.
Sit straight keeping the spine erect. Put both of your palms on your knees. Relax the whole body and be aware of your breaths.
Now take slow and deep breaths. After an inhalation, exhale forcefully moving all the breath out completely. Hold the breath outside.

Apply Jalandhara, Uddiyana and Mula bandha one after the another in the same order as mentioned. There must be no pause in between, the bandhas must be applied back to back.
Retain the breath or locks for as long as it feels comfortable. Do not strain. Even 3 seconds are sufficient for a beginner.
To release the three locks, start with Mula Bandha, then Uddiyana Bandha and in the end Jalandhara Bandha.
Take a slow inhalation after bringing the head in upright position. One round completes here.
Relax the whole body taking easy breaths. Let the eyes remain closed. Once the breath comes back to its normal rhythm, you are ready to practice again.
Practice 2 times initially. As you begin to feel more efficient in your practice, gradually add one more round till you reach 5 rounds.
Benefits of Bandhas
-Maintains cardiovascular health.
-Activates all the organs of the area, where Bandha is applied.
-Gives relief from a variety of headaches, mood disorders, and sleep disorders.
-Strengthens the immune system and metabolism and Stimulates all glands of the endocrine system
-Helps in better digestion, respiration, and extraction of waste from the body.
-Makes us more concentrated and alert and Calms the brain and strengthens our emotions
-Helps in Kundalini awakening by stimulating Mooladhara (root), Manipura(heart) and Vishuddhi (throat) Chakra.
-Strengthens the autonomic nervous system 2 and parasympathetic nervous system 3
-It helps to purify the body and mind.
The Sequence of Bandha
When we talk about the bandha, one thing where we stuck commonly is the sequence of bandha. In other words, which bandha should we practice first?
Maha bandha is practiced by performing the first three bandhas simultaneously, beginning with jalandhara bandha, uddiyana bandha and ending with mula bandha. These bandhas are released in the reverse order, with mula bandha first, Uddiyana bandha and jalandhara bandha last.
Contradictions :
You must not practice Maha Bandha if you suffer from any of this condition: heart disorder, high or low blood pressure, hernia, stroke, intestinal or stomach ulcer, in case you are recovering from a visceral ailment.
Maha Bandha must be avoided by pregnant women as well as during menstruation.
Vrishasana (Bull Pose) – वृषासन
Vrishasana (Bull Pose) – वृषासन
Vrishasana, in Sanskrit, Vrishasana is the sitting follow asana. ‘Vrusha’ means a bull. An aspirant performs this asana resembles the image of manliness. He is believed to be a ‘man-bull’ and so this asana is called vrushasana. Physical flaccidity in a young body is a sign of old age. It indicates physical weakness. This asana helps to preserve youth.
Bull Pose is like one form of the foundation position of Gomukhasana, but not the Gomukhasana. It seems like the Dhyana-virasana (Heros-meditation Pose). But this is bit different by the legs and hands positions. I noticed that many people are confused about Vrishasana (Bull Pose) and Vrikshasana (Tree Pose).
“Yaamyagulphe paadamoole vaamabhaage padetaram; Vipareetam sprished bhoomim-vrishasana-midam bhavet”-Ghe. Sa. 38; याम्यगुल्फे पादमूले वामभागे पदेतर। विपरीतम स्प्रिशेद भूमिम–वृषासन–मिदम भवेत।। घे.स. । ३८। –
Place the anus on the right foot. The upturned left foot touches the ground on the right side with the left heel to the left side of the anus. The top of the feet should remain on the floor. This is called Vrishasana.
Procedure for Bull Pose :
Sit with the legs stretched out in front of the body.
Bend the right leg at the knee and place the right heel under the anus and sit on right foot.
Place the left knee on the right knee in such a way that the left heel touches the right thigh or left foot close to buttock.
Sit erect and place the palm of the right hand on the knee.
Then place the palm of the left hand on it. And the weight of the body can be adjusted on top of the right foot.
Breathe in the normal way.
Direct your sight and attention to the navel.
Precautions :
This asana requires extremely flexible ankles and feet and is not suitable for the generation practitioners.
Advantages of Vrishasana (Bull Pose):
- Mooladhaara chakra is automatically stimulated and increasing the energy levels.
- It awakens Kundalini Shakti which enters the mouth of the Sushumna.
- It stimulates blood-circulation making the body energetic and the mind peaceful.
- It makes the respiratory system function in a proper order.
- It cures diseases such as waste of semen, gas-trouble, nocturnal discharges, indigestion, lumbago, insomnia, cardiac trouble, asthma and dysentery.
- It strengthens all the muscles of the body.
- Vrishasana provides a nice opening in the groin.
Jalandhara Bandha
Jalandhara bandha: Jalandhara is a Sanskrit word derived from the roots ‘jalan’ meaning “net,” and dhara, meaning “flow” or ‘stream’. It is performed by bringing the chin down towards the chest; therefore, it is also called the “chin lock.” Practicing this bandha improves the function of the thyroid and parathyroid glands, supports the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as activates the Vishuddhi chkara.
Jalandhar bandha is also known as ‘Chin Lock’ or ‘Throat Lock’. This bandha locks the prana in the throat region.
Once the Kundalini energy passes through the Abdomen, it flows toward the head through the throat. So, to clear its path in the throat region, we lock Prana in the throat region. This stimulates the Vishuddhi Chakra with Jalandhara Bandha. Therefore the Bandha practice is completed with Jalandhara Bandha. Jalandhara bandha is the action of simultaneously lowering the chin and lifting the sternum.
Methods of Jalandhara Bandha ( Throat Lock )
a) Sit in a comfortable sitting position, either padmasana or siddhasana or any other comfortable meditation position.
b) Extend your spine and lift your sternum slightly up.
c) Begin the inhalation slowly and deeply with head upright, retain the breath inside.
d) As you near the end of the inhalation with short retention, gently lower your chin down and draw simultaneously the top of the sternum upward. Straighten the arms and lock them firmly into position.
e) Hold during the retention. The chin rests comfortably on the sternum.
f) Exhale and raise your head slowly to a neutral position.
Variation: In different means of kriya Yoga a more simple and subtle form of jalandhara bandha is practiced where the head is simply bent forward so that the chin presses the neck. It is commonly used while practicing the mudras and pranayama.
We can perform with abhyantara (internal) and bahyantara (external) kumbhaka (Retention).
This bandha is literally formed with Mudras, bandhas, pranayamas. It should be practiced after asanas and pranayamas and before pranayama. Pranayama with bandha is called Uchcha Pranayama (Higher/advance).
Benefits of Jalandhara Bandha ( Throat Lock ) :
The jalandhara bandha compresses the carotid sinuses, which are located on the carotid arteries. The practice of Jalandhara bandha connects the head with the heart and thoracic and throat cavity, and opens up the throat chakra. The bandha presses the ida and pingala channels and allows the prana to pass through sumshumna. The jalandhara bandha regulates the flow of blood and prana (energy) to the heart, head and the endocrine glands in the neck. This practice produces mental relaxation and, relieving stress, anxiety and anger. It develops one-pointedness.
Cautions of Jalandhara Bandha ( Throat Lock ) :
Those with stiff necks should keep their head as far down as possible or roll a piece of cloth and place it on the top of the collar bones. Hold jalandhara bandha by lifting the chest rather than by pressing down with the chin. This releases tension in the throat and breathing becomes relaxed. Work on lengthening the back of your neck, releasing your shoulders, and opening your chest. Never force your chin to your sternum. Jalandhara bandha is the action of simultaneously lowering the chin and lifting the sternum.
Uddiyana Bandha (Upward Abdominal Lock)
Uddiyana is a Sanskrit word meaning “to rise up.” In this bandha, energy moves upward more forcefully than it does in Mula Bandha. Uddiyana bandha stimulates the abdominal muscles, involuntary muscles and internal organs as they are pulled in, while the chest lifts upward and inward. Though it is highly recommended for those struggling with constipation, indigestion, loss of appetite, and dysfunction of internal organs, the uddiyana bandha can boost the practitioner’s metabolism and promote healthy function of the vital organs, adrenal gland, thereby relieving stress and tension. It also energizes the heart chakra (anahata), promoting kindness and compassion.
Uddiyana Bandha – Upward Abdominal Lock
Uddiyana bandha is an abdomen lifting lock that locks the Prana in the abdomen region. In this bandha, we draw our navel part (abdomen) in and upward. After Moola Bandha, one should practice the Uddiyana Bandha:
-The Kundalini energy flows in an upward direction. It flows from the root of the spine to the head. Once we set kundalini energy free to flow through the spine, it reaches the abdomen part.
-To clear the obstacles in the way of Kundalini energy at the abdomen region, we lock prana at this part. This stimulates the Manipura Chakra. This process is done by practicing Uddiyana Bandha. That’s why Moola Bandha is followed by Uddiyana Bandha.
-Uddiyana means flying upward. It is practiced by contracting the navel in and up towards the spine.
Steps of Mula Bandha:
· Sit straight on the mat in Siddhasana or any comfortable meditation poses, pressing well the perineum with the left heel.
· Keep your back straight, your neck erect and your head pointing forwards.
· Take a deep breath.
· Now breathe out slowly. As you breathe out, first tighten the muscles around your anus and then your pelvic floor muscle and your sphincter muscles.
· Intensify the contraction as you exhale completely.
· Now, bend forward gently and move forward your head and neck to the chest.
.contract your abdominal muscles fully and slowly lift the navel towards the spine in and up. .Hold the uddiyana bandha for 5 to 15 seconds
.Then slowly releases your abdominal muscle and inhale normally
. Perform 3 to 10 rounds with one or more breaths between each round.
Advantages of UDDIYANA BANDHA :
- This bandha moves the energy up the central channel from the earth, water, and fire centers into the heart chakra which element is air.
- It tones the abdomen, strengthens the diaphragm, and increases the gastric fire.
- It improves the powers of digestion, assimilation and elimination, and purifies the digestive tract of toxins.
- Strengthens the abdominal muscles and diaphragm.
- It opens up blockages in the manipura chakra, as it massages the solar plexus, as well as the heart and lungs.
- Makes us feel and look younger, refreshed and energetic.
- Helps to stimulate mainly the Manipura Chakra (Heart Chakra), affect the Svadhisthan and Muladhara also.
- It prevents accumulated tensions, toxins, or stagnation from developing or accumulating in the navel region, stimulating and lifting the energy of the lower belly (apana vayu), to unite it with the energies localized in the navel (samana vayu) and heart (prana vayu).
- Enhances higher awareness within us.
Women who are menstruating or pregnant should not practice uddiyana bandha, as well as people suffering from the following conditions: stomach or intestinal ulcers, hernia, Lumbar spondylosis, high blood pressure, heart disease, and glaucoma.
Mula Bandha (Root Lock)
Major Bandhas & Maha bandha
The sequence should be: firstly, Mula Bandha, then Uddiyana Bandha and then, Jalandhara Bandha and at last the Maha Bandha.
1. Mula bandha: Mula is a Sanskrit word meaning “root.” The “root lock,” as it may also be called, involves contracting the perineum muscles inward, then lifting them upward to hold energy. Moola bandha promotes energy flow to the rectum, stimulating the pelvic muscles and uro-genital organs. It also awakens the individual’s kundalini power. Moola Bandha literally means ‘Root lock’. This bandha relates Brahma Granthi associating to first and second chakra. This bandha locks the energy in the pelvic region of the body. This lock includes the contraction of perineal muscles to lock the energy in the pelvic area.
Starting the bandhas from Moola Bandha is always the best. In Yogic aspects, Bandhas are performed for Kundalini awakening. The Kundalini lies at the root of the spine. It is released by locking prana energy at the root of the spine and stimulating the Mooladhara Chakra. Besides this, all the Nadis starts from the Moola/root area of the spine. Therefore, starting with Moola Bandha stimulates these Nadis to carry the prana/ Life force.
Among all Bandhas, Moola Bandha is the first Bandha to set the Kundalini energy free to flow through the Sushumna nadi. Therefore, bandha practice should start from Moola Bandha. Mulabandha is located at the perineum between the anus and the reproductive organs at the cervix, in females. Mulabandha arises at the bottom central axis of the body.
Steps of Mula Bandha:
- Sit straight on the carpet in Siddhasana, pressing well the perineum with the left heel.
- Keep your back straight, your neck erect and your head pointing forwards.
- Take a deep breath.
- Now breathe out slowly. As you breathe out, first tighten the muscles around your anus and then your pelvic floor muscle and your sphincter muscles.
- Intensify the contraction as you exhale completely.
- Now, bend forward gently and move forward your head and neck to the chest.
- Hold this posture for a few seconds and then release as you inhale.
- Repeat this exercise five times.
MERITS Of Mula Bandha( Root Lock) :
-Mula Bandha balances the energy in the frontal and spinal passages as well as in ida and pingala nadies.
-It protects the low back muscles and forms the stable support of the entire torso and spine.
-It helps build core body strength and hold the postures longer.
-Increases concentration powers and emotional strength.
-Strengthens the pelvic floor.
-Helps to cleanse the body.
-Mulabandha also increases energy and vitality, and improves concentration and mental clarity.
-It tones, purifies, balances, and energizes the pelvic and urogenital region.
-Improves the sexual health of men and women, both.
-It provides relief from mental stresses, negative emotions, and phobias.
-Stimulates the Mooldhara chakra and helps in Kundalini awakening.
Initially you will need to contract the anus and then the genitals regions, but with times we shall be able to relax these areas and then isolate the perineum. Do not strain while holding. In some cases of constipation, light pain, constriction, tightness of the lower abdomen, the perineal region might be too tight and it is recommended to relax the area instead.
Yogic Bandha And Spritual Importance: PART- I
Yoga is state of equanimity achieved through different means of yogic practice from beginning level to higher levels. Shatakarma, Sukshma Vyaayaama, Surya Namaskar, Asanas, Svasa kriya are foundations of yogic sadhhana and some of the asanas, Pranayama, Mudras, Bandha, Yoga nidra are overall external (Bahyantar) to internal (Abhyaantara) means of yogic practices. Among theses, bandha is associated to Asanas, pranayams, and Mudras practices.
Bandha can be defined as:
The Yogic practices that lead to the activation of energy in certain specific parts of the body, with the help of the contraction on some muscle fibres that accelerates the functions of all organs attached to that area.
A bandha is a lock or hold in yoga, which is performed in order to direct and regulate the flow of prana/ vitality to certain zones of the body and mind.
Why Bandha?
Also referred to as an energetic lock, bandha was practiced by yogis of the past to promote energy flow and maintain optimal spiritual growth. Bandha may also be called “energetic seal” by modern practitioners. In Hatha Yoga, Bandhas are practiced to binds our Chitta (more about the mind in common sense), which eventually helps one into the spiritual path. Hatha yoga has taught this in the form of Bandhas which redirects the energy back to our body.
In yoga, the study of body & mind stands on the concept of energy that lies in our body in the form of Prana Shakti. The initial aim of all yoga practice is to get control over this Prana Shakti & this is where we need some practices called, Bandhas. Practicing bandha involves concentrated muscular contractions. Performing these locks can aid the practitioner in improving their focus and supporting physical health.
Importance of Bandhas in Yoga
-We release the Prana through certain doors (openings) within our body. These doors are root/moola (pelvic area), navel (abdominal area), and throat.
-A yogi’s aim of performing bandhas is to lock the energy within the central energy channel (Sushumna Nadi), which is considered no obstacle path of flowing energy.
-Bandhas lock these doorways so that Pranic energy doesn’t leak unnecessarily into the atmosphere.
-Usually, some areas of our body are energy-rich & some are energy-deprived. In energy-rich areas, Prana is actually get stuck by muscular tension. Bandhas redirects this stuck energy to the energy-deprived regions.
-Bandhas are great tools to get control over different koshas of the body, firstly through physical means then with just mental thinking.
-As the bandhas are very helpful in the stimulation of the chakras, therefore, Yogis perform Bandhas for Kundalini awakening.
Types of Bandhas
Commonly, we hear about only four types of Yoga bandhas but, there are six types of Bandhas in Hatha Yoga, 2 minor, 3 major & 1 maha bandha.

1. Minor Bandhas
These are performed by locking our hand & feet area.
Hasta Bandha – Hand locks
Pada Bandha – Feet locks
Shiro-bandha- head Locks
2. Major Bandhas & Maha bandha
These are performed by locking muscles near to pelvis, abdomen & throat respectively.
The four bandhas are described as follows: Moola, uddiyana, jalandhara and maha. Each bandha is associated with a major energy channel and performance of a particular bandha will influence the flow of prana to that channel.
Minor Bandhas
1. Hasta Bandha – hand locks
As the name suggests, Hasta Bandha means “hand lock”. This bandha locks the prana in the hand and arms. Besides, this Bandha awakens the energy channels up the arm. Hasta bandha builds strength for the Yoga Asana such as Adho Mukha Swanasana, Bakasana and handstand.
How to Do
Place both your hands on the Yoga mat and spread all the fingers.
Start bringing some weight to the hands.
Press strongly the underside of knuckles to the mat. Also, press the finger pads and inner edge of the thumb into the mat. Bring all the pressure in these areas of the hand.
Leave the heals of the hands light. You will feel them lifted and there will be suction in the center of the palm.
Benefits of Yogic Bandha
-Increases the strength and even flow of prana in the arms and hands.
-Relieves the pain or discomfort in the wrist while performing a handstand, Purvottanasana, Chakrasana, tabletop pose, Bakasana Adho Mukha Swanasana .
2. Pada Bandha
Pada bandha – foot lock
The word Pada literally means foot. Pada bandha locks energy in our feet and activates the arches of the feet. This bandha provides stability and balance in Yoga practice.
This lock binds us with the Earth’s energy and helps to channelize the prana at the feet. It supports the elevation of joints in the legs and pelvic area.
How to Do Yogic Bandha
Place your feet on a yoga mat.
Now, lift all your toes and spread them out.
There are three arches in our feet. One from big toe to little toe, second, from the little toe to ankle, and third, ankle to the big toe
These arches form a triangle and they are griped.
Now, try to distribute your weight evenly among 3 arches of the foot and feel the pressure equally.
You can also place a ball under your foot.
Benefits : Yogic Bandha
-Supports elevation in knees and pelvis and Connects Yogi’s body with the earth zone.
-It provides balance and centeredness in Yoga practice.
-Tones the organs of the lower body.

3. Shiro-bandha- head Locks: Stand on head by hand supporting on the floor i.e Shirasasana. It is king Asana but it is not permitted to beginners and some of cardio and neuro problems.
To be continued……..
In The Yoga Tradition, Divine Knowledge And Cultivation: Part-III
GORAKSHAYOGA SAMHITA: गोरक्षयोग संहिता:
Etadvimukti sopanametatkalasya banchanam. Padavyavritam is like Bhogadashaktam Paramatmani. 4. – एतद्विमुक्ति सोपानमेतत्कालस्य बंचनम। पदव्यावृतम मानो भोगादाशाक्तम परमात्मनि। ४।। By practicing yoga, when the mind shifts from worldly pleasures to the exclusive mindfulness attachment to God, then the practice of yoga becomes a ladder to victory over death and to the ultimate goal of salvation.
“Dharmaatha Kaam Mokshanam Shariram Sadhanam Yataah“. “धर्मार्थ काम मोक्षणाम शरीरम साधनम यता:”। -The body is needed for religion, meaning, work, means of salvation.Further About Divine Knowledge
“Asanam prana sanrodh pratyaharashcha dharana; dhyanam samadhiretani badantishat. 6.-“आसनम प्राण संरोध प्रत्याहारश्चा धारणा ; ध्यानम समाधिरेतानी बदन्तिषट।। ६।। -Asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi are the six parts of yoga. Asana-84 lakh: Among 84 Asana, 2 Asanas are Siddhasana and Kamalasana; Pranayama, Shatachakra and Kundali Shakti, Mudra, Bandha, Nadi Vigyan, Dhyana – Ajayapajap Gayatri Mantra, Omkar Pranav practice;
“Asanen Rujohanti Pranayamen Paatakam; Vikaram Manasam Yogi Pratyaharen Munchatti”. 112. “आसनेंन रुजोहन्ति प्राणायामेन पातकम; विकाराम मानसम योगी प्रत्याहारेण मुन्चत्ति”।। ११२।।
Destruction of the pathologist from various asanas; Pranayama destroys the sins of the fickle mind, Pratyahara destroys the mental disorder.
“Dharanabhimatau Dharya Dhyananchaitanya Madabhutam; Samadhau Mokshamapnoti Tyaktva Karma Shubhashubham. 113 “धारणाभिमतौ धर्य ध्यानान्चैतन्य मदभूतम; समाधौ मोक्षमाप्नोती त्यक्त्व कर्म शुभाशुभम ११३- Patience imported from the practice of perception. Through meditation, awakening of consciousness and samadhi destroys auspicious karma and attains liberation
“Yatsarva dvandvayorakayam jivatma paramatmano; samast nasht sankalpa samadhi sabhidhiyate”. 186; “यत्सर्व द्वन्द्वयोरैकयम जीवात्म परमात्मनो; समस्त नष्ट संकल्प समाधि साभिधियाते “। १८६।।. -Happiness-suffering, hunger-thirst, joy-surprise, cold-summer, laughter-cry, unity or destruction of all emotions; All conflicts are eliminated, all resolutions are destroyed, this state is samadhi. Awakening of the state of mind, dreaming, dormancy, dormancy is Samadhi.
HATHA PRADIPIKA / SAMHITA हठ प्रदीपिका / संहिता
“pranamya shreegurum naatham svaatmaaraamona yoginaa; kevalam rajayogaay hathavidhyopadishyate.” Ha. 1.2 “प्रणम्य श्रीगुरुम नाथम स्वात्मारामेण योगिना। केवलम राजयोगाय हठविध्योपदिश्यते।। ह.यो १। २। -Prostrating first to the Guru, Yogi Swatmarama instructs the knowledge of Hatha yoga only for (raja yoga) the highest state of Yoga.
Four chapters: Asana-15; Shatkarma and Pranayama-8; Money and bonds – 10; Nadanusandhana / Intimate Yoga – 4 stages of Naad – Arambhastha, Ghatavastha, Parichayavastha and Nixpattivastha –
GHERANDA SAMHITA-घेरण्ड संहिता – SAPTA SADHANA / SAPTANG YOGA : Divine Knowledge
“Naasti maayaasamah paasho naasti yogaatmaram; naasti gyaanaatparo bandhurnaahangkaaraatparo ripuh” -4; “नास्ति मायासम: पाशो नास्ति योगात्परम। नास्ति ज्ञानात्परो बन्धुर्नाहङ्कारात्परो रिपु: ।।। ४।” There is no fetter like delusion, and there is no force as powerful as yoga. There is no greater friend than knowledge and no foe worse than ego.
SAPTA SADHANA: 1.Shodhana / Shatkarma, 2. Dridhata / Asana, 3. Stharyam / Mudra, 4. Dhairya / Pratyahara, 5. Laghavam / Pranayama, 6. Pratyaksham / Dhyana, 7. Nirliptam / Samadhi
“bhraantyaa bahumatadhvaante raajayogamajaanataam; kevalam raajayogaaya hathavidhyyopadishyate.” Ha. Ra. 4; – “भ्रान्त्या बहुमतध्वान्ते राजयोगमजानताम। केवलम राजयोगाय हठ विध्योपदिश्यते।। ।।। ४।” -The science of hatha yoga is being imparted only to explain raajayoga to those who are perplexed by the varied opinions and are ignorant of raajayoga.
Chittavrittinirodhastu Mahayoga: Prakirtita. Yogaschaturvidha: Proctto Yogajnai: Sarvasiddhid :. 7. चित्तावृत्तिनिरोधस्तु महायोग: प्रकीर्तित। योगश्चातुर्विध: प्रोक्त्तो योगज्ञई: सर्वसिद्धिद:। ७। -Control of the mental fluctuations is called mahaayoga. The adepts of yoga claasify this mahaayoga into four types, which bring about all the siddhis or supernatural powers.
EXPERIENCE OF YOGA TEACHING- योग उपदेशको अनुभूति
Yoga Darshana: The means / actions of yoga are to make one realize the essence of life, the universe and the spirit, and to experience the teachings of Hey, Heyhetu, Han and Hanopaya for the solution of problems.
Vedas: Today in all the teachings of the world in the Vedas, as there is sorrow in the world, there is a cause of sorrow, sorrow can be removed and there is a way to remove sorrow.
Buddhist philosophy: There is an understanding of sorrow, everything is impermanent, and there is peace only in Nirvana.
In Charak: There is disease, there is cause of disease, diagnosis is possible, there is a chemical of diagnosis.
Yoga is the realization of spiritual power, attainment of salvation and the state of spiritual discipline through ancient time chanting, penance, meditation, etc. This state of spiritual consciousness, according to the scriptures, is called Samadhi, Moksha, Mukti, Nirvana and Kaivalya. Based on the essence of yoga, Samadhi is also a partial path of yoga.
YOGA, PHILOSOPHY, RELIGION ( योग, दर्शन, धर्म )
The ultimate result of yoga is ultimate peace and ultimate bliss. Yoga is the origin of the divine, that is, the universe, while religion and Sanskrit are man-made. From Sanatan Dharma, Hinduism has also been created by man as a culture and tradition.Yoga Traditions every religion, sect and tradition in the world has a common opinion of yoga.The process of yoga is found in the Pali Tripitaka of Buddhism and in Sanskrit texts. Mahavira himself was a yogi and Jainism includes yoga. You are given priority.
Yoga teaches us to survive 86,400 seconds in 24 hours. Yoga teaches to search for the Guru’s path, not the path of the Google only. This world universe is Yogayala, this body with our energy, mind and Bhavanaratma is the laboratory. Yoga is a gift from God that everyone has the right to receive. It moves to be in harmony with nature and the universe.
SHRIMAD BHAGWAT GITA- श्रीमद् भगवत गीता
“Tam vidhyaad dukha sanyogaviyogam Yogasangyeetam! Sa nishchayena Yoktavyo Yogo’nirvinnachetasaa !!6/23; “तं विद्याद् दुखसंयोगवियोगं योगसंज्ञितम्। स निश्चयेन योक्तव्यो योगो? निर्विण्णचेतसा।। ६। / २३; In which the coincidence of sorrow is detachment, that is Yoga Samadhi. That yoga, which is the goal of Dhyana Yoga, must be practiced from the mind.
“Yogasthah Kuru Karmani sanga tyaktvaa Dhananjaya; Siddhayasiddhyoh Samo bhootva samatvam yoga uchyate. 2-48 “Gita- ” योगस्थ: कुरू कर्माणि सङ्ग त्यक्त्वा धनन्जय! सिद्धयसिद्ध्यो: समो भूत्वा समत्वम योग उच्यते।। २ -४८ ” गीता; O Arjuna! Forsake successful and unsuccessful attachments and do your duty in possibility, this possibility is called yoga.
SANKHYA PHILOSOPHY: THE DISTINCTION OF PRAKRITI-PURUSHA- सांख्य दर्शन : प्रक्र्ति, -पुरुष को भेद;
“Gyananmuktih” S. D. 3/23, “ज्ञानान्मुक्त्ति:’ स। द। ३ / २३।।; It is said that there will be liberation from knowledge, in which the means of knowledge are mentioned as restraint, asana, perception, meditation, practice, asceticism, etc. Its active use is found in yoga philosophy.
“Bandho viparyayat” “बंधो विपर्ययात” viparyaya means lack of self-knowledge and due to ignorance, the living soul is bound from birth to death.
JUSTICE, VAISHESHIKA, VEDANTA PHILOSOPHY- न्याय, वैशेषिक, वेदान्त दर्शन
Philosophy of justice (न्याय): 4. 2. 46. It is said that for the attainment of Samadhi, by following the rules of Yama, etc., the Ragadi defect should be destroyed and the soul should be made purely cultured and the measures mentioned in Yoga Shastra should be followed.
Vaisheshika (वैशेषिक) Darshan: Nirvana (salvation) is obtained from the elemental knowledge produced by a particular religion.
Vedanta (वेदान्त) philosophy: Asana, pranayama, concentration, meditation, etc. are described as compound actions for ‘mindfulness control’.
PATANJALI IN VEDIC YOGA TRADITION: – वैदिक योग परम्परामा पतंजलि:-
From the Vedic Samhita to the Brahman, Aranyaka, and Upanishads, the harmonization and summarization of the compound elements available has been formulated by Maharishi Patanjali in Yoga philosophy. Author of Yoga Sutras, Grammar Mahabhasya , Nidan Sutras, Sankhyacharya, Ayurveda Spokesperson, and Lohshastrakar.
Yoga Sutra is the oldest philosophy about 300/700/1000/8000 B.C. as different vows. It is also believed to be about 10,000 years old. There are 4 Chapters 195 Sutras in yoga darshan. “tadā draṣṭuḥ svarūpe-‘vasthānam” ॥1. 3॥ तदा द्रष्टुः स्वरूपेऽवस्थानम् ॥३॥ -For finding our true self (drashtu) entails insight into our own nature. When the complex and intricate instincts of the mind are restrained, then the seer is situated in his real form or Brahmasvarupa.
Buddhist philosophy does not believe in Vedic knowledge but believes in salvation, the word Nirvana.The sadhana path for Nirvana is in line with the yoga form. Yoga philosophy considers worldly life to be miserable, while Buddha’s philosophy has the same principle. Both philosophies believe in the end of the cycle of life and death for salvation. It is said that the philosophy of numbers and yoga has evolved into a functional form of Buddhist philosophy.
Mahatma Buddha practiced asceticism, and in yoga tradition philosophy asceticism is the main practice. In the Buddha’s philosophy, the Ashtanga path and the Ashtanga yoga of yoga correspond. The five sub-rules of Buddha’s Panchsheel and Ashtanga Yoga’s Yama correspond.
The Eightfold Path in Buddha’s Philosophy is Right Sight, Resolution, Speech, Karma, Life, Exercise, Memory and Samadhi. Ashtanga Yoga in Yoga Philosophy are Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi. Asana and Pranayama are also discussed in Buddha’s philosophy. For example, Buddha used to meditate with Padmasana and practice Anapan Sati Pranayama.
SHIVA SAMHITA OR SHIVA’S ABBREVIATED TEXT: शिव संहिता वा शिवको संक्षेप ग्रन्थ:
Yoga is an old unknown Sanskrit text in the practice and art. This is one of the classical yogic sciences. The word “yoga” means the union of the human soul and the divine.This talk includes detailed instructions on how to practice the various elements of yoga asanas, postures, pranayamas, meditation, tantric practices, and abstract yogic philosophy.
SHIVA SAMHITA शिव संहिता
“Yasmin jnate sarvamidam jnatam bhavati nischitam; tasminparishramah kaaryah kimanyaachchhaastra- bhaashit. 1.18; “यस्मीन ज्ञाते सर्वमिदम ज्ञातम भवति निश्चितम। तस्मिन्परिश्रम: कार्य: किमन्याच्छास्त्र-भाशित।।१। १८।।. With the knowledge of Yoga, the knowledge of the whole is definitely obtained, but effort must be made. More than 350,000 nadis, (Varina, Sushumna and Asi), 4 major out of 84 asanas, ten mudras, Practices of meditation, such as: Pratikopasana (God or Spirit in the sky), Jyoti Roop Atma, Naad Brahma, Niranjan’s, Kantha Koop (Khechari), Trinetra’s; Chakra Dhyana Yoga, Paramsunya’s Dhyana, Nirvichara Dhyana are mentioned.
SHIVA SAMHITA शिव संहिता
Chaturvidha Yoga are Mantra, Hatha, Laya, Raj Yoga. “Raja Yoga without Hatham, Raja Yoga without Hatha:. “Hatham Vina raajayogo raajayogam vina Hathah, tasmaatpravaartaate Yogi hathe satgurumaargatah.” – “हठम विना राजयोगो राजयोगम विना हठ:। तस्मात्प्रवार्ताते योगी हठे सत्गुरुमार्गत: Without Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga and without Raj Yoga, Hatha Yoga is not obtained. Therefore, according to the path guided by the Sat Guru, first practice Hatha Yoga.
Disruptions of Yoga: Disruption of Bhog Bandhan; Bodily bondage; Religious disruption; Knowledge disruption; Food disruption, music disruption, classical disruption;
To be Continued…………….
In The Yoga Tradition Divine Knowledge and Cultivation, PART-I
THE MEANING OF YOGA – FEELING “योगको अर्थ – भाव”
The world “Yoga is rooted from ‘Yuj’ dhatu that means to join or to yoke and Yoga means “addition”/ ‘Union’; So ‘Yuj’ determines the process but ‘Yoga’ determines the achievement.Yoga is Jod or Sam or Dhyaya or Sadhya in Bhav Pradhan sense.Yoga Tradition Divine Knowledge Explained Yoga is literally meant by three fundamental ways. Literally Yoga means to have Addition / Experience. (Derived from verbs)H
Divadiganiya ‘Use-Samadhau’ ‘युज–समाधौ’ Samadhi from Yuj
Rudhadiganiya ‘Yujir Yoge Dhatu’ युजिर योगे धातु’ –Samyog from Yuj
Churadiganeeya Yuj ‘Samyamane’- संयमने – Samyaman from Yuj
DEFINITION OF YOGA (योगको परिभाषा)
The commentator Maharshi Vyas said the yoga is “Yoga: Samadhi” “योग: समाधि”- Yoga is called Samadhi and Samadhi is called Yoga.
“Sthitametat Sven Rupen” (Chhandogya 8.3.4), “स्थितमेतत स्वेन रुपेण” (छान्दोग्य ८।३।४) –
In the state of Swaroop by Samadhi, the soul is situated in Swa-Swaroop – Yoga
Yogashchittavrittinirodh: Pa. Su..1; 2-..”योगश्चित्तवृत्तिनिरोध:” पा. यो. सू..१; २ Controlling the changed instincts or thoughts in the mind or the journey of emptiness is yoga
Yoga tradition योग परम्परा
In the pre-Vedic period of yoga, Paramatma has given the knowledge of the Vedas to four sages or poets or yogis in the form of meditation, that is, in the state of samadhi. Four rishis are Agni, Vayu, Aditra and Angira.
The Yoga period is considered to have five periods.
- Pre-Vedic period-> 15000; 2. Vedic period-> 5000; 3. Pre-classical -> 3000; 4. Classical -> 2000 – 3000; 5. Post Classical; > 1893; 6. Yoga in Modern Era <1893,
SOUL + SPIRIT = BRAHMA CONSCIOUS – आत्मा + परमात्मा = ब्रह्मा चेतन
The conscious energy (soul) within the element or organism, Cosmic Conscious Energy (Spirit), Which are functional as ॐ = a + u + m. According to Vedic doctrine, om shakti was later considered to be Paramayma, Purusha or consciousness. Omkar is the first universal name of Ishvara / God.
ORIGIN OF OM FROM PANCHMAHABHUTA-पन्चमहाभूतबाट ॐ को उत्त्पति
In the Panchmahabhuta, the subtle form of the sky element is the word or sound or vibration (Shabda). It is from this sound that completes Panchatattva, that is, all things, originated. Meeting the celestial element of a word or sound is perfect yoga. The nature of the union of the five elements is yoga. The cosmic energy is the existence of every creation.
“OM KHAN BRAHMA”-“ओम खं ब्रह्म“
Omkar / om = a ——– u …………….. m …………..
Existence cycle = creation …… status ………… cataclysm ………
Dharma Parampara = Brahma ——- Vishnu ————- Rudra ———–
Life = body ———– mind —————- soul —————-
Nadi = Ida ———— Pingala —————— Sushumna ———
Gland = Spirit ——– Vishnu ————— Rudra ————
Chakra = Mula-Swadhi —- Mani-Anahat —- Vishuddi-Ajna-
Bandh = Original ——— Aviation —– Jalandhar ——-
Molecule = Electron —– Protron ——– Neutron ———-
ORIGINAL SOURCE OF YOGA योगविद्याको आदिस्रोत
Paramatma – Parabrahma – Omkar.
The meeting point of Veda and Yoga Vidya is Brahma / Prana Vidya. “Om Khan Brahma” Yaj-A-40; “-“ओम खं ब्रह्म” यज-अ-४०; and “Tasya vaachakah brahma” P.Y.S 1.27; “तस्य वाचक: ब्रह्म ” –यो सु १-२७; That is, Om is Brahman or Paramatma. Brahma Vidha in the Vedas: The entire Veda is the same form of Omkar. Brahman is considered to be omnipotent, omnipresent, eternal sachchidananda, unchanging, eternal, incomparable, omnipotent, omniscient.
SPOKESPERSON OF HIRANYAGARBHA YOGA –हिरण्यगर्भ योगको प्रवक्त्ता
Brahma created ‘Raj Yoga’ and was offering the right to develop to Hiranyagarbha as spokesperson and -Patanjali-10,000 years ago as successor.
Vishnu created Vedic Yoga and offering the right to Sri Krishna to develop Sannyasa, Sankhya, Mantra, Dhyana, Gyan, Bhakti, karma Yoga etc.
Shiva created the Tantra Yoga , Kundalini Yoga and Hatha Yoga and offering the right to Gorakhnath. “Hiranyagarbha: Samavartatagre Bhutasya jaatah Patireka Aasit. Sadadhar Prithivi Dhyamutemam Kasmai Devaya Havisha Vidhem, Rig 10. 121 1.. “हिरण्यगर्भ: समवर्तताग्रे भूतस्य जात: पतिरेक आसीत्। सदाधार प्रिथिवी द्यामुतेमाम कस्मै देवाय हविषा विधेम।। ऋग १०। १२१। १।।. First of all, Hiranyagarbha was born who was the only lord of the creatures. He was the one who created the world and the spirit world.

YAJNA, SIDDHI AND RAJ YOGA -यज्ञ, सिद्धि र राज योग
“Yasmadrete na siddhati yajno vipaschitashchan. Sa dheenaam Yogaminvatee. Rig 1/18/7. “यस्मादृते न सिद्धती यज्ञो विपश्चितश्चन। स धीनाम योगमिन्वती।। ऋग १/१८/७।।; Without the great element of Brahma Yajna (meditation of the evening between sunset and sunrise), no Yajna of the scholar and Vidhushi is perfect. Since there is a desireIn which the coincidence of sorrow is detachment, that is Yoga Samadhi. That yoga, which is the goal of Dhyana Yoga, must be practiced from the mind. to prove spiritual yoga through the yoga sadhana rituals in the form of Paramatma by Dharna, Dhyana and Samadhi in the form of the chosen deity, be perfect by providing perfection in the sadhana of the rituals.
YOGA INTERVIEW- योग साक्षात्कार
‘Rishirdashanaat’, ‘Mantra Mananaat’ ,’ऋषिर्दशनात् ‘, ‘मन्त्र मननात्”. What a poet / yogi in the form of a sage,Rishi says and writes, he first writes and speaks by seeing his own mind power through the vision of yoga. In Vedo-mantra, the subject interviewed is fulfilled by the yoga of meditation, which is full of serious and profound mysteries. “Sakshatkritadharman Rishay:” “साक्षत्कृतधर्माण ऋषय:” The sage / poet who interviewed the subject from his point of view. “Na Vichetdandha:” ” न विचेतदन्ध:” – Without yoga vision or yoga knowledge, one cannot experience / portray any subject.

Maharshi Yajnavalkya, while preaching to his friends, says, – ‘Aatmaa waa Are draShtuvyo mantavyo nididhyaasitavyo Maitreyee’ – Brihadaranyak Sub.4 / 5/6 / “आत्मा वा अरे द्रष्टव्य:श्रोतव्यो मन्तव्यो निदिध्यासितव्यो मैत्रेयी”। -बृहदारण्यक उप.४/५/६/ -The soul itself is a truth, the soul is a visible element, the truth must be realized through its hearing, contemplation and meditation (intimate yoga-meditation and samadhi). “Drishyate Tvagrayayaa Sukshmaya Sukshmadarshibhi” 3. 12. “दृश्यते त्वग्रयया सूक्ष्मया सूक्ष्मदर्शिभी ” कठ १। ३। १२।- The yogi made his intellect subtle and depth through yoga sadhana.
“Antah shareere jyotirmayo hi shubhro yama pashyanti yatayah ksheena doshaa”- Mundak 3.1.5. “अन्त:शरीरे ज्योतिर्मयो हि शुभ्रो यम पश्यन्ति यतय: क्षीण दोषा ” मुन्ड़क ३। १। ५।–It means- Prabhma is all-pervading, Paramatma is present in everyone’s heart as Jyotirman. Only a person with a pure heart without any guilt can see it.
Yogashikhopanishad -24: “Gyannishtho Viraktto’pi Dharmajno Vijitendriya. Without Dehe’pi Yogen, there is no salvation. योगशिखोपनिषद: २४; ज्ञाननिष्ठो विरक्त्तो’पी धर्मज्ञो विजितेंद्रिय। विना देहे’पी योगेन न मोक्षम लभते विधेThis means – O Vidhe! Even if the seeker is as knowledgeable, pious, pious and ascetic, there is no salvation without yoga.
To be continued………