Kayena Vaca Manasendriyairvaa – In Sanskrit with meaning
From Mukundamala, We have this beautiful verse of Kayena Vaca Shlokam.
Sanskrit Lyrics
कायेन वाचा मनसेन्द्रियैर्वा ।
बुद्ध्यात्मना वा प्रकृतिस्वभावात् ।
करोमि यद्यत्सकलं परस्मै ।
नारायणयेति समर्पयामि ॥
English Lyrics
Kaayena Vaacaa Manase[a-I]ndriyair-Vaa
Buddhy[i]-Aatmanaa Vaa Prakrteh Svabhaavaat |
Karomi Yad-Yat-Sakalam Parasmai
Naaraayannayeti Samarpayaami ||
Meaning of each verse of Kayena Vaca Shlokam :
1: (Whatever I do) with my Body, Speech, Mind or Sense Organs,
2: (Whatever I do) using my Intellect, Feelings of Heart, or (unconsciously) through the natural tendencies of my Mind,
3: Whatever I do, I do all for others (i.e. without the sense of attachment to the results),
4: (And) I Surrender them all at the Lotus Feet of Sri Narayana.
Summary of Kayena Vaca Shlokam
This shloka prays and builds the attitude of complete devotion to the Lord as we move forward each day of our lives. Most of us go through the various activities of life. In our ignorance, we take responsibility for activities, and when the results do not meet our expectations, we become sad and depressed. One of the most powerful ways to achieve spirituality is to perform every action as a doer. If the mindset is that I have to do an activity because it is my duty, I don’t worry about the results.
Just as a soldier, as an agent of the country, kills on the battlefield and is not punished for any action, there are no consequences when we act as a supreme agent. By the way, any action performed with a sense of wonder has a karmic effect with a strong potential for rebirth due to that action. However, any action undertaken with a true feeling that I must serve humanity or that this activity serves a greater purpose beyond my selfishness will have no karmic effects.
Final Conclusion: This shlokam is a great way to reduce our karmic footprint while surrendering to the Lord.
Nirvana Shatkam
Introduction to Nirvana Shatkam
Nirvana Shatkam also known as Atma Shatkam is prakarana granthi consisting of six verses. Prakarana has been defined in the Vishnu Dharmottara Purana thus: Prakarana is a text that explains some particular aspects of the sastra and deals with certain secondary questions arising out of the explanations given.
The instruction empathically conveyed by the six verses of Nirvana Shatkam is that identification with the body, mind, and senses is the root cause of all sorrow and that it should be given up and one should realize one real nature as none other than the supreme Brahman. This realization is what is known as Liberation.“Nirvana” means formless and “Shatkam” refers to the 6 verses of the composition, expressing how the true Self is beyond all definitions; it is “neither this nor that”.
History of the mantra
In these stotras, written in his supreme state of realization, Adi Shankara explains the state of wisdom and truth.
When Adi Shankara was in Kashi, he used to have his daily bath in the Ganga. One day, on his way to the Ganga, his way was blocked by a Chandala (belonging to the untouchable caste) whose job was to burn the dead bodies. Adi Shankara immediately asked him to go away. The man, instead of moving away, asked Adi Shankara `who are you?’
Adi Shankara knew that no ordinary man would ask him this question and he realized that the man in front of him was the Lord Kasinath Shiva himself. Searching for an answer to the question `Who are you?’ Adi Shankara went into a deep state of meditation. And being in the state of highest consciousness, he identified himself with the ultimate truth of life — Shivoham.
Shivoham means `I am Shiva’.
He wrote down his answers then and there and read them out. Adi Shankara mostly answered the question “Who are you” by saying what/who is not he, instead of just saying who is he! . Adi Shankara was no ordinary soul to have attained the state of `Shivoham’ at a very young age. What lies between realities and false identification is the truth. The truth, the ultimate truth is
Nirvana Shatkam in Sanskrit
मनोबुद्ध्यहङ्कार चित्तानि नाहं
न च श्रोत्रजिह्वे न च घ्राणनेत्रे ।
न च व्योम भूमिर्न तेजो न वायुः
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम् ॥१॥
न च प्राणसंज्ञो न वै पञ्चवायुः
न वा सप्तधातुः न वा पञ्चकोशः ।
न वाक्पाणिपादं न चोपस्थपायु
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम् ॥२॥
न मे द्वेषरागौ न मे लोभमोहौ
मदो नैव मे नैव मात्सर्यभावः ।
न धर्मो न चार्थो न कामो न मोक्षः
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम् ॥३॥
न पुण्यं न पापं न सौख्यं न दुःखं
न मन्त्रो न तीर्थं न वेदा न यज्ञाः ।
अहं भोजनं नैव भोज्यं न भोक्ता
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम् ॥४॥
न मृत्युर्न शङ्का न मे जातिभेदः
पिता नैव मे नैव माता न जन्मः ।
न बन्धुर्न मित्रं गुरुर्नैव शिष्यं
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम् ॥५॥
अहं निर्विकल्पो निराकाररूपो
विभुत्वाच्च सर्वत्र सर्वेन्द्रियाणाम् ।
न चासङ्गतं नैव मुक्तिर्न मेयः
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम् ॥६॥
Nirvana Shatkam in English Lyrics
mano buddhi ahankara chittani naaham
na cha shrotravjihve na cha ghraana netre
na cha vyoma bhumir na tejo na vaayuhu
chidananda rupah shivo’ham shivo’ham
na cha prana sangyo na vai pancha vayuhu
na va sapta dhatur na va pancha koshah
na vak pani-padam na chopastha payu
chidananda rupah shivo’ham shivo’ham
na me dvesha ragau na me lobha mohau
na me vai mado naiva matsarya bhavaha
na dharmo na chartho na kamo na mokshaha
chidananda rupah shivo’ham shivo’ham
na punyam na papam na saukhyam na duhkham
na mantro na tirtham na veda na yajnah
aham bhojanam naiva bhojyam na bhokta
chidananda rupah shivo’ham shivo’ham
na me mrtyu shanka na mejati bhedaha
pita naiva me naiva mataa na janmaha
na bandhur na mitram gurur naiva shishyaha
chidananda rupah shivo’ham shivo’ham
aham nirvikalpo nirakara rupo
vibhut vatcha sarvatra sarvendriyanam
na cha sangatham naiva muktir na meyaha
chidananda rupah shivo’ham shivo’ham
Meaning of Each Verse of Nirvana Shatkam
I am not the mind, the intellect, the ego, or the memory. I am not the ears, the skin, the nose, or the eyes. I am neither space, earth, fire, water, nor wind. I am the form of consciousness and bliss. I am the eternal Shiva.
I am not the breath, nor the five elements. I do not matter, nor the five sheaths of consciousness, nor am I the speech, the hands, or the feet. I am the form of consciousness and bliss. I am the eternal Shiva.
There is no like or dislike in me, no greed or delusion. I know not pride or jealousy. I have no duty, no desire for wealth, lust, or liberation. I am the form of consciousness and bliss. I am the eternal Shiva.
No virtue or vice, no pleasure or pain. I need no mantras, no pilgrimage, no scriptures or rituals. I am not the experienced, nor the experience itself. I am the form of consciousness and bliss. I am the eternal Shiva
I have no fear of death, no caste or creed. I have no father, no mother, for I was never born.I am not a relative, a friend, a teacher, or a student. I am the form of consciousness and bliss.I am the eternal Shiva.
I am devoid of duality, my form is formlessness. I exist everywhere, pervading all senses. I am neither attached, neither free nor captive. I am the form of consciousness and bliss. I am the eternal Shiva.
Do Listen to this Beautiful Mantra Nirvana Shatkam
Benefits of Nirvana Shatkam Mantra
- Benefit 1 – Positive vibes
Chanting and listening to Nirvana Shatkam once a day can produce extremely positive vibes around you
- Benefit 2 – Negate anxiety and depression
Recite it to deal with anxiety and depression. It serves as the best medicine to get rid of these negative emotions
- Benefit 3 – Emotional stability
You can achieve an eternal state of calmness even in stressful situations of life
- Benefit 4 – Let go of jealousy and greed
You start getting rid of unwanted attachments
Four Ashoka Stupas of Lalitpur
Here we present an article on the Four Ashoka Stupas of Lalitpur which is briefly described further. Lalitpur District is one of 77 districts of Nepal and is one of the Kathmandu Valley districts which covers an area of 396 square kilometers. Newars are the major habitats of Lalitpur and Newari is their major language of communication. It is best known for its rich cultural heritage, especially its tradition of arts and crafts. Patan or Lalitpur is the city of people accomplished in the arts and professions which is like no other.
Temples, Palaces, bahis, and bahals are steeped in a history that is also present in Patan. The artisans of Patan are bearers of a continuous tradition going back to early times. As a city of fine arts, Lalitpur is more than a collection of monuments; its ancient buildings are lived in, the temple deities are worshipped, and the traditions are yet alive. Patan Durbar Square one of the remarkable places of Patan has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site.
What is Stupa?
A stupa is a dome-shaped building erected as a Buddhist shrine, which is typically used for meditation. In common terms, we can say Stupa is a temple of the Buddhist religion. Circumambulation or Pradakshina has been an important ritual and devotional practice in Buddhism since the earliest times, and stupas always have a pradakhshina path around them. According to Buddhist tradition, Emperor Ashoka who ruled from 273 BCE to 232 BCE recovered the relics of the Buddha from the earlier stupas and erected 84,000 stupas across the nation during his tenure.
Who is Ashoka?
Chandragupta Maurya’s grandson Ashoka (Aśoka) (c 304–233 B.C.) took the greatest geographical extent and total power of the Mauryan Empire. However, the astonishing transformation of his kingdom did not occur with the violent violence that characterized the early years of his reign. Rather, it stemmed from his embrace of Buddhism and the message of tolerance and nonviolence that he spread throughout his vast empire.
In addition to his edicts, Ashoka built stupas, monasteries, and other religious buildings at important Buddhist sites such as Sarnath. As a Buddhist emperor, Ashoka believed that Buddhism was beneficial for all people, not just plants and animals, and therefore built several stupas. He also spread Buddhism well to neighboring kingdoms.
The Four Ashoka Stupas of Lalitpur
The four Ashoka Stupas are marked as the four corners of Patan or Lalitpur. It is believed that Emperor Ashoka who expanded Buddhism far and wide came to the valley in the 3rd century BCE and built four Stupas in the four corners of Patan. Those Stupas are a testimony to the ancient culture, tradition, and lifestyle of the Kathmandu Valley.
The Four Ashoka Stupas of Patan are:
- The Lagan Thura (South)
- The Teta Thura (East)
- The Pucho Thura (West)
- The Ibahi Thura (North)
Of the four stupas of Patan, the southern mound is known as Lagan Thura Stupa. It is the largest among the four stupas, measuring 47.40 meters in diameter and 11.80 meters in height. The mound is crowned by a recent structure, a miniature cenotaph added on the top. The shrines of Tathagatas (Buddhas) are believed to have been added in 1878.
This Stupa is located about 200 meters east of Tyagal Tole of Patan near the Ring Road. It is comparatively bigger than the other two Stupas in the perimeter. The perimeter of this Stupa is 75.83 meters and the height is 10.4 meters. It has a fire Vedica (railing) of height 1.6 meters with one Tathagata in each direction. The dome of 4.5m in height is paved with firebricks with a square Harmika on the top. There are three inscriptions which are very difficult to read.
The Stupa is located on the busy Pulchowk intersection at the western end of Patan. The perimeter of this Stupa is 75.52 meters and it is 12 meters tall. It also has a Vedika of height 1.2 meters with one Tathagata in each direction. The dome is 6.5 meters tall and is paved by firebrick. It does not have Harmika. The thirteen-ring Cakravalis are constructed directly over the dome in a square-shaped pyramid structure. A Yasti caps the top.
This Stupa is comparatively more complex and smaller than the other three Stupas. It looks similar to the Swoyambhunath Stupa in Kathmandu. It has a perimeter of 60.62 meters. It has five Buddhas in the Vedika with their consorts except the Tathagata Vairocana. The Vedika is 1.5 tall and the dome is 5.5 meters in height. A square Harmika sits on the top of the dome. We can see a 13-step Cakravali with a Yasti on top of the Harmika.
Bihars and Bahis of Lalitpur
What is Bihar and Bahi?
Bihars and Bahis are where Buddhist monks and nuns stay and carry out different activities like praying, meditation, leering and studying, teaching, and so on. In Lalitpur district people call Mahabihar Bihar. Before Bihars and Bahis emerged, Buddhist monks and nuns were said to be accommodated in the caves and natural forest areas.
Bihar is open for every religion and caste people who follow Buddhism whereas Baha / Bahi is a place only designated for Newari Buddhists. Newar people use Baha and Bahi. Bahal and Bahil are the terms used for Baha and Bahi by the non-newari community (Parbate – out of Nepal Mandal people)
Generally, the word Bahi denotes the same meaning as Bihar indicating the smaller in size in comparison to the Bihar. However, there are distinct differences between a Bihar and Bahi:
- Bahis are supposed to be the earliest places than Bihars,
- Bahis are usually built far away from the residential area, whereas Bihars are made amidst the residential area, and
- Bahis are built over a raised plinth. On the rooftop of the shrine room, a lantern-like structure marks the Bahi.
- Bihars do not usually possess the lantern like structure above the roof top. Bihars do have the quadrangle courtyard usually paved by the stones or bricks. Bihars consist of residence of families.
Bihars and Bahis in Lalitpur
There are one hundred and sixty-seven, Bihars in Lalitpur town. The majority of them have now remained only in name and nothing. According to the historical facts, there were 15 Bihars and 15 Bahis as the major Bihars and Bahis in the early period. During the Malla period the extension of Lalitpur included Chovar and Kirtipur as well. Another Bihar named Shree Vatchha Maha Bihar built by the Malla rulers has also been added to the list. Now, the total number of Bihars has reached 18.
As a major Bahis, there are 24 Bahis including Kirtipur, Bungamati, and Ba Bahis. Among these, the Bihars and Bahis which happen to be in the present Lalitpur town are 16 Bihars and 21 Bahis. These Bihars and Bahis do have names in both Sanskrit and Nepāla Bhāṣā languages.
Sanskrit and Nepāla Bhāṣā names of Bihars of Lalitpur
S.N. | Sanskrit | Nepāla Bhāṣā |
1. | Jestha Barna Maha Bihar | Tanga Bahal |
2. | Hiranya Barna Maha Bihar | Kwa Bahal |
3. | Dharma Kirti Maha Bihar | Tabahal |
4. | Ratnakar Maha Bihar | Hakha Bahal |
5. | Yasodhar Maha Bihar | Bubahal |
6. | Data Nam Maha Bihar | Daubahal |
7. | Guna Laxmi Maha Bihar | Dhumbahal |
8. | Chakra Barna Maha Bihar | Chuk Bahal |
9. | Bajra Kirti Maha Bihar | Wan Bahal |
10. | Jyoti Barna Maha Bihar | Jyo Bahal |
11. | Baisya Barna Maha Bihar | Guji Bahal |
12. | Mayur Barna Maha Bihar | Bhinchhe Bahal |
13. | Rudra Barna Maha Bihar | Uku Bahal |
14. | Jaya Manohar Maha Bihar | Subahal |
15. | Baladhar Gyupta Maha Bihar | Yachhu Bahal |
16. | Shree Batchha Maha BIhar | Sibahal |
Bihars are not similar to one another in several terms e.g. area, Sangha members, art and architecture, branch Bihars, and others. Among these, Yashodhar Maha Bihar possesses the largest area (5 Ropanies) and Chakra Barna Maha Bihar holds the smallest area (3 Ana 2 Paisa). Hiranya Barna Maha Bihar commands the largest number of Sangha members (more than 5,000) and Jyoti Barna Maha Bihar consists of only 22 Sangha members.
The Bihars which have only Bajracharya Sangha include Guna Laxmi Maha Bihar, Chakra Barna Maha Bihar, Dharma Kirti Maha Bihar, Dat Nam Maha Bihar, and Ratnakar Maha Bihar. Four Bihars namely Yasodhar Barna Maha Bihar, Bajrakirti Maha Bihar, Mayur Barna Maha Bihar, and Hiranya Barna Maha Bihar have both Shakya and Bajracharya in their Sangha. The remaining seven Bihars have supported only the Shakya community.
Most of these Bihars have branch Bihars. There is variation in number of branches by Bihars. Rudra Barna Mahavir has earned 33 branch Bihars, Hiranya Barna Maha Bihar has 25 branch Bihars and Yasodhar Maha Bihar has 15 branch Bihars. Besides, three Bihars namely Hiranya Barna Maha Bihar, Rudra Barna Maha Bihar, and Ratnakar Maha Bihar do hold the exact outlook of Bihar as such being bounded by the total complex of own buildings whereas others have been surrounded by the residential houses of the Sangha members and others.
Short Description of few Bihars
Hiranya Barna Maha Bihar (Kwa Bahal)
Hiranya Barna Maha Bihar also known as Kwa Bahal is a historical, Golden colored, pagoda-style monastery of Shakyamuni Buddha. It was built in the 12th century by King Bhaskar Varma and gold-plated with donations offered by the local merchants who traded with Tibet. According to a legend, Hiranyavarna Mahabihar was built at a location where a rat chased a cat. Rats are still being fed at the site. The chaitya in the middle of the courtyard is worshipped as the lineage deity by the locals.
Ratnakar Mahabihar
Ratnakar Mahabihar also known as Hakha Bahal, is located on the way to the Patan palace. Its current building was established during the reign of the Malla dynasty. The site houses the living goddess Kumari, who is the royal goddess of the Malla Kings. Thus, widely worshipped by the Hindus too. Kumari is believed to be the embodiment of the Hindu goddess Taleju and is a significant figure in Newar culture.
Yashodhar Mahabihar (Bubahal)
Yashodhar Mahabihar also known as Bubahal is the ancient Buddhist monastery built by a converted Brahman called Vidhyadhar. Bubahal is situated in Gabahal area. There is a beautiful temple housing the Buddha’s icon which is facing north in the large courtyard.
Their Hindu relatives are still residing near the Agnishala area helping each other in religious and social matters. This is a good example of religious harmony in Nepal, between the two great religions, Hindu and Buddhist. The clan tree called Varuna brikshya of both clans is still preserved in their respective monasteries.
Padmavati Mahabihar (Na Bahal)
Na Bahal also known as Padmavati Mahabihar is a significant cultural and historical site. This monastery constructed in the 17th century is known for its unique wooden carved sculptures, a hallmark of Newari craftsmanship. The big bell in front of the Patan palace was made by the artisans of this monastery. The architecture of the temple is typical of the Newari style with intricate wood carvings and elaborate roof structures. One of the most notable features of Na Bahal is its wooden carvings and bell-making.
Nagbahal is a vibrant and historic Buddhist area in Lalitpur. The large courtyard of Nagbahal serves as a gathering place for the large icons of Bipankara Buddha during the Samyaka festival which is held every five years. This Bihar is associated with the Golden Temple or Hiranyavarna Mahabihar. It has a stone spout that dates back to ancient times and a large bronze image of a bull very much like a Nandi. According to the local legend, once Dipankar Buddha visited here and at that time the bull roared.
Nakabahil also known as Lokakirti Bihar is an ancient Buddhist monastery and until recent times it was a well-preserved bihar structure. The Bihar organizes the Astamatrika dance, which begins during Ghatasthapana the first day of the Dashain festival. No violence or sacrifices are performed at Nakabahil, as the monastery follows the principles of nonviolence and compassion.
Jagamadu Pukhu, Pimbahal
According to the local legend, the pond was built by Lakhey or demi god by piling up stones one after another without any mortar or clay to please his wife. It is thus called Jagmadu Pukhu, the pond was used to irrigate the agricultural land nearby. The locals believe if the pond gets dry and the magical stone lying in the northeastern corner of the pond is exposed to the sun it will rain soon.
Mahaboudha Temple
Mahaboudha temple is dedicated to lord Buddha. The temple is often called the Temple of a Thousand Buddhas because a Buddha image is engraved on every branch. The temple dates back to 1585 and it was rebuilt after the 1934 earthquake. Mahaboudha’s design is based on the Mahabodhi temple of Bodh Gaya, as the founder of the temple Abhayaraj visited there. The Mahabodhi temple in Bodh Gaya has long been an inspiration to the Buddhist community all over the world.
Baisya Barna Mahabihar (Guji Bahal)
Guji bahal also known as Vaisha Barna Mahabihar is a historic Buddhist temple located near Sundhara of Patan. The temple was built in the medieval period. The temple features a pagoda style structure. The main shrine is dedicated to Shakyamuni Buddha and there are several smaller shrines and prayer halls within the temple complex. Trailokya Bijayadevi brought from Tibet is one of the important icons of this monastery.
Jestha Varna Mahabihar (Minnath temple)
Jestha Varna Mahabihar is commonly known as Tanga Baha. Its Sanskrit name Jestha Varna Mahabihar indicates its reputation as one of the oldest and principal vihars in Patan. This vihar was founded by Balarchana Deva at Tangal Tol, which is situated on the east of the road leading south from Mangal Bazaar. It is located just opposite Ta Baha of Karunamaya or Rato Machhindranath Temple. The principal deity of the Tanga Baha is a small and remarkable red image of Padmapani Lokesvara which is also revered as Jatadhari Lokesvar. Newar Buddhists call this deity Caku-baha-dya and Hindus call him Minnath.
Ta Baha of Karunamaya or Rato Machhindranath Temple
The Rato Machhindranath Temple stands about 400 meters south of Patan Durbar Square in a large courtyard known as Ta Baha, built in 1673. The temple is a tall Newar-style Pagoda with three tiers of diminishing roofs. It honors Machhindranath also known as Matsyendranath, an influential early 10th-century yogi who credited the god Shiva as his teacher.
In Nepal, in particular, Matsyendranath has come to be known as a god of rain. Buddhists see the deity as an incarnation of Avalokitesvara, and Hindus as an incarnation of Shiva. In Lalitpur in particular the temple is one of two focal points of the Rato Machindranath Jatra, a ceremony that honors the role of the deity also called Bungadya in bringing an end to droughts, the image of Bungadya is pulled in a tall chariot in April-May, built on Pulchowk Road.
Haugal Bahal
Haugal Bahal is a historic community located near Patan Durbar Square. It is home to the Rajkarnikar clan, who are believed to have been brought from Kannauj, India by the Malla kings to make sweets for them. The Rajkarnikars have a rich culinary tradition and their sweets and snacks are still popular throughout Nepal. The bahal has a Buddha shrine. The inner chowk is dedicated to Harati, a goddess worshipped in both Hindu and Buddhist traditions. The icon is from the early Licchavi period.
Rudra Varna Mahabihar

Rudra Varna Mahabihar is a historic landmark in Patan. It was built in the 7th century by Lichhavi King Shiva Dev and was completed by Rudra Dev. It is said that the Rudra Varna Mahabihar once served as a royal courtyard for King Rudra Dev.
One of the most unique aspects of the Rudra Varna Mahabihar is its association with the recitation of the Namasangiti. This ancient prayer is said to have the power to remove the eight great fears or Asta Maha Bhaya, from the minds of those who recite it. Rudra Varna Mahabihar remains a vibrant and active center of Nepalese culture and spirituality.
Guita Buddhist monastery is in Patan. The temple which is said to be named after the number nine is a fascinating place that is shrouded in mystery and symbolism. It is said that nine nagas or serpent deities performed their sadhana or spiritual practice here. This is why, the temple is considered to be a powerful place of worship. There are nine chaityas or Buddhist stupas surrounding the temple. Another interesting feature of the temple is the nine water spouts that are located near the entrance. These spouts are believed to have been built during the Malla period and are said to represent the nine planets of the solar system.
Mayur Varna Mahabihar (Bhinchhe Bahal)
Bhinchhe Bahal, also known as Mayur Varna Mahabihar, is a Buddhist Monastery on the eastern side of Patan Durbar Square. This ancient monastery is known for its stunning architecture, intricate wood carvings, and ancient artifacts. The name Mayur Varna translates to Peacock-colored in Sanskrit. The monastery houses several rare texts and teachings, including the Prajnaparamita. It is one of the most important Buddhist texts, which dates back to the 12th century. It is the home to many stone carvers who have made stone sculptures in the past. Visitors still can witness the stone carvers at work.
Jaya Manohar Mahabihar (Su Bahal)
Su Bahal, also known as Jaya Manohar Mahabihar was built over 1000 years ago by King Indra Dev. The temple of the monastery was said to have been constructed by removing a cremation ground that previously stood in the area. Thus, on the ninth day of Dashain a main Hindu festival, people offer a tiny piece of their flesh to Mahakal. A deity believed to reside in the cremation ground to pay homage to the deity and ask for blessing.
Yempi Bihar (Ibahil)
Yempi Bihar, locally known as Ibahil is a heritage site near the Kumbeshwar Temple. It is said that the Bihar was once visited by Guru Padmasambhava, who is believed to have stayed there for six months and went to Tibet to spread the teachings of Buddhism.
Yempi Bihar also plays a vital role in the annual Rato Machhindranath Jatra, a popular festival that takes place in Patan. The Jatra is believed to bring good luck and prosperity to the city, and it is said that any work related to the Jatra must first begin at Yempi Bihar.
Sanskrit and Newari names of Bahis of Lalitpur
S. N. | Sanskrit | Nepāla Bhāṣā |
1. | Yampi Maha Bihar | Ibahil |
2. | Lalit Barna Maha Bihar | Konti Bahil |
3. | Napi Chandra Maha Bihar | Duntu Bahil |
4. | Gopi Chandra Maha Bihar | Pintu Bahil |
5. | Askchheswar Maha Bihar | Upper Pucho Bahil |
6. | Raskchheswar Maha Bihar | Lower Pucho Bahil |
7. | Lokakirti Maha Bihar | Nabahil |
8. | Mani Mandap Maha Bihar | Dhapagal Bahil |
9. | Saptapur Maha Bihar | Chink Bahil |
10. | Jestha Barna Maha Bihar | Jyaba Bahil |
11. | Raja Shree Maha Bihar | Ibaha Bahil |
12. | Lokkirti Maha Bihar | Kinu Bahil |
13. | Chandra Surya Maha Bihar | Nhyanka Bahil |
14. | Kamuk Nam Maha Bihar | Larger Khwaya Bahil |
15. | Kamuk Nam Maha Bihar | Smaller Khwaya Bahil |
16. | Gustal Maha Bihar | Main Guita Bahil |
17. | Pratham Shree Maha Bihar | Larger Guita Bahil |
18. | Basucha Shil Maha Bihar | Smaller Guita Bahil |
19. | Iti Raj Maha Bihar | Ilaya Bahil |
20. | Jaya Shree Maha Bihar | Uba Bahil |
21. | Sthabir Patra Maha Bihar | Thapa Bahil |
The functions of Bahis are systematic but vary by Bahis. The Bahis have Sangha perform the same activities as in Bihar. The largest Saptapur Bihar has 156 Sangha members whereas, the smallest one i.e. Jesth Barna Bihar has only one member. Now seven Bahis have no Sangha members. Some Bahis has own branch while in Saptapur Bihar there are 4 branch of Bihars.
Lokakirti Bahi possesses only Bajracharya Sangha and the remaining are captured by the Shakya community. The condition of Bahis is not well. Except few, all Bahis have been badly damaged in the absence of regular care and maintenance. Furthermore, there are some Bihars in Lalitpur town which do not happen in any group but these Bihars have been performing similar activities like in Bihars and Bahis through Sangha as usual. The number of these Bihars is eight.
The existence of Bihars and Bahis in Lalitpur town has witnessed a great prolonged period to come at the present condition by crossing several ruling periods. The location of these Bihars and Bahis was certainly controlled by the then environment of Lalitpur town. Therefore, a good deal of understanding of the present spatial distribution of Bihars and Bahis in Lalitpur town could provide the probable true situation of that time and the existing relationship at the present moment with the changing spatial landscape of Lalitpur town.
Additional Bihars of Lalitpur
S.N. | Sanskrit | Nepāla Bhāṣā |
1. | Layan Chaitya Bimba Maha Bihar | Henu Bahal |
2. | Yonkuli Maha Bihar | Yoku Bahal |
3. | Chakrawarti Maha Bihar | Khwakha Nabahal |
4. | Gawarma Pinth Maha Bihar | Mubahal |
5. | Shree Watsa Maha Bihar | Atha Bahal |
6. | Subarna Maha Bihar | Ikha Chhen Bahal |
7. | Chaitya Barna Maha Bihar | Michchhu Bahal |
8. | Dwarik Bihar | Dwarika Bahal |