29 Jan 2021 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

Himalayan Yoga Academy present an article on the Fundamentals of Yoga which is explained in detail below.
1. Acknowledgement of Yoga
Meaning; Definition; History, Traditions, Periods, Purpose, Discipline, positive or obstacle element and Significance
Meaning of Yoga
According to Panini Sanskrit grammar, yoga is made up of three “yuj” metals but the meaning is different. ‘Uj – Samadhau’ ‘युज – समाधौ’ from metal – Samadhi. ‘Ujira Yoge dhaatu’ युजिर योगे धातु’ – Coincidence or Mail
Definition of Yoga
Yoga commentator Maharshi Vyas wrote “Yoga: Samadhi”,“योग: समाधि”।“Yogashchittavrittinirodhah”: Pa. Su.1; 2 योगश्चित्तवृत्तिनिरोध: पा. यो. सू..१; २
History of Yoga
Discussion of the interrelationship between Shiva civilization and Yoga
Om Shiva Chaturvidha Yoga: Hatha, Mantra, Laya and Raj Yoga – Advaita. The first disciple was Parvati and the second groups of disciples were the seven sages (Sapta Rishis).
Tradition (परम्परा): Two traditions – Vedic and Nath (Hatha)
Vedic Tradition: Om Hiranyagarbho Yogastha Vaktaa Nasyah Puratanah! हिरण्यगर्भो योगास्थ वक्ता नास्य:पुरातन:।:. Hirandagarbha is the oldest or the original spokesperson of yoga.
Naatha Tradition: Aadinaatha Shiva
Kaal Khand – East Vedic; Vedic; Ramayana period; Mahabharata period, Darshan period, modern period
2. The importance or necessity of yoga in modern life
Health sector; Medical field; Education sector; Family sector; Social sphere; Political sphere; Economic sector; Mental sector; Intellectual realm; Spiritual realm.
3. The discipline of yoga
Long term; Continuity; Shraddha; Perseverance
4. Positive or obstacle element of yoga
According to Patanjali Yoga Sutras
According to Hatha Pradeepika
Obstacles to the yoga path – Talkativeness; More labor/ Exertion; Over eating; Urging adherence to rules; More contacts; Flexibility of mind
The positive elements of the yoga path – Enthusiasm; Courage; Patience; Real knowledge; Resolution; avoiding the company of common people,
5. Objectives
Yoga education helps in self-discipline and sales control, leading to multiple levels of consciousness, concentration and higher levels of consciousness. In a nutshell, the aims and objectives of yoga education are
- Improve a person’s integrated health
- To practice mental hygiene
- Achieve emotional stability
- To integrate moral values
- To achieve a higher level of consciousness
6. Yogic Attitudes
- Goals of life
- All victorious
- Four means – Shastra, Guru, Sadhana, Paramatma
- Preparation of sadhana
- Silent practice
- Mantra chanting
- Sublime thoughts,
- Abandoning addiction.
- Abstinence from sleep
- Perseverance
7. General Rules of Yoga Class
- Introduction of Class
- Environment of venue or Hall
- Timing of class
- Dress & Clothing
- Diet
- Lifestyle