16 Aug 2021 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

Yoga-Meditation is said to have been practiced in Nepal since Vedic Culture 28,000 yrs ago archeologically proved. It is the reason Yoga is an integral and deep-rooted culture in Nepal. All the Yoga related words are used in our daily conversation too. Vedic literature and Shiva Samhita say that Guru Gorakhanath formulated Yoga-Meditation from the beginning of human civilization. This is inevitable to live a healthy and well-disciplined performing ‘Dharma’, duties and responsibilities with utmost sincerity.
Originating in the Himalayas, approximately 5000 years ago, yoga has now reached almost all parts of the world from third-world countries like Thailand, and Nepal to first-world countries like America. Yoga retreats, yoga studios, and yoga teacher training programs are booming in the most rapid way possible. Yoga Schools are those institutions or educational establishments where the gurus ( masters ) teach the students about the knowledge of yoga. In yoga schools, they teach and train yoga students. They teach many types of yoga like hatha yoga, ashtanga yoga, vinyasa flow, laya yoga, bhakti yoga, nada yoga, and many more. There are generally two kinds of yoga schools. Both of these types of yoga schools are good in their own way and have unique qualities.
Yoga Alliance Registered Schools:
Yoga Alliance is the largest non-profit association for the yoga community. This association intends to promote and protect the integrity of yoga all around the world. Yoga schools that are registered with yoga alliance can be expensive, and some can be less expensive too.
For example, a yoga school registered with the yoga alliance would be much cheaper than Bikram yoga whose teacher training courses costs around $10000-$20000. Although other yoga schools which are registered with Yoga Alliance would be more expensive than others, offering a similar style of yoga teacher training course.
It is always worth it to go for schools that are registered with yoga alliance as then you can be assured that you will be receiving the best quality yoga education. Plus, yoga alliance courses are intensive yoga courses that start from 200-hour courses to 500-hour courses, which is also why they can be expensive.
A yoga school registered with yoga alliance will have in-depth yoga asana studies, classes for studying ancient texts like Bhagavad-Gita, hatha yoga pradipika and Patanjali Yoga Sutras, meditation, anatomy, and physiology, teaching methodologies and so much more. In these schools, you will learn how to practice yoga not only on the mat but off the mat too.
As Rolf Gates says, “The real payoff of a yoga practice, I came to see, is not a perfect handstand or a deeper forward bend—it is the newly born self that each day steps off the yoga mat and back into life.”
Non-Registered Yoga Schools
These yoga schools aren’t registered with the yoga alliance, but many of them provide high-quality yoga education. The main difference between registered and non-registered schools is that non-registered yoga schools do not usually cover the whole universe of yoga, as registered schools do.
Non-registered schools focus more on yoga asanas and meditation. Passionate certified yoga teachers generally start these types of schools and are typically located in exotic countries like Thailand and Costa Rica, and are quite expensive, usually costing somewhere around $3000-$10000.
Doing a yoga teacher training course with this kind of yoga school can be a fun and enriching experience if you have the budget for it.
Yoga School in Nepal
Himalayan Yoga Academy is considered the most affordable and qualitative yoga school in Nepal. Located in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains, our pioneering school of Yoga takes a holistic approach to provide you with the best learning environment for your 200 and 500-hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification. Registered with the Yoga Alliance USA, we create bespoke training programs for 200hrs, 300hrs, or 500hrs yoga teacher training, specializing in Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga. Our Academy is also a sanctuary for those seeking a respite from life, with our Yoga Retreat and detox programs, which include daily Yoga practice, full body, massage, Shirodhara, and healing therapies.