21 Dec 2019 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

Himalayan Yoga Retreat with us is like a vacation where you will get the combined feeling of relaxation, homeliness, cultural vibes, and many more experiences. Before you can enjoy all the exciting experiences a yoga retreat has to offer, you have to get there. Traveling abroad can be hard for somebody and somebody easy. We will provide you with tips that will help you during your yoga retreat travel. Here are Yoga Retreat Travel Tips
Whether you’re planning for your first abroad yoga retreat or you’re an experienced traveling yogi. Taking the time to make certain mental and practical preparations is essential for everyone.
7 yoga retreat travel tips to prepare for your next yoga retreat are as follows :
Early Planning
Planning is the most important step for traveling abroad. If you plan wisely then you get the travel experience fullest without any obstacle. But if you plan to delay, then there might be chances that you will face some difficulties. So, Planning early will help you get the best deals. Also, you might even have time to convince a friend to travel with you for the retreat.
Wisely Choose Your Destination
When you start thinking about your yoga retreat, think about places that you want to visit the most. Think of places that you have been creating on your travel bucket list. So a yoga retreat is about getting away from things you know and opening yourself to something new experiences. Don’t hesitate to explore unseen parts of the world but choose a destination where you’ll feel the most comfortable navigating the travel, accommodations, and conversation.
Understand International Travel Requirements
If you really plan on traveling abroad, research the documents that you’ll need to enter your destination country and get back home. Normally, you’ll need a valid passport that will be valid for at least six months after your return. You may need a visa to enter some countries but as in Nepal, you get a visa on arrival. So before traveling, check all the documents that are needed for traveling properly.

Get your travel insurance and book in advance
So if you have planned your destination for the retreat, then don’t delay booking. Booking at least six months in advance ensures that you’ll get the best pricing on flights and accommodations. Also when you book, purchase travel insurance as well. Though travel insurance will cost a little, it is well worth the peace of mind you’ll have regarding things like a delayed flight, lost luggage in case of medical emergencies, etc. Nothing should keep you from enjoying your relaxing yoga retreat to the fullest.
Pack Things Wisely :
Basically yoga retreat is like a place where you do relaxation and recreation type of things. So, A few pairs of yoga pants, a lightweight dress for small trips, and a cardigan for chilly nights will be enough. You should pack things according to the weather at your destination. Wear a sensible pair of shoes on the plane and bring a comfortable pair of dressy sandals if you want to dress up one night.

Take time to settle in
Once you arrive at your destination, take time to settle in. Explore your surroundings and sample the local cuisine if you have the time before your first yoga session. If there’s no activity during the day on your arrival, choose a quiet place to spend a little time on your own in order to prepare yourself for the change.
Grab New Experiences
In order to gain new experiences try to grab every challenge the retreat has to offer. Also, Take a walk without a specific destination in mind or choose a restaurant at random and try some of the local dishes. Keep your mind and heart open to every possibility and give yourself plenty of downtime to rest, relax, and absorb as much as you can of the experience.