29 Apr 2023 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

Nepal is the origin of yoga. This is the country of yoga, the country of Tantra, and the country of spiritual practice. There are many reasons why Yoga in Nepal is considered the best place to learn yoga and do various courses such as yoga teacher training courses, reiki courses, singing bowl courses, meditation courses, and many more beautiful spiritual experiences.
1. Country of enlightened people:
This is the country that has enabled numerous people have attain enlightenment. Especially, during the time of Buddha, many meditators were enlightened. Though Nepal lacks good governance and a political system, it is very good in yoga and spiritual practice. You can feel the spiritual vibrations during your practice. Since many yogis, hermits, sages, solons, savants, recluses, eremites, etc. have attained a higher level of the spiritual realm, this is the best place for yoga, the best place for meditation, and other types of spiritual practices.
2. Favorable Geography:
The places and the relationships between people and their environments in Nepal are one of the best in the world. This is very favorable for yoga, meditation, and other techniques of spiritual practice. It is located between 26° 20′ and 30°10′ north latitude and 80° 15′ to 88° 19′ east longitude. This part of the earth is proper for yogic practice. That is why yoga originated here. This is the part of earth auspicious and sacred for spiritual growth. It is great in both ways- the physical properties of Earth’s surface and the various human societies that live there. People in Nepal are connected to spirituality.
3. Yoga and Spiritual Centers:
There are many types of spiritual and yoga centers in Nepal. Whatever type of practice you want, is available in Nepal. People are of different types. One likes a type of practice while the other likes other types of practice. Since Nepal is full of spiritual practice, you will find it here according to your interest.
4. Access to Scriptures:
Many scholars in Nepal can impart knowledge and wisdom in Vedic Sciences such as Karma yoga, Bhakti yoga, Jnana yoga, etc. Spiritual Scriptures such as the Puranas, Bhagavad Gita, Dhammapada, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, etc. You will have access to all the ancient text here.
5. Multiple ways of understanding:
There are five major heterodox schools—Jain, Buddhist, Ajivika, Ajana, and Crvka—and six major orthodox Eastern schools—Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Samkhya, Yoga, Mīmāṃsā, and Vedanta. They teach spiritual knowledge in a unique way. You can understand philosophy from various perspectives.
6. Practicing Yoga with Yogis from Around the World:
We welcome visitors from all around the world on an annual basis. Gain new insights into your yoga practice from yogis around the world. Together, you may practice, walk, cook, volunteer, and forge connections that will last a lifetime. We take pride in building a volunteer community where everyone feels supported and at ease expressing who they truly are. Spend your evening leading your preferred workshop, participating in other events, or sitting in the tipi with your new friends and sharing poems and stories. Talk to us if you have an idea for a fun activity to do while camping, hiking, or trekking; we’ll help you set it up.
7. Practice Seva Yoga (Selfless Service):
Even if a selfless act is conducted without regard for the outcome for the individual, it results in collective benefit and gain. One must face his or her challenges, reluctance, and negativity when doing selflessly. One gains awareness of his or her thought processes, habits, and other personality traits. Let go of personality traits that are no longer helpful to them via this increased self-awareness and discover an inner calm that is independent of and unaffected by external circumstances.
Seva yoga combines Bhakti yoga, the yoga of love and devotion, with Karma yoga, the yoga of action. One helps others through their deeds and does it with a mindset of unadulterated, selfless compassion when one engages in Seva yoga. “The word’s roots are thought to capture the spirit of Seva yoga. Seva derives from the Sanskrit words Saha, which means “with that,” and Eva, which means “too.” Seva, therefore, means “together with.”
8. Practice Yoga in the Himalayas:
There are many mountains and Himalayas which are best suited for yoga practice. You can enjoy the natural beauty, peaceful environment, and ancient system for the practice.
9. Time with Local people:
You can visit local people and understand their culture, lifestyle, habit patterns, traditions exploring, and many more. If you are interested to explore various secrets of Nepal, this is one of the best methods.
10. The climate and weather in Nepal:
It varies greatly depending on the season and altitude. The Terai region in the south, which is less than 500 meters above sea level, and the High Himalayan region in the north, which is more than 5,000 meters, can both be classified as different climate zones in Nepal. Average temperatures in Nepal’s highest mountains drop to sub-zero levels after reaching a peak of around 24°C in the south. The amount of precipitation varies depending on where it falls in the country, with some high-altitude places in the north receiving less than 1,000 millimeters (mm) and some central and northern pockets receiving more than 3,000 mm. It is neither too hot, nor too warm, neither too rainy nor drought. It has a perfect climate.
11. Strengthen Your Hatha, Jnana, and Bhakti Yoga Practice
The yoga style that Westerners are most accustomed to is hatha yoga. The word is derived from the Sanskrit words ha, which means “sun,” and tha, which means “moon.” The goal of the practice is to bring together the active and receptive traits that each heavenly entity represents. The goal of Hatha yoga is to develop harmony between the active body and its environment through proper breathing and physical alignment. Physical strength, physiological health, and emotional well-being are the results of this equilibrium.
Jnana Yoga
Self-awareness is the focus of Jnana Yoga. If you can do it, Jnana Yoga has the power to improve your life as well. Jnana Yoga doesn’t include performing any physical asanas, unlike Vinyasa or Hatha Yoga. Instead, utilizing the appropriate understanding is one of the four paths to enlightenment.
The goal of Bhakti yoga is to realize the union of the individual self with God by dedicating oneself to the Divine that is present in everything. It has been called the loveliest of the yogic paths since it fosters love and acceptance for all beings and is driven by a love of God rather than a fear of adverse consequences or retribution. Yoga practitioners who follow the Bhakti path may worship through chanting, mantras of devotion, prayer, kirtan, and rituals.