27 Dec 2019 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

What are Chakras ?
According to ancient Eastern traditions, chakras( Sanskrit for wheels or discs”) are energy points within your spiritual body through which prana – your life force or life energy – travels.They are not any physical point or structure.
How chakras work?
Yin Yoga encompasses more than just postures and breathing exercises for your physical body. It may also have a positive impact on your energetic body by clearing your chakras. It’s thought that these energy centers allow for the flow of prana through that these energy centers allow for the flow of prana through your body, helping to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
The tenets of this ancient philosophy say that blocked chakras can cause physical maladies. Such as muscle tightness or joint stiffness, or emotional manifestations such as recurring fears or negative emotions. It is believed that practicing yin yoga can help clear chakras of energetic blockages and restore their balance.
Repeating aloud a mantra – called a bija, which means seed in Sanskrit – can unlock each chakra’s energy. A bija is a sound that requires verbalization and sustainability for the length of an exhale.
Most of us have energetic blocks and imbalances as well as energy-sabotaging habits that prevent us from accessing our full vitality. It leads us to feel exhausted, scattered, dull even ill. You will heal yourself yourself if you know how to balance your chakra energy.
The Seven Chakras and their tantra and yantra summary :
1.Crown Chakra( Sahasrara in Sanskrit) – AUM
Above Manas Chakra (Thirdeye) there is another twelve lotus petalled Soma Chakra (Moon Center) related to Amrit (Nectar), Brahmanaal. It has Bhramara Gufa/Amrit Kunda/Nectar Cave where Kamadhenu/Nectar-Mother always (eternally) gives and feeds Nectar to Amrit Nadi (Ambika, Lambika and Talika) for eternal being and mankind.Through Amrit Nadi(Brahmanaal) Meditation practitioners can drink practicing Khechari Mudra.
Little above Soma Chakra/Sudhakara (Madhu/Chandra/Amrit Chakra) another Chakra Brahma Randhra (Cosmic Tunnel) related to seed, cause and gate for rebirth, reincarnation, salvation (Mukti) and 10th gate for realization. And Thousands petalled lotus (Sahasra Dal Kamal) Saharara Chakra (Crown Center) is approx. 2 inches (5 Cm) aboveBisharga Bindu Chakra (Chakra of Seed). Bisarga Bind is related to past-life, all creations, Nada, Awareness, first and last point of Seed/life. Bisharga is full-stop, last-drop of cause and effects, state of higher intelligence, complete realization, beyond the form, sound (nada), senses, time, and matters – only is-ness, complete Sunya (nothingness) motionless, spaceless, formless, timeless, weightless …… and enter in to Nirvana.
- Meaning: Thousands Petalled is called Complete, beyond, sunya/nothingness/empty/void, Niralambapura (dwelling
- place without support), Alakh-Niranjan (beyond senses and desires), Nirvikalpa (beyond the alternation), Bliss.
- Yoga: Shamkhya-Yoga
- Location: Approx. 2 inches (5 Cm) above Bisharga Bindu/full-stop
- Shape: Thousands Lotus Petals (Sahasradal), Full-Moon
- Petals (Nadis) Sound: Total Nadas (sounds) in each petal – Am ……… Amh, Kam ………Ksham c+ ==========c+M, s+ ========If+,
- Seed Sound: Aum -ç_ (Eternal Brahma-Nada), Paramshiva, Param Sunya, Beyond the Nada, Ajapa, Bisarga.
- Sound Pitch: Si/Te (B) – Sa/Do (C-Humming) (beyond physical sound)
- Chakra’s Color: Violet ->Rainbow-> White-> Colorless
- Seed’s Color: Gold but Inexplicable
- Seed-speed: In upon Bindu’s speed
- Air: Beyond the realm of vayu (air)
- Element: Beyond the Elements
- Divinity (male): Lord-Shiva (Guru within)
- Divinity (female): Mahalaxmi/Goddess of Wisdom
- Nature of Divinity: Chaitanya/is-ness
- Ruler: Lord-Shiva
- Divine Elements: All the Gods and Goddesses are present in it
- God Energy: Jyotir-Lingam (Complete Lights which we can not see
- from physical eyes), Lights of realization
- Energy Center: Moon
- Ruling Planet: Ketu
- Vital Force (Seed) Carrier/Vehicle: Bindu/Chandra Bindu (Moon-Drop- F)
- Chemical Gland: Pineal Gland
- Related Minor Chakras: Thousands – 25% Materials, 25% Ether and Energy and others Spiritual and Grace
- Aspects: Sunya/nothingness/empty/void, Niralambapura (dwelling place without support), Alakh-Niranjan (beyond
- senses and desires), Nirvikalpa (beyond the alternation), Nirakara (formless), Bliss!
- Attribute: Nirvana, Complete realization and Beyond the birth and death, Wisdom, Bliss!
2: Thirdeye Center (Ajna/Agya Chakra)
All the Chakras below than this chakra are related to elements and matters, this chakra Thirdeye is related
to bliss and joy. The Commander Chakra to command entire systems and Chakras, Chakra of authority,
vision, unlimited power, Omniscience, victory over duel(dwet), three main nadis merging junctiontriveni, place for higher ego(dominate others), psychic center, higher realization center, center point of
awareness and realization, clairvoyance, point for self-center, etc.
Meaning: Commander, Order, Dominate to Others, Ego, Ruling Chakra, Authority, Unlimited Power,
Awareness, Consciousness, Intelligence
Yoga: Dhyana/Raja-Yoga
Location: Between the Eye-Brows Center, Medulla Oblongata
Shape: 2 Lotus Petals (Eda and Pingala Nadis) Circle
Petals (Nadis) Sound: Ham, Ksham, x+, If+
Seed Sound: Om -cf]d֍_
Sound Pitch: La (A)
Color: Dark Blue/Indigo
Air: (5 Pranas) Apan Vyana, Samana, Prana and Udana
Element: Ether (Formless/Beyond Element)
Divinity (male): Sadashiva
Divinity (female): Mahakali
Nature of Divinity: Hakini/Power Nature
Ruler: Shiva-Shakti/Ardhanareswara
Divine Force: Consciousness/Intelligence
Sense Organ: All Senses
Predominant Sensitive Matter: All Senses
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Vital Force (Seed) Carrier/Vehicle: Nada, Half-note
Chemical Gland: Pituitary Gland
Aspects: Awareness, Consciousness, Intelligence, Non duality (Beyond the two aspects), Different levels
of mind, Realization
Attribute: Intuition, Clairvoyance and Imagination
3. Throat Center (Vishuddhi Chakra)
Normally all lower Chakras start to activate and transform when Throat Chakra activate through Thirdeye. ThroatChakra activates when Thirdeye will activate, and then though Conscious Intelligence of Thirdeye, Knowledge and Eternal Vowel Sound from Throat Chakra can make downer Chakras activation. Throat Chakra activation makes clear vision in two aspects Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, Nectar-Poison, in visualization, Intelligence, Discrimination, Power, Sound, etc.
Meaning: Purity
Yoga: Gyana-Yoga
Location: Carotid Plexus/Throat
Shape: 16 Lotus Petals (Nadis), Triangular
Petals (Nadis) Sound: 16 Vowels – Am, Aam, Im, Eem, Um, Oom, Rhim, Rheem,
Lhrim, Lhreem, Em, Aim, Om, Aum, Aom, Amh,
c+ cf+ O+ O{+ p+ pm+ C+ C+[ n[+ n[[+ P+ P+] cf]+ cf}+ c+ c+M
Seed Sound: Ham -x+_
Sound Pitch: So (G)
Chakra’s Color: Sky Blue
Seed’s Color: Gold
Air: Udana
Element: Space/Sound
Divinity (male): Panchavrata Shiva/Five Faced Shiva
Divinity (female): Maha Saraswati/Goddess of Knowledge
Nature of Divinity: Shakini/Pure Knowledge Nature
Ruler: Ether
Divine Force: Gyan Mandala/Cosmic
Sense Organ: Ear
Predominant Sensitive Matter: Sound, Hearing to Listening
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Vital Force (Seed) Carrier/Vehicle: Elephant
Chemical Gland: Thyroid and Para-Thyroid Gland
Aspects: Knowledge, Discriminating, Express Knowledge,
Clearity, Amrita, Perfect Relation, Clear Sound and Speech
Attribute: Communication, Truth and Self-Expression
4. Heart Center (Anahata Chakra)
Purified Emotional vital force Air activation center, when puriffied Energy arrives from Agni Mandala and
Heart Chakra transforms the forces own nature in to Cosmic Love, Purity in Sound, Compassion, Deep
Feelings, Anahat Nada (Soundless Sound).
Meaning: Unstricken Vibration, Cosmic Vibes, an instinctively sensed Emotional Aura, Unconditional
Yoga: Bhakti-Yoga
Location: Cardiac Plexus, the Heart
Shape: 10 Lotus Petals (Nadis), Hexagonal (Six pointed Star), Two Triangle Merged
Petals (Nadis) Sound: Kam, Kham, Gam, Gham, Ngam, Cham, Chham, Jam, Jham, Yyam, Tam, Tham
(Palatal Sound) s+ v+ u+ 3+ ª+ r+ 5+ h+ em+ `+ 6+ 7+
Seed Sound: Yam
Air: Prana (live Life Breath)
Element: Air (Formless, without taste and smell)
Divinity (male): Ishan Rudra/Shankar
Divinity (female): Mother Kali
Nature of Divinity: Kakini/Love Nature
Ruler: Vayu
Divine Force: Vibration
Sense Organ: Skin
Predominant Sensitive Matter: Touch
Ruling Planet: Venus (Sukra), Lunar (Feminine)
Vital Force (Seed) Carrier/Vehicle: Antelope
Chemical Gland: Thymus Gland
Aspects: Attaining Balance between the three Chakras above and three Chakras below it. Love, Bhakti
Attribute: Unconditional Love, Compassion and Balanc
5. Solar Plexus (Manipura Chakra)
Fire based vital force activation center, it is also called Agni Mandala where dissolve all the aspects of
worldly and emotional attachments and refines as pure energy like Gems in to its own nature.
Meaning: The City of Gems
Yoga: Hatha-Yoga
Location: Solar Plexus/Epigastric Plexus/Navel
Shape: 10 Lotus Petals (Nadis), Triangular
Petals (Nadis) Sound: Dam, Dham, Nam (Palatal Sound), Tam, Tham, Dam, Dham, Nam (Dental Sound),
Pam, Pham(Labial) 8+ 9+ 0f+ t+ y+ b+ w+ g+ k+ km+
Seed Sound: Ram -/+_
Sound Pitch: Mi (E)
Color: Golden Yellow
Air: Samana
Element: Fire
Divinity (male): Old Rudra
Divinity (female): Laxmi/Goddess of Wealth
Nature of Divinity: Lakini/Pure Energy Nature
Ruler: Sun
Divine Force: Agni Mandala/Fire
Sense Organ: Eye
Sensitive Matter: Sight
Ruling Planet: Sun
Vital Force (Seed) Carrier/Vehicle: Sheep (Ram)
Chemical Gland: Pancreas
Aspects: Vision, Form, Ego, Color, Emotion, Energy Center, Purification and Store
Attribute: Gut Feelings, Vitality and Self-Esteem
6. Sacral Plexus (Swadhisthana Chakra)
It is liquid vital force activation center, where earth base energy melts, and chakra transforms the forces
own nature in to water.
Meaning: Dwelling place of the self steadiness
Yoga: Tantra-Yoga
Location: Hypogastric Plexus, Genitals, Lowest ends of Spine
Shape: 6 Lotus Petals (Nadis), Circular
Petals (Nadis) Sound: Bam, Bham, Mam, Yam, Ram, Lam a+ e+ d+ o+ /+ n+
Seed Sound: Wam -j+_
Sound Pitch: Re (D)
Color: Vermillion/Orange
Air: Vyana
Element: Water
Divinity (male): Indra
Divinity (female): Saraswati
Nature of Divinity: Rakini/Emotionalistic Nature
Ruler: Bishnu
Divine Force: Sheshnag/thousands Headed Serpent
Sense Organ: Tongue
Sensitive Matter: Taste
Ruling Planet: Mercury, Lunar (Feminine)
Vital Force (Seed) Carrier/Vehicle: Crocodile
Chemical Gland: Gonads Gland
Aspects: Procreation, Reproduction, Family, Fantasy
Attribute: Sexual and Creative Energy, Emotions
7. Base/Root Center (Muladhara Chakra)
Meaning: Root, Source, Base
Yoga: Karma-Yoga
Location: Pelvic Plexus/Base of Spinal Cord
Shape: 4 Lotus Petals (Nadis), Square
Petals (Nadis) Sound: Wam, Sham (Folded-Tongue Sound), Sham (Palatal Sound), Sam (Dental Sound)
j+ if+ z+ ;+
Seed Sound: Lam -n+_
Sound Pitch: Do (C)
Color: Red
Air: Apana
Element: Earth
Divinity (male): Child Brahma
Divinity (female): Sabitri/Sailputri
Nature of Divinity: Dakini/Materialistic Nature
Ruler: Ganesh
Divine Force: Mahakala Serpent/3½ folded Serpent
Sense Organ: Nose
Sensitive Matter: Fragrances
Ruling Planet: Solar, Mars (masculine)
Vital Force (Seed) Carrier/Vehicle: Eiravata Elephant (7 trunks)
Chemical Gland: Adrenal Glands
Aspects: Food and Shelter
Attribute: Grounding, Stability and Physical Identity.