28 Jan 2020 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

Nowadays,a lot of people has started doing yoga. This rapid growth in the number of students that paved many for many yoga schools to start numerous yoga teacher training programs. Yoga practice has developed over the years in many ways. Being a yoga teacher is not an easy task; it comes with tons of responsibilities. It is not about teaching those difficult yoga poses to your student, it’s all about spreading that treasure of ancient yoga to everyone. Becoming a certified yoga teacher is a life-changing journey itself, and joining a yoga teacher training program is the first step towards it. Indeed Yoga teaching training programs are designed in such a way that refines you as a trained yoga instructor. But, yoga is not all about its physical aspects; it is a way of life, and only a successful teacher can connect their students to its divine aspects.Below we have listed some Tips for Yoga Teacher Training Students based on our years of teaching and experience.
We have summed some Tips for Yoga Teacher Training Students so that you can understand and feel very comfortable with your students, and be a best yoga teacher:
1. Personal Practice is a way to go:
Personal practice is a way to become a great teacher; you can only teach that about which you are aware of. Always invest some time for your practice because the time you spent with mat will encourage you to grow in your teaching also. The more you become committed to your practice, the more you will be able to teach your students in a better way. Personal practice will help you to explore your inner boundaries and connect to your inner self and trust your abilities, and that way, you can also build that trust in your students also.
2. Seek every opportunity so that you can gain some teaching experience:
Now that you have completed your first 200 hour yoga teacher training Nepal try to gain some experience in teaching and absorb all the new sets of information you have learned. Try to apply all that information in your life practically and seek every opportunity to teach so that you can gain some experience. Sink in your teaching practice so that you imbibe all you have learned. Go for studios where you can give weekly classes, so just grab every opportunity you get.
3. Explore different styles of yoga:
There are many forms of yoga ranging from beginners Hatha yoga to intensive ashtanga yoga and kundalini yoga. Every opportunity you get to spend on your mat is an opportunity to learn something. Explore different studios who offer different styles of yoga so that you can diversify your teaching style. Every yoga teacher has a different style of teaching, and there is always room to learn something. Not only exploring different teachers and different styles of yoga will help you to diversify your practice but also help in shaping your teaching career.
4. Always ready for feedbacks
If you are new to teaching, then it is a must to learn from feedbacks you received from your experienced colleagues. You starting period is a time where you will be busy in shaping your career as a teacher, opening to new horizons and creating a base for you. At these moments, remain open for any feedback that could improve your teaching. Don’t take anything on your ego; this feedback will help you to grow, and genuine and honest feedback about your teaching, whether it is from your students, colleagues will help you to structure your next yoga class in a better way.
5. Always remain a student and keep learning:
The key to becoming a good yoga teacher is to remain a student forever. Life is all about learning something constantly; it is important to immerse yourself in yoga completely in any means. Read about yoga, attend various workshops, and be consistent with your practice. Try to take a step out of your comfort zone by learning a different style of yoga or mastering some of the most advanced yoga poses. Try to become more innovative with your practice as well as teaching because it will enhance your knowledge and ability to become the best yoga teacher.
The best yoga teacher is the one who knows how to imbibe all those yogic philosophies into the life of their students, whether they are on or off the mat. So try to resonate with their expectations.