21 Dec 2020 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

Padmaasanam Samaaqsaadya Jaanoorvorantare Karau; Koorparaabhyaam Samaaseeno Uchchasthah Kukkutaasanam!
Kukkutasana (Cockerel) is an advanced balancing yoga pose that requires good flexibility of the legs and benefits the arms and shoulders. Kukkutasana is one of the postures mentioned in the ancient Hatha yoga text, “Hatha Pradipika,” and the “Gheranda Samhita.”
Introduction of Kukkutasana (Cockerel Pose)
Sanskrit: कुक्कुटासन; Kukkut – Rooster/Cock, Asana – Pose; Pronounced as – cook-KETA-sana. The name comes from the Sanskrit kukkuta, meaning “rooster,” and asana, meaning “pose” or “posture.” Therefore, kukkutasana is also referred to as rooster pose in English.
It is recommended to learn this pose only after mastering padmasana. Sit in padmasana. Insert the hands between the thighs and calves and place them on the floor. Placing the palms of the hands firmly on the floor, raise the body from the floor. The body will be supported on the elbows. It is called Kukkutasana. The pose is held for as long as is comfortable.
Kukkutasana stimulates the muladhara chakra and is used for awakening the kundalini shakti, or the primal energy coiled at the base of the spine. When stimulated, laziness vanishes.
Steps to practice Kukkutasana (Cockerel Pose)
Starting Position: Padmasana (Lotus Pose)
Insert your hands between your calves and thighs, push your arms through the legs up to the elbows.
Spread the fingers and place the palms firmly on the ground
Keep the fingers pointing forward
Inhale and press the palm against the floor to lift your body off the ground.
Balance the weight of the body on your hands using the strength of your arms and core.
Keep the spine erect.
To maintain balance in the pose, choose a point in front of you and focus your gaze on it. After mastering the pose you may keep the eyes closed.
Retain the position for a few seconds without straining your arms, breathing normally.
To return, exhale and slowly lower the body on the ground, release the arms and come back in starting position
Take deep and slow breaths
Interchange the position of legs in Lotus Pose and practice the pose again
Precautions for Kukkutasana (Cockerel Pose)
Keep the spine erect as hunching will lead to misalignment of the body in the pose.
Avoid practicing Cockerel Pose in case you suffer from any of these: high blood pressure, heart or lung problems, back pain, hernia, prolapsed, gastric ulcers, and enlarged spleen or knee injuries.
People who have weak wrists or injured wrists, weak elbow or shoulder must also avoid practicing Kukkutasana
Don’t hold the pose for too long as that may strain the muscles of arms. Practice as per your strength and capability
Beginner’s Tips of Kukkutasana
As a beginner, it might be hard to get this asana right. These pointers will help you maintain the pose with ease.
Turn your gaze to a certain focal point at a distance and concentrate on it. This should help you maintain balance.
Ensure that your back is erect. Do not slouch while you are in this asana.
If you find it hard to slip your arms into the gap between your folded legs, you could oil your limbs to make it easier.
Preparatory Poses :
- Surya Namaskars
- Ujjayi Pranayama
- Mula Bandha
- Uddiyana Bandha
- Maha Vedha Mudra
Advanced Pose Alteration :
This is an advanced pose that springs from the basic Padmasana. There is no advanced pose for this asana. However, there are variations to this pose.
Urdhva Kukkutasana
Baddha Padmasana
Parsva Kukkutasana
Follow-Up Poses
Gupta Padmasana
Urdhva Padmasana in Sarvangasana
Sirsasana II
Urdhva Kukkutasana (With the head on the floor)
The Benefits of the Kukkutasana
This asana makes the muscles in the arms and the shoulders strong.
It also helps to make the chest broader.
The legs are loosened up.
Strengthen the muscles of arms and shoulders, stretches chest.
Strengthen wrists, elbows and an abdominal muscle thus aids digestion.
Develops a sense of balance and stability
Helpful in stimulating Mooladhara Chakra
Contracts and strengthens perineum
This asana builds balance and stability and also helps you focus
The perineum contracts during this asana, therefore, the muscles are strengthened
This asana activates and regulates the Muladhara Chakra
It stimulates the digestive system
It helps relieve menstrual discomfort and hip pain
Anatomy of Kukkutasana:
Kukkutasana benefits the following muscles and hence can be included in yoga sequences with the corresponding muscle(s) focus:
Biceps and Triceps
Core (Abs)
Practice Note of Kukkutasana :
Important things to remember through the practice of Kukkutasana (Cock Pose) are as follows; apply oil to the legs, it makes easier to slip the arms between the thighs and calves, particularly for those who have a lot of hair on the legs or a lot of fat or muscles on the legs. Lean forward to lift, press the base of the fingers, fingertips, and the heel of the hands firmly into the ground, bring the shoulder blades down your back, pull the lower belly as you squeeze the lower ribs towards each other, engage the legs firmly, and finally always maintain body weight evenly to avoid falling forward or backward.
Learn It
Learn this pose with the guidance of Swami Yog Subodh , Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher in Nepal.Learn this in Himalayan Yoga Academy.