24 Dec 2020 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

Christmas is one of the most important Christian and cultural holidays of the year, but what is the true meaning of Christmas? For Christians, the true meaning of Christmas is the celebration of the Savior, Jesus Christ.
When fall has given way to winter and snow covers the ground while lights twinkle from house to house, you know Christmas is coming. Decorated Christmas trees are everywhere you look. Presents crowd for space under the tree and families come together for a turkey feast. Christmas is one of the most important Christian and cultural holidays of the year, but what is the true meaning of Christmas? Is it the gifts? Is it the annual economic boost?
Yoga is the science of silence. Yoga prevents illness, heals and cures the diseases, releases physical & mental tension, promotes our health and life, rejuvenates the life. So it is good to use the Christmas Holidays for yoga retreat to boost the immune and refresh the mind throughout the different means of yogic healings and meditations. So Himalayan Yoga Academy in Nepal always organizes the Christmas special Yoga camp with refreshment Packages in and out of Kathmandu.
Christmas is known to all men the world over historically as the memorable day of the birth of Jesus, the Saviour. Though it is true that Christmas is thus celebrated as the day of the advent of Christ into this world, yet it also symbolizes a very deeply significant truth of the spiritual life. Jesus Christ lived and symbolized Divine Consciousness. He is the very personification of Divinity. He was born at a time when ignorance, superstition, greed, hatred and hypocrisy prevailed upon the land. The rulers were arrogant and unrighteous. The people were avaricious, indolent and heedless. Purity was forgotten. Morality was neglected. They were intent upon worshipping mammon than adoring God. There was no idealism.
Christmas is a time of spiritual reflection on the important foundations of the Christian faith. It’s also a celebration. It’s when Christians celebrate God’s love for the world through the birth of the Christ child: Jesus. The Bible tells of his birth hundreds of years before, fulfilling prophecies. Christmas Day or Christmas is an annual commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ, celebrated generally on December 25 as a religious and cultural holiday by billions of people around the world.
On this day, over two billion people (over a third of the world’s population) will celebrate the birth of Christ.
Christmas Day celebrates the Nativity of Jesus which according to tradition took place on December 25th 1 BC. December 25th will be a public holiday in most countries around the world. If 25 December falls on a weekend, then a nearby weekday may be taken as a holiday in lieu.
Whilst the holiday has a strong grounding in the story of the birth of Jesus, many of the traditions we associate with Christmas have evolved from pre-Christian beliefs and certainly, the traditions have evolved beyond purely a Christian holiday to have a wider secular significance.
The celebration of Christmas in late December is certainly as a result of pre-existing celebrations happening at that time, marking the Winter Solstice. Under the Julian calendar, the winter solstice was fixed on December 25, and this date was also the day of the popular Roman holiday of Saturnalia, in honour of Saturn, the god of agriculture; which was later superseded by Sol Invictus, a day that bundled up the celebration of several sun based gods into one easy to manage festival.
Revitalize and harmonize your mind, body, and soul this Christmas and New Year. Welcome the coming year with a holistic body and mind by choosing from our best Christmas & New Year yoga retreats. Here you will practice various styles of yoga from Hatha to yin, pranayama to meditation, Mantra Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Ashtanga traditions & Vinyasa, and also get to know about the benefits of Ayurveda, Singing Bowls, Reiki, and Nature cure. Make your Christmas a healthy and happy one by going on a Christmas yoga holiday and enjoy a time of liveliness, wholesomeness, spiritedness, oneness but not aloneness.
So Himalayan Yoga Academy provides the services of standard services with cleansing acts (Shatakarma), Prayers with mantras, Yogasana, Paranayama, and Meditation, singing bowls healing & meditation, Reiki Healing, some theoretical lessons, wellbeing packages like massage, shirodhara, hiking yoga, sauna, steam bath, swimming, , reflexology, herbal tea, all food and accommodation.
Christmas Yoga Pattern:
Namaste Pranayama, devotional sons, Claping, Jogging, Vrikshasana Variations, Surya Kriya Yoga, Pankaj Mudra, Hakini Mudra, Aahwana Mudra, Bhastrika & Bharamari Pranayama, Laughing Yoga, and Active & Kundalini Meditation