21 Sep 2020 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सूर्यकोटि समप्रभ । निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा ॥
Vakra-Tunndda Maha-Kaaya Suurya-Kotti Samaprabha | Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryessu Sarvadaa ||
(Salutations to Sri Ganesha) Who has a Curved Trunk, Who has a Large Body and Whose Splendour is similar to Million Suns;
O Deva, Please Make my Undertakings Free of Obstacles, By extending Your Blessings in All my Works, Always
After years of the Corona crisis, the world is now feeling relief. We feel more hope and look to release somewhere else and something else. During the pandemic period, however, it has been an infections crisis; at the same time Yogic knowledge and practices have also been introduced and applied to boost the immune and intuition as a great lesson since the beginning of coron
After more than half of the year of the Corona crisis, the world is now feeling relief. We feel more hope and look to release somewhere else and something else. During the pandemic period, however, it has been an infections crisis; at the same time, Yogic knowledge and practices have also been introduced and applied to boost the immune and intuition as a great lesson since the beginning of corona infection. What we are practicing and getting preventive tips from WHO as well as the Governments, surprisingly these are the codes and ethics of our ancient knowledge and science which have usually been taught in our Himalayan Yoga Teacher Training Course at Himalayan Yoga Academy in Nepal.
Means of Practice:

Supposed, we learn these kriyas in Shatakarma under Hatha Yoga as the content of Yoga Teacher Training such as washing hands and feet, Jala Neti (Nasal Cleansing), rinsing and gargling with salty warm water (Data Dhauti), drinking warm water, lemon water, ginger tea, tulsi tea, vomiting cleansing act (Vaman Dhauti), etc. We generally do prayer every day for physical, mental, emotional, and entire body preparation by chanting Om, Mantras with Salutation Mudra (Namaste) instead of Handshake as a Bhakti Yoga In our Yoga Teacher Training and Yoga Retreat Packages at Himalayan Yoga Academy in Nepal, now the world is learning from corona Master. This is the second surprise.
What we learn as Aahara Yoga ( Yoga of Food ) and Yogic lifestyle in the Yoga teacher training course, now the corona is teaching the worldly people about the intake of natural, balanced, organic, seasonal, vegetarian, and live food for the right purpose, right time, the right way of eating in the daily base rather than, junk, fast, dead, meat product, etc. We should think that “Fast food and Fast life tend to Fast death” but it is better to have only the ‘Fast”. We learn here Dina-charya (Day), Ratri-charya (Night ), Ritu-charya (Seasonal regimen) as a proper lifestyle in Yoga Teacher Training Course at Himalayan Yoga Academy, the first Yoga school in Nepal under Yoga Alliance Affiliation.
What we learn here is Warm-up, Dynamic exercise; Surya Namaskara, and Yogasana under the Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal ( 200 Hour YTTC / 300 Hour YTTC / 500 Hour YTTC ) , But corona teaches us to keep physical activeness at least by doing 30 minutes physical exercises or morning walk, playing games, or, if not, we do physical work-out on-farm and sweat break out at least, instead of this, can do yogasana. Actually, we do Physical exercise and Yogasana, then we do bandha, mudras, breathing work-out, and Pranayama – Bhastrika and Sheetali (Highly Recommended) in order to increase immunity because the immune is the natural and original vaccine. It is our ignorance that we are looking forward to getting the vaccine, which means we indirectly want to be infected because to date no vaccine against viruses in the world is invented, and also everybody has their own immunity system.
What we learn to have a 3R = Rest, Relaxation and Recreation, Yoga Nidra, Concentration, Meditation and ethical part of Yogic life e.g. Yama & Niyama, this corona also teaches us how to make good sleep. Somehow we learn good humor and ethics from this situation and finally, it made us realize something more. So, we heartily request to make the plan for travel. We are looking forward to seeing you soon for Himalayan Yoga Teacher Training and Yoga Retreats packages at Himalayan Yoga Academy.