5 Sep 2022 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

Uttanasana is commonly defined as the intense deep forward bend pose that stretches the muscles of the leg, gluteus, and calves, along with the deep stretch of the lower and upper back. This asana is the beginner yoga pose that is also included in Sun Salutation. Also used in various types of Yoga such as Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, and Ashtanga yoga.
Although the pose looks simple and easy to do, it needs to be done with the proper guidance. It is not about touching the toes. If you understand the intention of the pose then you will be more comfortable with it. And can receive more benefits.
What is Uttanasana?
Uttanasana is the Sanskrit word. The beginning part consists of two parts; U means Intensity, and TAN means to extend or stretch. And the asana means the pose. So jointly it means a strong and intentional stretch. There is a misconception that Uttanasana is only about stretching the hamstrings, but the poses involve the body tissues from head to heels.
This asana has been practiced from generation to generation and also been written in the old text books by Krishnamacharya, B.K.S Lyengar, and Patthabi Jois.
Benefits of Uttanasana
The practicing of Uttanasana is the intense forward bend practiced to bring the balance between your upper body and lower body.
- Stretches lengthens, strengthens: The structure benefitted from the stretch includ
- Erector spine( back muscles alongside the spine)
- Gluteal muscles( butt)
- Hamstring muscles( back of thigh)
- Small deep muscles of the hip and spine
The fascia of the back body, particularly the thoracolumbar fascia.
Allowing the head and arms to relax in this pose may help you release the tension and stress in your neck and head and shoulders.
The forward folded position can also help by massaging the abdominal muscles and decompressing the spinal vertebrae.
The forward fold stimulates the sacral chakra or Swasdisthan Chakra. This chakra controls desires, sexuality, and pleasures and is related to the element of water and reproduction. The urinary tract, kidneys, testes, and ovaries may function well and be healthy if the energy flow at this Chakra is stimulated and balanced.
Caution for Uttanasana
Injuries might occur if you attempt to create a deep forward bending in your body. No one should ever force you farther into a stretch position, even when the changes made by your qualified teacher may help you establish a suitable and secure position. Additionally, you should avoid concentrating on putting your hands or your nose on the ground.
The goal of safe forward folds is to tilt the pelvis forward as far as your specific anatomy will allow.
However, you should seek medical advice before practicing the inverted pose if you have:
i. Hypertension
ii. Glaucoma or detached retina
You should also provide extra care to avoid stressing sensitive tissues if you experience:
i. Lower- back pain
ii. Spinal issues or sciatica
iii. Hamstring Injury
Also remember that back pain should be handled with care, yoga can also be a helpful tool for managing and relieving the chronic back pain
How to Practice Uttanasana?
- Place your feet either width apart or together as you stand on the mat.
- Exhale, then bend forward from the hips rather than the waist area.
- Reach your palms or fingertips towards the floor slightly in front of or beside your feet. Knees can be either bent or straight.
- Lift or lengthen the front torso just a little bit after with each inhalation, and with each exhalation, release more fully into the forward bend.
- Hold steadily and evenly breathe for as long as it is comfortable.
- To come out of the pose, bend your knees until your body hit your thighs. After then, plant your heels firmly on the ground and softly raise your spine. Your head and shoulders should be the last to rise.
- Improving your Uttanasana ( advanced pose)
- Reminder- The pose is not about touching the toes. The motive is an anterior pelvic tilt- hinging forward from the hips.
- Focus more on lengthening your front torso rather than curving it in towards the legs.
- Your heels should be firmly pressed towards the floor.
- Lift your sitting bones towards the ceiling.
- Turn the top of your thigh slightly inward.
- Let your head hand relax.
Modifications for Uttanasana
- Try the seated forward bend ( paschimottanasana) if you need a seated practice.
- If your hamstrings are tight or you have pain in your lower bk, bend your knees just a little.
- Try folding forward, bending the knees more and resting the chest on the front of the thighs.
- Use blocks or sturdy cushions to raise the floor to your hands for more support.
- Keep your pelvis tilted forwards and straighten your back by pressing your hands into these supports ( hinged forward from the hips).
- To generate greater space, try performing the posture with your feet hip – width apart.
Variations for Uttanasana
Big toe pose or Padangusthasana
Keep your big toes firmly in place after bending forward. Straighten your arms as you inhale, lifting your front torso away from your thighs, making your back as concave as possible. Inhale, and as you stretch down and forward with your elbows bent out to the sides, Exhale, reach for the floor with your crown of the head pulling your shoulders blades away from your ears.
Hand under foot pose or Padahastasana
Slide your hands, palms facing the floor, under the soles of your feet after bending forward into the Uttanasana position. Just as with the Big- toe pose mentioned above , raise and lower torso with breathe coordination.
One-legged standing forward bend or Eka pada Uttanasana
Step forward while standing with your feet hip-width apart. Put your left hand on the outside of your left foot and your right hand in the space between your feet. As you breathe in, shift your weight to your left foot and elevate your right leg up and back toward the ceiling. Reach the right foot’s ball up and out while firmly pressing your hands into the ground. Your nose should be pointed toward your left knee or shin.
Release your right foot to the ground, then switch to the opposite side.
- Revolved standing forward bend or parivrtta Uttanasana
Hold your left big toe with your right hand while standing forward bend, and your right big toe with your left hand (your right arm is crossing above your left arm). Inhale, stretch your spine, and slowly lower your crown to the ground. Exhale, then turn your upper body to the right. Reach with your left elbow toward the outside of your right knee or shin while looking up under your right arm.
Repeat on the other side, rotating to the left and raising your left arm higher than your right.
Uttanasana Summary
One of the most popular asanas in yoga practice, popular across various styles and sequences, is standing forward bend. With a concentrate on folding forward at the hips, it should be adapted and practiced as a purposeful stretch to the tissues of the back-body. You can adapt the stretch in numerous helpful ways to assist you to achieve this forward pelvic tilt and reap its intended advantages. During yoga teacher training in Nepal you will learn various amazing yoga poses under which this yoga pose comes. The proper guidance of our yoga teacher training Nepal trainers will guide you in making this yoga pose under proper alignment.