Students and guests come to our Himalayan Yoga Academy to recharge, practice yogasana, meditate, study ancient wisdom, to understand the life science, find peace, relax and rejuvenate themselves. We ask to all that you carefully read our conduct policy with the intention for all guests and students to have the most serene and tranquil experience during your stay at Yoga Academy. We ask that everyone adheres to these guidelines with the utmost respect so that everyone finds what they are looking for. We wish you a pleasant stay having abundant of knowledge and experiences. The Terms & Conditions are
All Guests and Students:
- Silent hours and locations Mornings are a special time and it
is important to start the day right. Not all guests and students wake atthe same time so we ask that you be mindful of the volume of your voiceuntil breakfast time. You may follow our ring bell call. Please do notbang doors and have phone conversations outside the rooms as some maybe sleeping , meditating, healing or reading.
Same applies for afternoons as guests often enjoy naps or massagesand when theory and practical classes of trainees are in session.
During meal times it is also highly advised to enjoy your meal insilence to fully appreciate and digest properly. Love to eat. Teaserved afterwards is considered talk and discussion time as need. - Laundry: Your
clothes can be cleaned in our washing machine for you at an additional costas need (will belowest price for our guests), you may ask to staff or tothe receptionist . - Smoking, Alcohol and other prohibited items: In respect to the surroundings,
to other guests and to yourself, under no circumstances is alcohol orsmoking allowed on site. - Meals: The
retreat strives to provide organic and vegetarian/vegan meals, but if you havespecial dietary needs please notify our staff in advance. We will tryto accommodate your needs as best we can. We apply the food norms as “Foodis the first medicines”. Payment conditions :We accept cash or wire transfer via bank to bank, Money Transfer agency like Western Union as we do not yet have means to accept credit card payment. We apologize for the inconvenience.- Dress Code
We ask that you be respectfully toward Nepali culture, and yoga culture,and refrain from wearing revealing clothes. It should be comfortable foryoga practice freely. Personal belongings :Please be responsible for your own belongings, keep your door locked.- Yoga Class attendance: Guests are invited to attend yoga
classes during morning , Jalaneti at 6:30 to yoga from 7:00 to 8:45 am and 5:15 to 6:45 Dhyana Yoga Session in evening hours. Whether you attend theclasses or decide not to, please refrain from loud conversation and comingsand goings around the classroom. - Satsang: Students
and guests are welcome to participate in group chanting, Tratakaand discourses after dinner. Electricity and water conservation: Please be mindful of the use oflights and water. If there is a power outage, make sure some ofswitches are turned on inverter support.Drinking water :Every guest will get a bottle of mineral water. Feel free to refill yourbottle in the dining area.Safety and wildlife:Given the jungle surroundings, there are insects and mosquitoes all around, please try to use natural repellents such as citronella and lemongrass oil. If you go hiking in the countryside or in the jungle, bring water, hat, sunscreen,water proof gears, and proper shoes for slippery roads.Spa services :Some therapies like massage,shirodhara , sauna-steam bath, swimming Poolare included . We provide one day one therapy but no on your choice, ifchoice , will be on extra charge.- Special Requests:
If you need extra blankets, toilet paper, candles, mosquito plug-in refills, new towels, or wish to have your room cleaned, please let a memberof staff know. - Library: We have a library at your disposal, we trust you will enjoy and return the books
as you found them. If you wish to borrow a book, to enjoy in your room, please check with a representative beforehand. Please respect this procedure as some books are not to leave the library at all (special books, books for students etc…) Karma yoga :We really appreciate the practice of Karma Yoga in our retreat, any feedback, ideas or input are highly encouraged.Sicknesses and injuries:If you suffer from any long-term or chronic injuries or diseasesplease inform us when making your reservation. During your stay, if youare feeling sick or have any injuries, please notify a member of staff. The representatives of the retreat are here to help you andaccommodate your needs.- Keep 20% deposit in advance which will be
non- refundable and if somebody withdraws any courses/ packages after startingthe session , only 50% out of total amount will be refunded.
- All students are required to follow the Yamas & Niyamas (ethics and morals) according to the eight Limbs of Yoga Darshana.
- Training expectations: Be active, be attentive, attend all sessions, learn given material, practice non-judgment, practice in your own time, follow the rule of initiation, continuity and devotion.
- Setting you up for success: Let go of your expectations, don’t compete, be humble and learn from yourself, “remember a teacher exists in everything that you do, in every class you take and in every experience you have while completing the program.”
- Class conduct: Be respectful; be on time, no conversations when class has started, using non-violent communication, avoid conflict During theory class, in order to cover all material, please save your questions for end of lecture and write down your questions during self-study and submit them to your teacher.
- Class Time: Enter in classroom 5 minutes earlier before Master, will be 5 minutes break after 1 hour class.
- Class attendance: Attendance hours should be strictly respected. Please refrain from being late or leaving early as it disrupts other students practicing. If you cannot make a class or wish not to, please notify in advance.
- Study time: Expect to study outside class after all you are your best teacher.
- Phones and WIFI: In the interest of others and your own progress, phones are not permitted during class even on vibrate mode. We ask that phone calls are not to be made right outside the rooms, and refrain from loud conversations.
- Respecting cultural differences: The retreat receives students from around the world with various intentions, be mindful of this diversity and take advantage to learn from others. Respect individuality and privacy, if door is closed be mindful that students can be practicing or studying, avoid disturbing unless it is absolutely necessary.
Further on Terms and Conditions
- Fasting and silence: Throughout the program students are welcome to fast and practice silence, please be respectful and attentive to these practices.
- Leisure time & Days off (Therapies, Hiking): Days off are determined by the teacher (Day offs are usually every Saturday, but expect changes from time to time).
Students will get one day off a week from class.During that time you are free to do as you please. Some students take this time to discover the surrounding areas, study at the retreat in peace and calm or simply unwind with a massage; we ask that though you are off from class you respect your fellow students whether it is to socialize or to meditate.
Please let somebody knows if you are going on a hike and let them know when you approximately plan to return (for lunch or after etc…).
If you wish to enjoy extra massages (at additional cost), please notify the centre representative who will be happy to arrange it for you. - Sicknesses and injuries: If you suffer from any long-term or chronic injuries or diseases please inform us when making your reservation. During your stay, if you are feeling sick or have any injuries, please notify a member of staff. The representatives of the retreat are here to help you and accommodate your needs.
- Intoxicants and chemicals: With respect to the surroundings, you & our guests, neither alcohol or other intoxicants nor cigarettes are not allowed on site, we also ask that strong chemicals and aerosols not be used. Try natural alum to replace your chemical deodorant.
This were the Terms & Conditions .