8 Oct 2023 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

What is Plavini Pranayama?
Plavini Pranayama (Floating Breath) is a way of regulating Prana or life force so that the individual’s body is light enough to float. The Sanskrit root “Plavini” or Plu means floating or swimming. The main goal of this pranayama is to swallow air-like liquid and restore the body for levitation. In this pranayama, the person consumes air like water and holds it in the stomach to make it expand to develop a feeling of floating. When the stomach is filled with air, a distinctive echoing sound similar to a drum will be created when it hits the stomach.
The philosophy of Plavini Pranayama also emphasizes the importance of conscious breathing and cultivating deep awareness of the present moment. By focusing on the feeling of your breath entering and leaving your body, you can develop a sense of presence and awareness, which can help reduce stress and anxiety and improve your overall well-being. Ultimately, Plavini Pranayama emphasizes the importance of balancing and harmonizing the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of our being and cultivating a deep sense of mindfulness and inner connection.
Steps to Performing Plavini Pranayama
- Find a comfortable sitting position with your back straight and your hands on your knees.
- Breathe deeply in and out through your nose, focusing on relaxing your body and calming your mind.
- Breathe deeply through your nose and swallow the air so that it fills your stomach. You may need to practice several times to master it.
- Hold your breath if you feel comfortable. Firstly, start with a few seconds and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable with the exercise.
- Breathe out slowly through your nose, letting the air escape from your stomach. Breathe in and out normally through your nose and repeat this process as often as you like.
Benefits of Plavini Pranayama:
- Improves Digestion: Plavini Pranayama can help stimulate the digestive system and improve the functioning of the digestive organs. It is particularly useful for relieving gas, bloating, and other digestive problems.
- Reduces Stress and Anxiety: By focusing on breathing and cultivating a sense of presence and awareness, Plavini Pranayama can help reduce stress and anxiety and promote a sense of calm and relaxation.
- Increases Energy Levels: Practicing Plavini pranayama can help increase the oxygen supply in the body, which can lead to increased energy levels and a feeling of vitality.
- Releases Emotional Blockages: The practice of Plavini Pranayama can help release emotional blockages and negative thought patterns and promote a sense of emotional balance and inner peace.
- Promotes General Well-Being: By balancing and harmonizing the physical, mental,, and emotional aspects of our being, Plavini Pranayama can promote general well-being and a sense of inner connection.
Contradictions & Precautions Of Plavini Pranayama:
Always practice this pranayama on an empty stomach or at least 5-6 hours after eating. The suction of air through the nose into the stomach must not be hindered. Also, remember not to exceed your breathing capacity. Every person has different abilities. Therefore, carry out this pranayama under guidance from the beginning.
If you have heart problems, hypertension, or are pregnant, be cautious.
In case of a hernia or hydrocele, breath-holding can exert too much pressure.
For any chronic disease or mental condition, consult with your physician before practicing it.
This simple Pranayama is the easiest way to control your breath and de-stress. Here In this article, we explored the steps to perform Plavini Pranayama and understand its benefits and contraindications. Learn more about Pranayama with Himalayan Yoga Academy. Join us now for amazing yoga training courses/ Yoga teacher training Courses in Nepal. You can explore more breathing with Yoga Retreat Programs