19 Jun 2020 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

“AUM! YOGAH SAMAADHI” – “ॐ योग: समाधि”
Yoga is the soul of Human Life. Body is a laboratory for yogic practice as a hardware system. We connect the body with energy and mind technology as software system. Then it goes fully and smoothly on natural excess, the soul of human life that makes us achieve ‘Yoga’. So we can say that Yoga is a well unification of the hardware (body), the software (mind) and the quantum (the soul).
The slogan “Yoga for Health and Yoga at Home” has announced by United Nation for this Year on the occasion of International Day of Yoga. With the consideration of covid-19 pandemic situation, we all yoga friends, yoga lovers, yoga practitioners, yoga Masters (Guru), even governments of more than 177 countries have been initiating the yoga day celebration throughout different channels, medias, and public forum by updating the optimum use of the modern science and technologies. So this slogan is highly appreciated due to this current issue that suggest us do yoga at home and with all the members of family and neighbors applying the safety rules as need.
Since 18th June 2020, we are running the virtual Yoga workshop and seminar inaugurated by respected Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Mr Giri Raj Pokharel dated on 18th June at 6:00 am Nepali time. Then we are conducting the two sessions at 6:00 to 8:00 (More Practical) and 18:00 to 20:00 (More Theoretical) regularly. It will remain until the evening session of 18:00 to 20:00 by 24th June, 2020 as concluding session.
From Himalayan Yoga Academy, “हिमालयन योग एकेडेमी ” Chairman and Yoga Guru Subodh “योग गुरु सुबोध” has working as a active member of Management Committee for this Yoga Week and has presented the theoretical session tilted on ‘Introduction and History of Yoga’ on 18th June at 18:30 and also demonstrated the practical on 19th June at 7:00 am tilted on Surya Kriya Yoga which was on live via different social medias.
Live Page : https://www.facebook.com/iydnepal77/

We Himalayan Yoga Academy Family would like to request to join on this virtual yoga workshop by managing your valuable time for the celebration of IDY, 2020 with us and hope you will get maximum benefits and well connectivity as well. In fact, Yoga is itself celebration on each day, even each moment of life and these types of the Day will be the social or international commune celebration. So let’s join, let’s enjoy and let’s have peace in all over the world.