9 Feb 2020 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

Mud Therapy is the use of natural clay from the earth for therapeutic purposes. Most are familiar Pelotherapy in the form of a facial “mud” mask, but the applications include any form of external poultice. Clay has a long, worldwide history of outstanding, health-promoting effects and has been used extensively by many cultures for thousands of years. Basically speaking, when activated with moisture, clay has a unique drawing capacity that provides its detoxifying benefits. Below you will learn How to Use Mud Therapy
How to Use Guide :
Mud therapy(How to Use Mud Therapy) could be used in two forms
1. Mud Packs: This involves frequent application of packs of mud. It helps in improving skin complexion and acts on skin spots and patches to reduce them.
2. Mud Baths: This involves application of special kind of mud rich in natural salts and mineral over the entire body ( except head). Mud baths are useful in many skin diseases such as Psoriasis, Urticaria, leucoderma.
Mud packs are typically used for local application. The construct and usage of a mudpack is similar for all applications on the thickness and the size varies as per the usage. To make a mud pack first soak mud in water for 30 minutes. Now take a thin wet muslin cloth and apply mud evenly on the muslin cloth to form a uniform thin layer of half to one inch in thickness. Fold all the sides to make it a compact pack.
Mudpack for Eyes: Mud soaked in water is spread to make a half inch thick layer. The pack is typically 9 in X 6 in, enough to cover eyes completely. it is placed on the eyes for 20 to 30 minutes. An eye mud pack helps in relaxing the eyes; especially good for those who require to sit in front of a computer for long hours.
Therapeutically, it reduces irritation, itching or other allergic conditions such as conjunctivitis and hemorrhage of the eye ball. It also helps in correcting refractive errors like short/long sightedness. It is effective in Glaucoma, where it works to reduce the eye ball tension.
Mudpack for Head: A head mud pack is normally a thick narrow band. It is applied over the fore head and helps to heal congestive headache relieves pain immediately.
Mudpack for Face: Fine mud is used for face and a smooth paste is first made using cold water. Apply this paste evenly on the face and leave if to dry for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes one must thoroughly wash the face with cold water. It helps in improving the complexion of the skin. In cases of acne it helps by absorbing excess oils and toxins from the skin. It also helps in reducing dark circles around the eyes.

Mudpack for Abdomen: The size of a mud pack for abdomen is generally 10 in X 6 in X 1 in for adults. The mud pack should be applied for 20-30 minutes. The body and the mud pack should be covered with blanket, if applied during the cold weather. An abdomen mud pack helps in all kinds of indigestion. It is very helpful in decreasing intestinal heat and stimulates peristalsis
Mudbath:How to Use Mud Therapy
First the mud is prepared by soaking it in water. The mud is then applied to the full body either in sitting or lying down position. Mud is kept for 45 to 60 minutes and ideally be exposed to sun light, at least intermittently. Remember that the head should always be covered when exposing the body to sunlight. Afterwards, the person should be thoroughly washed with cold to luke warm water. Dry the person quickly and transfer to a warm bed. A mud bath helps in increasing the blood circulation and energizing the skin tissues. It thus helps in cleansing and improving the skin condition generally. Regular mud baths may be considered as natural beauty treatment procedure as it also helps in improving skin complexion and reducing spots and patches, possibly the result of some skin disorder like chickenpox or small pox. Mud baths are useful in many skin diseases such as Psoriasis, Urticaria, leucoderma, Leprosy and other skin allergic conditions.Despite therapeutic properties of mud which are very useful in maintaining good health and glowing skin, the over-use of mask applications may lead to excessive drying of the skin. Therefore it is essential to keep the pack moistened to avoid excessive dryness and stretching. Also, the mud must be carefully chosen for obtaining desired results, and its quality must be ensured to avoid any complications.