17 May 2020 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

“Return to Nature”
History of Naturopathy
Naturopathyis the application of five elements healing system. It is an art of natural treatment via drugless process. It is considered as the oldest medical system in the world. It is known as the mother of all the therapies. It is the oldest therapy as nature itself and also as the creation of all the creatures as well. Natural way of treatment has been mentioned in Vedas as a Upavaasa (Fast), surya chikitsa (Sun therapy), Aahara Chikitsa (Food therapy), Jala Chikitsa (Water therapy), herbal therapy, etc.
In pauranic period, the King Dasharatha had undergone to use phalahara on the infertility case of his queens. The Devil King Raavana initially used natural treatment but later on due to his nature and lifestyle change, he ordered Vaidyas to make the fast and easy treatment, as a result, they searched and brought medicinal herbs by making liquid to cure the various diseases.
Lord Buddha had told to the monks to use mud, cow dung, cow urine, and ash on snake bite and also advised to use steam bath, hot water bath and sun bath on specific ailments. Religiously it was used to get some of the natural treatments in different communes and religions such as observance of ‘Kalp Vaasa’ (Light fast), Vrtta (Religious fast), worship of Panchatattva (Five elements) on each, Surya Namaskar, Sun Bath, Water Bath, Earth bath, Herbal bath, Yogasana, Pranayama, Mudras, Mantras, etc. respectively.
In middle of Era, the application of naturopathy minimizes and almost hidden, only somewhere else used to in limit for long period of time. Finally on seventeenth century around, the western scientists and doctors felt the the need of naturopathy and they started natural treatments one by one and finally developed all over the world. Dr. James Currie in 1717 wrote a Book on treatment by water. But Dr. Vincenz applied this, so he was called the father of modern Naturopathy. Similarly, different personages like father Sebastian, Louis Kuhne, Adolf Just, Hippocrates, in different times worked in Naturopathy.
Though, Naturopathy was used to eastern belt of world in very beginning of creation but formally when the book named “New Science of Healing” of Louis Kuhne was translated in Telugu by Shri D. Venkat in 1894 and in Hindi and Urdu by Krishna Swaroop in 1904 and then formally it has been started in India.
Mahatma Gandhi was deeply inspired by Adolf Just’s Book “Return to Nature and studied it completely and used himself at first and then used to members of his family, Ashram and others gradually and published developed through articles and direct work on naturopathy and then got popularity in India, Nepal and other surrounding zones. Then inspired by Mahatma Gandhi, Naturopathy treatment system has been developed formally establishing the Hospitals and institutions. Some of very popular names of India are Krishna Swaroopop, Mararji Desai, Dr. Laxmi Narayan, Dr, Vitthaldas Modi, etc.
1.5 Overview and Principles of Naturopathy
The purification process of body and mind with the use of panchatattva through different methods is called Naturopathy. It is also called Nature Cure or Natural Therapy. Treatment by use these five elements and rama Naama is quite different from the systems of medicines practiced at present. Naturopathy is an art of living attempting a healthy and long life. The rules or principles of naturopathy applied to maintain good healthy are the same which are advocated to cure diseases.
The fundamental principles of Naturopathy are listed as follows:
- Unnatural lifestyle causes the accumulation of waste products.
- Accumulation of waste products is the primary cause of diseases.
- All diseases is one i.e. “toxification”, their cause is one i.e. ‘toxins’ and treatment is also one i.e. “detoxification”.
- Acute diseases are good fellows but not the enemies.
- It takes the time to cure the chronic ailments in Naturopathy.
- Treatment is not of a particular disease but of the entire body of the patient.
- It gives the proper in body, mind and soul levels
- Healing crisis is seen during getting treatment in Naturopathy.
- Germs do not cause the diseases which is appeared due to lack of vitality.
- Nature is a doctor, and she herself heals in ailments.