Himalayan Yoga Academy

Education & research Foundation

10 Feb 2020 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

Diet for Health in Yoga & Ayurveda

The word “yoga” means union. Yoga brings union or balance to the body, primarily through the asanas that we are familiar with in yoga classes. Yoga also brings balance to the mind and body. After yoga sessions, we feel more integrated, relaxed, clearer, stronger and healthier.Learn further Diet for Health in Yoga & Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a wellness practice that originated in South Asia, especially western-north part of Nepal around 5,000 years ago. The word “Ayurveda” is a combination of two Sanskrit words that mean life (Ayur) and science (Veda), so the literal translation of Ayurveda is “the science of life.”

We know that food affects our moods and general health. Ayurveda has taught us that by balancing our diet we can maintain balance in our body, in our physical functioning. According to Ayurveda, it is essential to eat daily from all the six tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, astringent and pungent. Each taste performs a unique energy efficiency upon the body that is vital for body functioning.

The main difference between the ayurvedic and yogic diets is that Ayurveda aims to restore the body in a state of health and balance, while yogic diets are aimed at facilitating higher practices of yoga assuming a base level of health has already been reached.

Diet for Health in Yoga & Ayurveda

Eating a well-balanced diet, according to the Ayurvedic principles, naturally brings balance to the mind and body and will only make your yoga practice more effective and in tune with the goal of yoga, which is union, health, wholeness – all really one concept.

The diets here in our Himalayan Yoga Academy are highly based on Ayurvedic wellness systems that date back thousands of years. Also, Some studies shown that these types of diets highly help in improving your health.

So if you want to learn about these foodies, you may come here in our academy(school) to learn more,So learn about Diet for Health in Yoga & Ayurveda