25 Jun 2020 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

News platform of International Day of Yoga, 2020
“Yoga for Health and Yoga at Home”
AUM! Happy International Day of Yoga to all beloved Souls,
With the slogan “Yoga for Health and Yoga at Home” for the 6th International Day of Yoga, 21 June, 2020 this year announced by United Nation, Yoga Week has begun with the different programs, mostly Virtual way. Every year is being more memorable Day in Nepal.
Zoom Meeting has been called by Minister of Education, Science and Technology dated on 09-06-2020. The agenda was the celebration of International Yoga Day on June 21, as a virtual meeting with the Government of Nepal.

We did the inaugurated ceremony on 18th June at 6 am, inaugurated by Minister of Education, Science and Technology.
On 18th, evening session at 6 pm, The chairman cum Yoga Guru of Himalayan Yoga Academy Yoga Guru Subodh has presented tilted on “Introduction and History of Yoga” and also demonstrated Yoga practical session of “Surya Kriya Yoga” dated on 19th morning session 7 am.
“Surya Kriya Yoga” – Surya Namaskar has been practiced in ancient period for many centuries as sanatan rites in the form of worship to the Surya Devata, Sun God. Hanuman, the great monkey king, was one of the prominent characters in the epic of Ramayana. This story has been representing the origin of Surya Namaskar, relates to Hanuman’s childhood.
#VirtualYoga, #InternationalDayofYoga, #HimalayanYoga, #RealYogaSense, #TraditionalYogaspot
2. Main Day of Yoga Week– Date: 21-06 – 2020
Hon’ble Prime Minister of Nepal K. P Oli has inaugurated the International Day of Yoga on 21-06-2020 at 08:00 am and released the National Yoga Protocol on the same programs. Program was centralized on interactions about National Yoga Protocol and also conducting yoga related interactions, speech, your participation in the program is cordially requested.

First time in Nepal, the research article of historical truth of applied Surya Namaskar as Guru Dakshinaa and as Vaatasaara Kriya (Air Drinking) has been published in Yoga Journal called “Yoga Sandesh” 2020; published on the occasion of International Day of Yoga by MAHAMANA MALAVIYA MISION KATHMANDU NEPAL. Thank you for Yogacharya G.N. Saraswati, President of this Mission. This article has been researched by our Yoga Guru Subodh.
- Hari OM!
3. Closing Session: Happy International Yoga Day 2020
Topic: International Yoga Day related programs
Time: Jun 24, 2020 06:00 PM Kathmandu
Naman: Former Prime Minister Jhalanath Khanal and Dr. Baburam Bhattarai, Mr Giriraj Pokharel, Minister of Education, Science and Technology, former ministers, political persons, Yoga Professors, Yogi people, Yoga lovers have participated . The session was on 24th June in evening at 6-8 pm. Program was very well managed with speakers, big participations.

Use this link to take part in “sixth international yoga day, Nepal-2077, week of closing Session”