Himalayan Yoga Academy

Education & research Foundation

11 Apr 2021 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy


Fundamental Principles of Yoga

Himalayan Yoga Academy presents content highlighting the Fundamentals of Yoga Teacher Training Course. Yoga is a complex tradition, which has a history of 15000 or more years. Beginners are easily overwhelmed by the depth, vastness, and richness of practice and Yoga, the study of philosophy, and principles. But there are a few highlights of principles that, once grasped, provide easier access to all the numerous aspects of Yoga.

A deep pure transformation is the aim of our Yoga Teacher Training Course

Learning different cleansing techniques, and mantras, practicing Asanas, mudras, pranayamas, Meditation, studying philosophy, connecting back to nature, breathing techniques,  relaxation techniques, and everyday meditation will bring tranquility and clarity in your physical and mental levels that will lead to ward yogic state. Though yoga asana and pranayama are important practices of Yoga meditation is the final means or vehicle for Samadhi and then the state of Yoga.  This is one of the aims of our Yoga Teacher Training. Then one can experience the joy of being free from inhibitions, stress, pain, and pressures of a fast and busy life.

Five Principles of Fundamentals of Yoga Teacher Training Course

1. Liberation Teaching Fundamentals of Yoga Teacher Training Course

Yoga is what is traditionally called a liberation science. It seeks to liberate us from our limited notion of who we are. We habitually identify with our particular body, mind, possessions, and relationships (which we often treat like possessions). But this mental-emotional habit, according to Yoga, is really a profound and fateful misidentification. It keeps us stuck in our behavioral grooves, causing us to experience suffering (dukha) over and over again.

Who we are in truth is something or someone beyond our particular body, mind, possessions, and relationships. From a yogic perspective, we are immortal, super conscious Beings. As that Being, we are unlimited and free. All of Yoga’s teachings aim at helping us to realize this fundamental truth.

2. Schooling in Yoga

Human beings have different strengths and weaknesses, even lives run via universal codes and conduct. The masters of Yoga have designed various approaches so that Yoga can be helpful to everyone. Thus there are different forms of yoga that correspond to specific physiological, emotional, and mental capacities and faculties. Generally, some schoolings of Yoga are listed below:

TANTRA YOGA: is the “Continuity Yoga” aiming at liberation through rituals, visualizations, subtle energy work, and the perception of the identity (or continuity) of the ordinary world and the transcendental Reality.

KUNDALINI YOGA: Kundalini Yoga is a part of Tantra Yoga and one of the stages of all types of Yoga. Any type of Yoga ultimately hit on chakras and energy follows throughout nadis. It is itself the totality of the yogic path.

ASHTANGA YOGA: Ashtanga Yoga is a concise pattern of wholesome yogic practice. It is the totality of Yoga as a modified form sorting of beginning stages to higher stages. Ashtanga Yoga,  the eightfold path of Patanjali Yoga Sutra, is also called “Classical Yoga”.

HATHA YOGA: The “Forceful Yoga” aims at liberation through physical means and transformation.

MANTRA YOGA: The “Yoga of Potent Sound” aiming at liberation through the recitation (aloud or mental) of empowered sounds (such as om, hûm, ram, hare Krishna, etc.) – often considered an aspect of Tantra-Yoga.

LAYA YOGA: The rhythmic path of Yoga. It happens throughout the purity of body and mind.

RAJA YOGA: The “Royal Yoga” aims at liberation through meditation, which is for practitioners who are capable of intense concentration. Raja yoga is the aim of Yoga attained by an easy way of yogic practice.

KARMA YOGA: “Action Yoga” aiming at liberation through self-transcending service.

BHAKTI YOGA: The “Devotional Yoga” aiming at liberation through self-surrender in the face of the Divine.

JNANA YOGA: The “Wisdom of Yoga” aims at liberation through the steady application of higher wisdom that discerns between the real and the unreal.

DHYANA YOGA: Dhyana (Meditation) is the final tool or device of Yoga. In any schooling of Yoga, there is meditation part as the major key for yoga practice mentioned in all texts like Bhagvat Gita, Samkhya Yoga, Yoga Darshan, Shiva Samhita, Goraksha Samhita,  Hatha Pradipika, Gheranda Samhita and In so on.

3. Dharma

All branches and forms of Yoga have as their foundation a sound moral life. Such a life is guided by the principle of dharma, which means” quality, attributes, nature, “morality,” “law,” “order,” and “virtue.” It stands for moral virtues like non-harming (Ahimsa), truthfulness (Satya), abstention from theft (Asteya), right attitude (Brahmacharya), compassion (Karuna), and kindness (Maitreya). For example; The Dharma of water is to cool & wet and the Dharma of the sun is to give heat and light. Without a firm grounding in these moral principles, Yoga cannot lead us to its ultimate goal of liberation. A morally sound life, however, allows us to stop the creation of negative effects and to focus our energies like a laser beam so that we can fully discover or realize our true nature.

4. Continuum of Theory & Practice

Yoga is a continuum of theory and practice. That is to say, Yoga is not merely an armchair philosophy, nor is it merely a battery of practices. To engage in Yoga properly and successfully, one must pay due attention to the ideas behind its practical disciplines and, vice versa, to the exercises and techniques embodying its theories. This calls for thoughtful and mindful practice. For instance, regular and correct practice of yogic postures will undoubtedly help us maintain good physical health.

5. Commitment to self-transformation

However simple a particular yogic approach may be, all approaches require a profound commitment to self-transformation. If we fear change and tend to cling to our established ways, we cannot succeed in Yoga. The practice of Yoga calls for considerable personal.

Chakras Sadhana

The word “chakra” literally means spinning wheel. Yoga maintains that chakras are the center points of energy, thoughts, feelings, and the physical body. According to yogic teachers, chakras determine the way people experience reality through emotional reactions, desires or aversions, levels of confidence or fear, and even physical symptoms and effects.

When energy becomes blocked in a cycle, it is said to trigger physical, mental, or emotional imbalances that manifest in symptoms, such as anxiety, lethargy, or poor digestion.

Asanas are the many physical positions in Hatha yoga. People who practice yoga use asanas to free energy and stimulate an imbalanced chakra.

There are seven major chakras, each with their own focus:

Muladhara: The “root support” or “root chakra” is at the base of the spine in the coccygeal region. It is said to contain our natural urges relating to food, sleep, sex, and survival, as well as the source of avoidance and fear.

Svadhishthana: Practitioners claim that the “one’s own base” or “pelvic” chakra is the home of the reproductive organs, the genitourinary system, and the adrenal gland.

Manipura: Yellow represents the “jewel city” or “navel” chakra. Practitioners connect this chakra with the digestive system, as well as personal power, fear, anxiety, developing opinions, and tendencies towards an introverted personality.

Anahata: The “unstruck” or “heart” chakra relates to the colors green and pink. Key issues involving Anahata include complex emotions, compassion, tenderness, unconditional love, equilibrium, rejection, and well-being.

Vishuddha: The color red or blue represents the “especially pure” or “throat” chakra. Practitioners consider this chakra to be the home of speech, hearing, and metabolism.

Ajna: The “command” or “third-eye chakra” is a meeting point between two important energetic streams in the body. Ajna corresponds to the colors violet, indigo, or deep blue, though traditional yoga practitioners describe it as white. The Ajna chakra relates to the pituitary gland, which drives growth and development.

Sahasrara: The “thousand-petaled” or “crown” chakra represents the state of pure consciousness. This chakra is located at the crown of the head, and the color white or violet represents it. Sahasrara involves matters of inner wisdom and physical death.