Himalayan Yoga Academy

Education & research Foundation

29 Jan 2021 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

fundamentals of yoga

Himalayan Yoga Academy present an article on the Fundamentals of Yoga which is explained in detail below.

1. Acknowledgement of Yoga

Meaning; Definition; History, Traditions, Periods, Purpose, Discipline, positive or obstacle element and Significance

Meaning of Yoga

According to Panini Sanskrit grammar, yoga is made up of three “yuj” metals but the meaning is different. ‘Uj – Samadhau’ ‘युज – समाधौ’ from metal – Samadhi. ‘Ujira Yoge dhaatu’ युजिर योगे धातु’ – Coincidence or Mail

Definition of Yoga
Yoga commentator Maharshi Vyas wrote “Yoga: Samadhi”,योग: समाधि।“Yogashchittavrittinirodhah”: Pa. Su.1; 2 योगश्चित्तवृत्तिनिरोध: पा. यो. सू..१; २

History of Yoga

Discussion of the interrelationship between Shiva civilization and Yoga

Om Shiva Chaturvidha Yoga: Hatha, Mantra, Laya and Raj Yoga – Advaita. The first disciple was Parvati and the second groups of disciples were the seven sages (Sapta Rishis).

Tradition (परम्परा): Two traditions – Vedic and Nath (Hatha)

Vedic Tradition: Om Hiranyagarbho Yogastha Vaktaa  Nasyah Puratanah!  हिरण्यगर्भो योगास्थ वक्ता नास्य:पुरातन:।:. Hirandagarbha is the oldest or the original spokesperson of yoga.
Naatha Tradition: Aadinaatha Shiva

Kaal Khand – East Vedic; Vedic; Ramayana period; Mahabharata period, Darshan period, modern period

2. The importance or necessity of yoga in modern life

 Health sector;  Medical field;  Education sector; Family sector;  Social sphere; Political sphere; Economic sector;  Mental sector; Intellectual realm;  Spiritual realm.

3. The discipline of yoga

Long term; Continuity; Shraddha; Perseverance

4. Positive or obstacle element of yoga

According to Patanjali Yoga Sutras

According to Hatha Pradeepika

Obstacles to the yoga path – Talkativeness; More labor/ Exertion; Over eating; Urging adherence to rules; More contacts; Flexibility of mind

 The positive elements of the yoga path – Enthusiasm; Courage; Patience; Real knowledge; Resolution;  avoiding the company of common people,

5. Objectives

Yoga education helps in self-discipline and sales control, leading to multiple levels of consciousness, concentration and higher levels of consciousness. In a nutshell, the aims and objectives of yoga education are

  • Improve a person’s integrated health
  • To practice mental hygiene
  • Achieve emotional stability
  • To integrate moral values
  • To achieve a higher level of consciousness

6. Yogic Attitudes

  1. Goals of life                   
  2. All victorious                             
  3. Four means – Shastra, Guru, Sadhana, Paramatma                 
  4. Preparation of sadhana            
  5. Silent practice                                                                                    
  6. Mantra chanting                           
  7. Sublime thoughts,                                                                             
  8. Abandoning addiction.
  9. Abstinence from sleep                                                                     
  10. Perseverance

7. General Rules of Yoga Class

  • Introduction of Class               
  • Environment of venue or Hall   
  • Timing of class
  • Dress & Clothing                     
  • Diet                                                                        
  • Lifestyle