29 Jun 2022 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

For Vibration of Divine Energy
The ancient yogis knew that to control the mind, they must first cleanse the body and strengthen the nervous system. For this reason, they developed the techniques of asana and pranayama and used them in combination with the practice of medication. They called this raja yoga, the royal path. Chakra Shuddhi is the most ancient model for health and well-being. Then, as time passed, they refined their knowledge as they worked toward a technique that would purify the body, breath, and mind while awakening the dormant force of the soul, the kundalini Shakti. In the scriptures this process is known as chakra shuddhi purification of the chakra).
The purpose of chakra shuddhi is to purify the basic elements of the body-earth, water, fire, air, and repetition of specific mantras while focusing on the major chakras in succession. The mantra used for all individual chakras of the first five chakras is a bija, or seed, mantra, the core sound of that chakra. The two higher chakras- the Ajna and the Sahasrara – are beyond the elements and the associated with the unique mantras so-ham and ham-So. Respectively focusing on the seven major chakras in this manner purifies the subtle realms of being with the fire of kundalini shakti.
Chakra shuddhi is one of the basic practices of tantra and kundalini yoga, and it is also an effective technique for those following the path of raja yoga.
Chakra shuddhi soothes the mind and awakens the heart; it leaves no room for sloth and inertia. By the time this practice is finished, the mind sips effortlessly into meditation. Aspirants without experience in mantra meditation or pranayama find chakra shuddhi too intense.
Inward spontaneously and become so one-pointed that the nervous system is overwhelmed by the bliss released from that deep meditation. That is why the old darshans or books tell you to strengthen your nervous system with the help of pranayama to purify your heart and train your mind with the help of Japa to enjoy the bliss that springs from the center of consciousness.
Chakra shuddhi is an advanced practice. This means it should be done carefully. People with heart disease, high blood pressure, a nervous disorder, or schizophrenia, as well as those recovering from drug abuse, should consult a competent teacher before undertaking it. If you want to practice chakra shuddhi, you should first have practiced fundamental yoga postures and breathing techniques. You also should have been meditating regularly for some time.
Basic knowledge of kundalini shakti, the chakras, and the role of mantra in awakening the dormant force within will help you understand the dynamics of visualization. And the deep meaning behind the repetition of specific sacred sounds at the chakras.
Method of Chakra Shuddhi
Sit in a comfortable meditation posture, with your head, neck, and trunk in a straight line. Close your eyes and focus your all attention on the Muladhara chakra, the abode of the earth element, at the base of the spine. Visualize a yellow square, and visualize the kundalini in the form of a sleeping serpent. Its body is as flashy as a thousand flashes of lightning.
Now create a root lock by squeezing the anus muscles and pulling them upward. Allow your mind to reach the central point in the region of the root lock. While mentally repeating the sound lum, feel as though you are awakening the dormant kundalini shakti. Then mentally repeat lam, the seed mantra of the earth element, not less than sixteen times, while focusing your mind on the kundalini shakti that resides at the Muladhara.
Next, visualize the kundalini awakening and traveling upward until it reaches the swadhishthana chakra, the abode of the water element, just above the root of the genitals. There, visualize an ocean-blue circle with a white crescent moon in the center. The circle is surrounded by six petals. While you maintain the image, mentally repeat the bija mantra of the water element, vam, not less than sixteen times.
Now visualize the kundalini traveling upward toward the Manipura chakra, the abode of fire, at the navel center. Here, visualize a red triangle with its apex pointing upward. This triangle is enclosed in a circle of ten petals. Mentally repeat the bija mantra of the element, ram, not less than sixteen times.
Continue to move with the upward traveling until you reach the Anahata, the heart center which is the abode of air. Here, visualize two smoky-grey interlocking triangles encircled by twelve-petaled lotus. In the space at the intersection of the triangles, imagine jiva, the individual soul, in the form of a flame. At this stage mentally repeat the chakra bija mantra of the air element, yam, not less than sixteen times.
Next, visualize the kundalini shakti, in which the individual consciousness has dissolved, traveling upward until it reaches the vishuddhi chakra, the abode of ether at the base of the throat. There, a sky-blue circle is surrounded by sixteen-petaled lotus. The presiding force of this chakra is contained in bija mantra of the space (or ether) element, bam, which you mentally repeat not less than sixteen times.
Now visualize the upward traveling kundalini shakti reaching the Ajna chakra, the center between the eyebrows. This is the realm of mind. The chakra features a yellow triangle with a circle surrounding it, and a bright white flame is enclosed within the triangle. Outside the circle are two petals. Mentally repeat the mantra om om ……………………
Still moving upward with the Kundalini Shakti reach the Sahasrara chakra of the body, the thousand-petaled crown center which is the abode of the primordial spiritual master-pure consciousness. At this center, all colors, forms, and shapes dissolve, for this chakra is beyond the realm of mind and therefore beyond the realm of imagination. When you experience this amazing center, it consists of countless rays of white light. However, so that the mind can conceive of it, it is most often visualized as a thousand-petaled lotus with a pinkish aura. Here repeat the mantra So-Hum.
Keeping the consciousness at the Sahasrara chakra, begin three cycles of pranayama. As described below, these pranayama cycles require you to retain your breath after inhalation. Normally the breath is retained/held four times longer than the inhalation and twice as long as the exhalation. Chakra Suddhi introduces you to the deepest layers of your being. Combining visualization and the repetition of the seed mantras of the specific chakras creates a harmonious balance between the auditory and optic nerve centers in the brain and clarifies the thinking process. It also improves the power of memory. Recollection depends on the relationship between what we see and what we hear, influenced by gravity.