7 Feb 2020 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

Himalayan Yoga Academy is a registered training school in Nepal. We offer various training and courses to various students from all around the world. If you wanna experience holistic wellness and transform your thoughts. Then teachings from our great healers and leading teachers will help you achieve the needs and aims of your journey. Below we noticed the Benefits of Singing Bowl Training in Nepal
Here in our academy you will experience and learn teachings to use the power of vibration to clear your emotions and release toxins to bring positive change, through one-on-one work, and group sharing and receiving. We will train your sensitivity to energetic connections and learn how to hold space with positive intentionWe will make you do group sound healings and sound baths that will be helpful for your teaching skills. A powerful soundscape in which to immerse and shift your consciousness to another level.
Who can join this SInging Bowl Training in Nepal?
Anyone who has felt the power of sound, healers, musicians, yogis, meditators, mystics, teachers, medical personnel, and many more music enthusiasts can learn from this course.Those who want to explore more about consciousness and stillness. He can explore more in silence.
Graduates from these Singing Bowl training will have the skills and teachings to confidently give effective sound healing treatments. Those teachings will help them to achieve their aims in their lives.
What are the benefits of Singing Bowl Training in Nepal?
- Rejuvenates your body, and mind and promotes physical, emotional, and spiritual health of your body.
- The sound and vibration of bowls are so relaxing that it helps in the healing of several mental and psychological ailments such as migraine, anxiety, depression, and body and muscle aches
- Bowl massage, vibrations help in clearing up blockages by increasing mental and emotional clarity
- Provides deep relaxation to your mind and as a result, many find it promotes sleep, helps stimulate blood flow
- Chakra Therapy session Cleanses and Balances Chakra and aura
- Also used as a tool for clearing up negative energy and cleansing of space whether it’s your own room or office with the practice of a Shamanic session with the bowls by the master.