2 Jul 2019 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

Reiki is a very simple process but usually produces quite profound effects. There are many wonderful Benefits of Reiki. The main purpose of Reiki treatment is to support the body and promote a positive mind for greater joy in life. The great thing about reiki is that one does not have to be unwell to experience the benefits.
Some come to Reiki to help with their energy levels, manage the stress of daily life, or when transitions are happening in their lives. Others come to develop themselves spiritually and experience a greater sense of meaning in life. Many of my clients are well and want to stay that way so reiki helps them to maintain that harmony so they can respond to the challenges differently.
After a treatment most people feel calm and relaxed, self better and some say they feel energetic, clear-minded, and productive.
Many who come for Reiki treatments or Reiki training realize that balancing their systems can help them to cope better with a wide range of health conditions, including stress, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and infertility to mention a few.

Benefits of Reiki
1. Promotes Harmony & Balance
Reiki helps to promote harmony and balance. It is an effective, noninvasive energy healing method that boosts the body’s natural healing and promotes overall wellness. Reiki works directly on restoring balance on all levels and on the problem and condition instead of just masking or relieving symptoms.
When we chat about balance, we mean mental and emotional balance, left and right brain, masculine and feminine, labeling things as good or bad, positive or negative, etc.
2. Creates deep relaxation and helps the body release stress and tension
What many people enjoy about a reiki treatment is it allows them time to themselves where they aren’t ‘doing’ but just ‘being’. Clients have reported feeling more clear, peaceful, relaxed, and lighter in themselves. Reiki provides a space where you can be more aware of what is going on inside your body and mind. To learn to listen to your own body and make wise decisions regarding your well-being from this place. Being more present means you are in your body, which unlocks deeper inner knowledge and wisdom.
3. Dissolves energy blocks and promotes natural balance between mind, body, and spirit
Regular Reiki treatments can bring about a calmer and more peaceful state of being, in which a person is better able to cope with everyday stress. This mental balance also enhances learning, memory, and mental clarity.
Reiki can heal mental/emotional wounds. It can help alleviate mood swings, fear, frustration, and even anger. Reiki can also strengthen and heal personal relationships.
Because Reiki enhances your capability to love, it can open you up to the people around you and help your relationships grow.
4. Assists the body in cleansing itself from toxins and supports the immune system
We spend so much time in the stress-reactive fight/flight phase that it becomes our ‘norm’ and our bodies literally forget how to return to balance.
Reiki reminds our bodies how to shift into parasympathetic nervous system (rest/digest) self-healing mode.
Rest/digest doesn’t mean you have to stop being active and productive or ‘do nothing’. It allows you to sleep better and digest better which is important to maintaining health and vitality. The more you embrace this space, the more active and productive you become without stress or burnout.
5. Clears the mind and improves focus as you feel grounded & centered
Reiki can support you in staying centered in the present moment and free from past regrets or future anxieties. It strengthens your ability to accept and adapt to events, even when they don’t align with your desires or timeline. You begin to react to situations, people, and yourself in a supportive way rather than acting out of habit.
6. Aids better sleep
The number one outcome of receiving a Reiki session is relaxation. When we’re relaxed, we sleep better, our bodies heal better, we think more clearly, and we relate to each other more genuinely. Often clients will experience deep relaxation during their Reiki session and sometimes a deep sleep during the session will improve the quality of your entire system and hence such healing impacts your overall wellbeing. So reiki healing is highly helpful for better sleep.