13 Jul 2020 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

BESAAR / HALEDO / बेसार चूर्ण (TURMERIC):
Besaara (Turmeric) is the beauty of Nepalese kitchen and kitchen garden. Every family does farming of haledo in their farm. The plant reaches barely three feet in height and produces both a flower and a rhizome, or stem that is found underground. The rhizome has an appearance similar to ginger; it is this root-like stem that produces the yellow turmeric spice. In recent years turmeric has attracted quite a bit of interest for its natural healing properties, but it has actually been used medicinally for over 5000 years. As far as documented evidence, it is used daily in Nepal for at least 8000 years as a medicine, beauty aid, cooking spice, a dye and a lot more.further Amazing Benefits of Turmeric
In ancient times there might be 84 types of herbal species used especially Nepalese kitchens, still somewhere 44, 32, 16, 9 types of herbals are regularly used in kitchen like ginger, cumin, coriander, garlic, onion, chilly, fenugreek, etc. Still in Nepalese and Bharatiya Kitchen, around one dozen herbal spices are mostly used daily. All work for boosting health, revitalizing, protecting from all types of ailments. Until this immune strongly work in the body, no vaccine is needed, even no treatment is needed. Recently more than 5 million people got recovery for Covid-19, this is why, and anybody has done research? Of course! No research is done; the reason simple is immune power, not vaccine because no vaccine has been formulated yet.
Among these spices, turmeric, a botanical name i.e. Curcuma longa, the golden colored strongly flavored spice, is a kind of home medicine kept in small pharmaceutical home pharmacy. This ancient spice, celebrated for centuries as both food and medicine, has resurfaced within the health and nutrition by enhancing the defense mechanism. Healing Properties Overview: Besides flavoring food, turmeric, affectionately called as “Kitchen Queen”, has been used in traditional medicine as a household remedy for various diseases, including biliary disorders, anorexia, cough, diabetic wounds, hepatic disorders, rheumatism and sinusitis etc.
The father of modern Medicine said that “Food is the first Medicine. It is the healing substance which supplies its vibrant color. It is called herbals anti-microbes. Turmeric has significant anti-inflammatory properties that are said to rival those found in ibuprofen, especially use of joint inflammation and abdominal spasm. Unlike over-the-counter drugs, turmeric has no side effects on the body. It aids the body in destroying developed cancer cells before spreading other parts of body.
It is very popular in every kitchen. It makes all varieties of vegetables or curry and pickle more colorful and tasty. These include its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, ant carcinogenic, ant mutagenic, anticoagulant, anti-fertility, anti- diabetic, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-protozoal, antiviral, anti-fibrotic, antivenin, antiulcer, hypotensive and hypo-cholesteremic activities. Turmeric is powerful antioxidant advantages have been shown to protect healthy cells, particularly those found in the colon, from cancer-causing agents. Though it can now be found throughout the tropics, Nepal and Bharat (Real Name of India) has been the largest producer of turmeric since ancient times.
Amazing Benefits of Turmeric :
1. It purifies the blood, and detoxifies the blood toxins and it also beautifies the skin.
2. It is very much useful in common cold, sinusitis, cough, sore-ache, etc. We can drink by mixing with salt.
3. It kills the germs which is ingested with food and also no germs harm when keeping the food few hours after cooking
4. This is herbal antibiotics that make our defense mechanism strong.
5. It benefits on swelling, , respiratory problems, tonsillitis, joints problems, abdominal pain,
6. It destroys developed cancer cells
7. Turmeric also helps to lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease.
8. Inhaling fumes from burning turmeric was said to alleviate congestion.
9. Turmeric juice aids with the healing of wounds and bruises,
10. Turmeric paste was applied to all sorts of skin conditions from smallpox and chicken pox to blemishes and shingles and other some of the skin diseases
11. The Hindu religion sees turmeric as auspicious and sacred. There is a wedding day tradition in which a string, dyed yellow with turmeric paste, is tied around the bride’s neck by her groom.
12. A piece of the turmeric rhizome is worn as an amulet for protection against evil spirits.
13. The vibrant yellow natural coloring of turmeric has also been used to dye clothing and thread for centuries. Saffron-hued Buddhist robes are dyed with turmeric.
14. It works on prevention, treatment and promotion of any types of bacterial and viral diseases.
15. Therapeutic uses include: AIDS/HIV, anaemia, cancer, diabetes, digestion, food poisoning, gall stones etc. It reduces fevers, diarrhoea, urinary disorders, and insanity, poisoning, cough and lactation problems in general.

CONCLUSION:Amazing Benefits of Turmeric
Turmeric/ Curcuma longa is a non-toxic, highly promising natural antioxidant, spice having a wide spectrum of biological functions. It is expected that turmeric and its constituents especially turmeric and essential oils may find application as a novel drug in the near future to control various diseases. All of these studies should further add to the usefulness of turmeric and its constituents specially curcuma and essential oil. Overall, due to its usage, biological safety, combined with its cost and efficacy, and thousands of years of experimentation justify calling turmeric “The Golden Spice of Life”.
Research Sources
“Dharma Maharasa; Gatisheela Chikitsa Vijnana; Rishimuni Sewashrama; Buddha Pornima, 2065.
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