16 Nov 2024 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

What yoga is and how does it work to balance physical and mental well-being is necessary. Why do people need it daily to make living easy, stress-free, and peaceful? There are many ways to practice yoga, each individual can perform how they want, for what purpose they want. Even though, it’s the process of doing all the circumstances purely and truly to connect the self with the divine. It is a circumstance of Body, Mind, and Soul in essence. It focuses on spiritual consciousness.
Yoga is a miracle it brings changes automatically after regular practice. Similarly, Yoga practice is an essential gift that get from our ancestors. Yoga has several benefits for human beings to bring tranquil change. Here this blog is about the 5 best Yoga Asanas for the Lungs. If you are suffering from lung disease and any lung problem and looking for an ancient treatment process that can recover without any side effects, then probably this 5 Best Yoga Asanas for Lungs blog is for you.
Breathing is the process of art. Yoga asana can significantly enhance lung health, improving deep mindful breathing and supporting respiratory efficiency.
- Yoga poses such as Cobra Pose (Bhujngasana), and Bow Pose (Dhanurasana), those pose help to open chest stretch lunge and help to boost lunge capacity.
- The half-fish pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana), a twisting pose, detoxifies and stimulates lung function.
- While camel pose (Ustrasana) and Triangle pose (Trikonasana) expand the chest properly and foster improved lung capacity.
- Additionally, the Breath of Fire pose( Kapalbhati pranayama) and Nostril breath (Nadi Sodhana pranayama), are effective powerful Yoga asanas for breathing exercises, clear the nasal passage, increase oxygen intake in the lungs, and enhance lung productivity.
- Practicing that kind of Yoga asana is beneficial not only for the lungs but also for the body, mind, and soul simultaneously which helps the regular respiratory system, and strengthens of lungs in an effective way of improving overall well-being inclusive lung.
10 best effective yoga poses for Lungs
1. Bhujngasana (Cobra Pose)
Cobra is a gentle backbend yoga pose that resembles the raised hood of the cobra style. Bhujangasana is often used in yoga sequences such as Surya Namaskar is better known for strengthening the spine, opening the chest, and increasing flexibility in the back.

Process for Bhujngasana (Cobra Pose)
- Lie on your stomach- start by lying face down toward the mat with extended legs and toes. Keep your hand comfortable just under the shoulder with your elbow close to your sides.
- Engage the core and legs-press the upper point of your toe and engage with thigh muscles. Which constantly helps to protect and make balance of your back.
- Lift the chest a little up take or breathe in and slowly lift your chest over the mat. Rather using your hand use back muscles to make better balance. Keep your elbows slightly bent.
- Open chest wide- Make your shoulder blades back and down, while expanding your chest forward.
- Hold the pose- Take a deep and slow breath for a second and try to keep the neck long and gazing slightly upward.
- Release- slowly release your breath, sit back on the mat, and sit comfortably.
Benefits of Cobra Pose
- Strengthens the spine and back muscles.
- Stretch, shoulders, chest, and abdomen.
- Reduce the stress level, and fatigue by gentle opening of the heart center.
2. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
This pose focuses on the deep backbend in yoga that resembles the shape of an anchor bow. This yoga pose helps to strengthen the back muscles open the heart centers and help to stretch of whole front body structure. This is taken as one of the best ways to enhance body flexibility.

Process of Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
- Lie on your stomach- lie down over the mat with your legs extended and arms by side.
- Bend your knee properly- bring your heels close to your glutes take back your hands and grab your ankles in a bow pose.
- Lift your chest and thighs- First, take a deep breath in and exhale it slowly. Press your feet into your hands to lift the chest and thigh.
- Open the chest part- draw your shoulders back away from the ear and gaze slightly upwards.
- Hold the pose- take a deep breath and hold it for a second, stretch your body slightly.
- Release- exhale the breath and gently back to normal position by lying down your chest and thighs on a mat. Release your ankle.
Benefit of Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
- Strengthens the back muscle which is beneficial for good posture.
- Stretch, shoulders, chest, and abdomen to enhance flexibility.
- Stimulates the digestive organs that help to improve the digestive and relieving constipation.
- Help to boost the energy level that makes you stress-free, fatigue and
3. Ardha Matsyendrasana ( Half fish Pose)
It is the yoga posture that helps to stretch your spine and shoulders, while its focus on increasing the flexibility of the chest.

Process of Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half fish Pose)
- Start with seating position- seat on the mat and extend your leg in front. Bend your knees and place your feet on the floor.
- Make your lag position: seat with your left leg under your right leg, and bring your left heel near your right hip. Touch your left knee with your right leg on the floor next to your left knee.
- Twist your leg: take a slow deep breath, lengthen your spine, and place your hand beyond you. Then exhale the breath twist yourself to the right, bring your arm across the body, and press your elbow against the outside of your right knee for a deep twist.
- Open the chest: Keep your spine tall and open your chest as you twist, and turn to the right arm slowly.
- Release: take a deep breath and exhale it, slowly return to the beginning position, then constantly repeat to another side.
4. Paschimottasana ( Seated Forward Bend)
Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Bend is a typical yoga posture that stretches the entire back of the body, from the spine to the pelvis and calves. This poses support for calming the mind, as well as relaxing and stimulating the digestive system.

Process of Paschimottasana (Seated forward bend)
- Start with a sitting position: Sit on the floor extended leg straight in front of you and your spine up.
- Exhale and lengthen: Take a slow deep breath and reach your arms up as you stretch through your spine.
- Inhale and move forward: As you inhale, bend your hips and start rolling forward, moving your hands to your feet. As you go deeper into the pose, stretch your spine.
- Hold the pose: Hold your feet, ankles, or heels if you can. The leg bandage can also be used if needed. Focus on stretching your spine and relaxing your head and neck.
- Take a deep breath: Hold the pose for several breaths, allowing your body to expand and deepen with each inhalation.
- Release: Exhale as you gently lift your torso back into position.
Benefits of Paschimottanasana
- Stretches the spine and pelvis
- Relaxes the mind
- Stimulates the digestive system
- Improves yoga pose
- Relieves menstrual discomfort
5. Setu Bandasana ( Bridge Pose )
Setu Mudra is an open chest yoga that strengthens the spine, opens the chest, and provides flexibility in the neck and back.

Process to do Setu Bandhasana (Setu Mudra)
- Start with a sitting position and lie on your back gently: Start by lying on your back with your arms at your sides facing the floor. Bend your knees and place your feet in a hip area near your waist.
- Make a position of feet and legs: Your feet must be flat on the floor and your knees should be parallel directly over your toes.
- Exhale and lift your hips: As you inhale, press your legs and arms onto the mat, lifting your hips toward the ceiling. Keep your hips level and engage your core to support your lower back.
- Hold the pose: Keep your nose in slightly to protect your neck, and breathe deeply, holding the pose for 5–10 breaths or as long as is convenient.
- Release: Exhale and slowly lower your spine back down, one spine at a time.
Benefits of Setu Bandhasana
- Strengthens the pelvis and pelvis
- Open chest and shoulders
- The front body is wider
- Relaxes muscles
Besides, the asana is effective for lung improvement and stability.
- Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)
- Ustrasana (Camel pose)
- Nadi sodhana pranayama ( Alternate Nostril breath)
- Kapalbhati pranayama ( Breath of fire)
- Matsyasana (fish Pose)
Conclusion: A Way for the Better Lungs through the Practice of Yoga
Practicing yoga in your daily life is the only way to increase physical, and mental stability. It helps to improve your well-being. Besides, it focuses on enhancing your life as well. So, make you’re your daily passion to live happily. Further, if you need any guidelines about yoga and any other like retreat courses in Nepal, Singing bowl training, and Yoga teacher training. We, Himalayan Yoga Academy were always available.