10 Jan 2022 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

When you are completely new to yoga, you may find it difficult and feel intimidated to know how to get started. But there is nothing to worry about. Slowly with more practice, you are going to be perfect yoga teacher. So it’s time to roll out your mat and discover your inner self through yogic life. Here is a guide on Yoga for Beginners.
What is Yoga?
Simply, Yoga defines a set of physical postures, mental exercises, breathing techniques, and meditation. It is also collection of spiritual techniques and practices aimed at balancing body, mind and soul. The fundamental motive of yoga is to activate harmony in the body, mind and environment. It involves complete system of physical, mental, social, and spiritual development.
If you find that asana is difficult then you can modify the asanas that will help you the most out of your session. Yoga instructors are also always there for guiding you. They make use of props like chairs, blocks, straps, and blankets to help practitioners reach maximum potential and make them flexible. Whether you are old or young, overweight or fit, everyone is individually benefitted. Yoga is for everyone.
Yoga Asanas
Yoga asanas essentially work to lubricate muscles, joints, ligaments, and other parts of the body. The asanas harmonize your body, mind, and soul. It also helps in increasing flexibility and circulation. Yoga asanas can be classified into different forms like- advanced or basic poses, seated or standing poses, twists, and challenging asanas. Asanas also bring out the balance of ease and effort into each pose that will help you relax. When you do Asanas then it should be done with sense of awareness and breathing techniques. You must focus on your breath along with the movements.
Some Yoga for Beginners
Here are some simple and basic asanas for beginners that gives one of the desired comfort.
Sukhasana is the beginning of the meditation. It is one of the comfortable and basic, crossed-legged, seated positions used in Yoga practices and meditation as well. You can do this asana wherever and whenever you want. It is good for the body’s stability, mobility, and strength. It has a relaxing effect on the mind and body which helps in relieving stress and anxiety.
2. Child’s Pose
This is a resting pose when you feel like taking break from asanas that require too much effort, you can simply move on to the child’s pose. Here you feel your whole body more relaxed. After a moment, you can follow other advanced asanas. It will gently stretch your lower back, open your hips, thighs, knees and ankles as well as relax your shoulders, spine and neck.
3. Corpse Pose
Corpse Pose is traditionally practiced at the end of the yoga session. It will allow you to calm your mind and relax your whole muscles. It is also said as the dead body posture because you lie down like a dead body with no movements at all. Some people may find this posture difficult, but with more practice, you will become more relaxed and enter a meditative state. You can simply modify this pose by placing a pillow under your knees or head.
4. Tadasana
The another name for Tadasana is Mountain pose. This is the foundation of almost all standing poses. It stretches every parts of the body. Along with this, it increases stability, focus and concentration. It also improves your body postures and suitable for every yoga practitioners. Skip this asana if you are pregnant. If you feel difficult on balancing the pose in toes by raising the heels then at the beginning you perform this pose without coming into the toes. Day by day you can upgrade a bit by raising the feels a bit higher and higher and finally you can balance the posture in the toes.
5. Cat and Cow pose
These are the two simple poses that are practiced together to gently warm up the spine and abdomen muscles. Here you take the position of cat and cow. This posture helps in boosting energy in the body. They both stretch the lower spine, hips, and back muscles. They also open the chest and lungs allowing for easier breathing. Cat and cow poses are simple poses that have great benefits.
6. Downward Facing dog
It is a position that places your heart above your head, allowing gravity to increase blood flow and improve circulation. It strengthens arms and legs which is also one of the asanas in the Sun salutation series. For beginners, this asana could be challenging initially, but with more practice, it will turn out to be your favorite relaxing yoga asana.
7. Cobra Pose
It is the gentle back bend that helps to open the throat and upper chest. It is generally safe physically and balancing energetically. Cobra Pose is powerful, and muscle-strengthening when performed regularly. It is also one of the asanas in the Sun salutation series. For beginners, this can be the simple asana just lying on your stomach and slowly raising the upper parts of the body. It also makes the spine flexible.