11 Jan 2023 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

We are going to discuss some definitions of yoga as available in ancient Sanskrit texts. Many people might be wondering what really is Yoga. We have gathered the definitions of yoga from various texts and literature. Let’s Learn Yoga and Its Definitions.
Yoga Definition 1:
The term Yoga (Sanskrit: योग) is derived from the term “Yuj”, which means to add, unify or connect. Thus, yoga means the Unification of Body, Mind, and Soul. It includes physical, mental, spiritual, social, and ethical practices to still the mind, distinguishing a detached witness-consciousness unaffected by the mind (Chitta) and suffering (Duḥkha).
Yoga Definition 2:
The ancient text has described yoga in various ways with identical essences. There are two important definitions of yoga in the 2nd chapter of Bhagavad Geeta. Yoga is defined as equanimity or evenness of mind or even-temperedness in the 48th verse of the 2nd chapter. Our mind is always reacting. It becomes happy on profit and sad on loss. To the favorable, it gets attached and creates hatred of the unfavorable. It clings to pleasantness and dislikes pain. It means the situation of the mind is dependent on the external factors of the environment.
The habit pattern of the mind is conditional to the situation. The situation is favorable sometimes, while other times is unfavorable. Whenever there is an unfavorable situation in life we become sad and depressed. The true essence of yoga is to maintain balance in both favorable and unfavorable situations. You are not supposed to misbalance your mind due to ups and downs in life. Whatever the type of situation you experience, you are not supposed to lose the balance and harmony of your mind. The situation is not under your control nor can you control any factor of the world.
The only thing you can do is- you can make an effort to control your mind. If you lose the equipoise of your mind due to worldly events, it means you are weaker than the situation. Yoga wants you to become stronger than the situation. If your mental harmony and happiness are dependent on various circumstances or other people, then it shows that you have given the key to your moods to the circumstances or people. Yoga wants you to keep the key to your mood with yourself. Do not allow anybody or anything to disturb your inner peace. This is what yoga means.
Yoga Definition 3:
Yoga is defined as the 50th verse of chapter 2 in Bhagavad Geeta as well. In this verse, yoga is defined as perfection in your duties/ works. Here perfection does not mean skillfulness or experience. Perfection does not mean expertness in work but it is the quality of enjoying the duty during the process.
Perfection means being happy during the work, not merely on the attainment of the fruits. If you are doing your work with a devoted mind without being worried about success or failure, then it is said to be the perfection of duty. When your duty itself becomes worship, prayer, or meditation then this is known as perfection of work or duty. This can be made clearer with a story-
Some laborers were working on the construction of a temple. Among them, three were individually asked, “What are doing here?”
The first one said, “I am doing a boring job. I don’t like this but I am compelled to do it for my livelihood.”
The second one said, “I am doing my job as a laborer. This is my daily activity. This way I can sustain my life and my family members.” He looks normal, not disappointed as the first one.
The third replied, “I am doing a great job. I feel blessed and lucky to do this holy work as I am working to construct a temple. This temple will last for many years even after my life. People will come to pray and worship here. At least at that time, their mind will be peaceful and holy.” The third laborer was really enjoying his work.
All three workers were paid the same amount of wages and their work was the same. Yet, one was happy to do it, while the other two were normal and sad respectively to do that work. Perfection of work means a delightful stage of your mind during your work. The faults, error, or problems occurs in your work when you are not enjoying your work. The work will be perfect when you do it with a devoted mind without the expectation of fruits.
Yoga Definition 4:
Patanjali Yoga sutra (Philosophy of Patanjali) defines yoga as a cessation of mental tendencies. When the mind is free from all types of thoughts, when it is completely stilled then it is known as the yogic stage. This is a tranquil state of mind. The observer, at this time, abides in its true nature i.e. in its pure form. While on the other time, it remains identified with the mind. Mental tendencies are ceased when the observer or witness is detached from the mind. There is something beyond the mind which observes not only the mind but everything; thus it is known as an observer, seer, spectator, etc.
The mind is an observed, spectacle. When the observer and the object of observation are distinguished, the mind attains stillness. Thus, Patanjali wants to stop mental tendencies by realizing the differences between the seer and sight. The seer is pure consciousness. Mental tendencies cannot be ceased when this pure consciousness is in a dormant state. When you practice stopping all the mental elements, you need to practice awakening consciousness. When the level of consciousness is higher and higher, you will reach closer and closer to the yogic state. For better understanding, yoga can also be defined as a mindful state. When you become mindful, then the mental tendencies start lowering, and eventually, you will reach the ultimate stage.