5 Aug 2024 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

What is Sound Healing?
Meditation known as “sound healing” employs vibrations and sounds to calm the body, mind, and soul. It is a tradition that dates back thousands of years, from the Egyptians who constructed pyramids especially for sound meditation to the Australian aboriginal tribes using didgeridoos for 40,000 years.
In a sound healing session, the practitioner plays various instruments that produce relaxing vibrations and noises while you lie down or are comfortably seated. These frequencies facilitate emotional release, nervous system balance, and deep relaxation. They also promote the Theta brainwave state, a pathway to a heightened inner awareness that is soothing and meditative.
Everything in the universe is made of vibrating particles, as we have learned in our basic science classes. Our bodies, which are 75% water, are the ideal medium for these vibrations. The human ear can hear frequencies from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz, yet the body answers best to bring down recurrence sounds. For example, those delivered by precious stone dishes, tuning forks, and singing dishes. Through the process of sympathetic resonance, these sounds have the potential to alter the frequencies of brainwaves when they are heard
The fact that every person’s experience with sound healing will be unique is another important fact to keep in mind. However, many people report experiencing deep relaxation and a sense of escapism during sessions, which may also include tingling sensations and visualizations. Additionally, it is said that as the healing sound resonates with the heart chakra, any negative emotions held within the body will be released.
Why People should do Sound Healing?
Sound healing can help heal physical, emotional, and mental issues in addition to the obvious advantages of stress relief, relaxation, and increased energy. To restore harmony and coherence to the mind, body, soul, and spirit, the calming sounds’ healing vibrations encourage deep relaxation. Stress accounts for more than 90% of doctor visits, and sound healing helps to restore harmony and alleviate depression and anxiety.
Music’s ability to influence our moods and even improve our health is well-known, but sound therapy takes it to the next level. A resonant signal is sent to the chakras of the body by the vibrations of crystal singing bowls, tuning forks, chimes, and gongs. The parasympathetic nervous system in the body can be triggered by this to release tension, blockages, and pain.
This healing method’s hypnotic effects can also help you connect with your inner self and open doors to other dimensions and realms. Many individuals have revealed encountering dreams, inventive downloads, or otherworldly arousing during a sound recuperating meeting. Every person’s experience is unique, as is the case with the majority of meditative practices, but common feelings include feeling peaceful and relaxed; as if time were moving very quickly or slowly; or getting fresh perspectives on their lives.