9 Mar 2022 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

What is Realization? “It is called realization when a dam in the form of practice is constructed of cement concrete in the form of renunciation or asceticism and bricks in the form of patience over the water of the mind-river to fix the water of that river. This is a proven experience.
The practitioner experiences realization at the highest point of meditation. In such a state, the actions of the body, senses, mind, and intelligence are motionless. The practitioner rises above the state of wakefulness. In such a situation as this, the soul of the practitioner is fully conscious and active. He knows that the entire creation is full of God. Egoism, attachment, and other distractions end, and he experiences complete personality and full peace, transcending intelligence.
As words are not adequate to describe this state, it is called an indescribable stage. In a state like this, an individual will vanish into eternity. This perfect knowledge is the highest attainment of Yoga. Therefore, it is such a state when the practitioner experiences God.
Realization in Yoga Literature
Yoga literature calls it by different names. Some of them are the state of supreme consciousness, the free state, the highest spiritual state, salvation, God`s bliss, the attainment of God, etc. In the same way, nirvana, spiritual realization, seeing God, the experience of God, experience of the soul, royal yoga, the highest achievement, the attainment of truth, Boddhisatva, the spiritual stage, the divine stage, supreme peace, are all synonyms to realization.
Analyzing all the names mentioned reveals the state of pure consciousness embedded in them. From this state, one can acquire virtues such as truth, non-violence, celibacy, peace, love, and more. Realization serves as the primary source of these qualities and ideals. An individual, who has achieved such a pure state, is great and worthy of praise. I bow down to God.
During realization, an individual enters into his eternal or immortal form, where the boundaries of the body and the mind end. Materialism remains far behind. A yogi, upon returning to the sensual world, begins to lead a high life as he is now self-guided. Repeated practices of realization transform his body, mind, and thoughts. He is not inactive but begins to guide his mind, body, and intelligence with a high deal. He is filled with courage.
Through repeated practice, he remains active physically and mentally while fully in a state of realization. It is only a partial exercise of realization to be active in internal aspects but inactive in external aspects, whereas it is a perfect practice of realization not to ruin one`s condition even by remaining active in both aspects. Realization relates to an individual’s behavior, and through their pure, meditative actions, we gauge their stage. This is possible when there is repeated practice of behavior during realization. This is also known as the practice of sacred words. After that, he will not be self-guided but character-guided. During the time in which the state mentioned above is not perfect, the individual lives guided by fear and attachment, these states being a cause of suffering and fear.