Himalayan Yoga Academy

Education & research Foundation

7 Sep 2021 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

Transcendental Meditation in Nepal

Meditation is a practice that we have at least heard at one point in our lives. Be it through social media, advertisements, texts, and books or we have seen or heard the word. So, what exactly is mediation, and why it is popular among people? Considering all the health benefits it offers, it’s no surprise that an increasing number of people use it. There are even many of its types that have been classified along with their natures and characteristics. Mindful meditation, spiritual meditation, Transcendental meditation, and Loving-kindness meditation are some of the meditation types. Each type has its character, history, and origin. These have their importance as they came into existence at various times, through various regions and various civilizations.

Simply, meditation is the act of remaining in a silent and calm state for a period. In other words, meditation is the process of focusing and channeling their spirituality to a center by calming the mind and making the body still. The practitioner attempts to get beyond the reflexive “thinking mind into a deeper state of relaxation or awareness. Meditation is practiced in numerous religious traditions. Meditation plays a salient role in the contemplative repertoire of Hinduism and Buddhism. It helps you to get in touch with your deeper self. Many meditation practices do not follow this standard definition of yoga. There is walking meditation which does not follow the typical staying still while performing meditation.       

Transcendental Meditation / Silent Mantra Meditation in Nepal

Transcendental meditation refers to the specific form of silent and a mantra meditation. It promotes a state of  relaxed awareness, stress relief, and access to higher states of consciousness, as well as physiological benefits such as reducing the risk of heart diseases and high blood pressure. This technique became more popular when the transcendental meditation movement occurred.

Transcendental meditation was invented by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the 1950s. He first introduced the technique in India and along with the technique also introduced the transcendental meditation movement. In 1955, the Maharishi began publicly teaching a traditional meditation technique which is called Transcendental deep meditation and later renamed” Transcendental Meditation”.

Transcendental meditation is practiced 15 to 20 minutes a day once or twice depending upon you and your timetable. However, the standard practice is twice a day which if one can complete is good. Transcendental meditation has been described as both religious and non-religious, as an aspect of a new religious movement, as rooted in Hinduism, and as a non-religious practice for self-development.

Hearing the mention of mantra people get the idea that Transcendental meditation is a type of religious meditation because the standard definition of mantra is a religious one. For those who believe in Hinduism Transcendental meditation is a religious one as it is based on or attached to the religious techniques of Hinduism.  However, if you are a non-religious person also then transcendental meditation is for you. It is a non-religious method for relaxation, stress reduction, and self-development. It doesn’t matter if someone takes it as a religious path or some take it as a path of self-development or taking either part is fine.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was an Indian yoga guru, known for developing and popularizing Transcendental Meditation, and for being the leader and guru of a worldwide organization that has been characterized in multiple ways including as a new religious movement. He was born on January 12, 1918, in India. The date is filled with new mysteries as it is used mostly to define his birthday, but many have doubts about the authenticity of this date. This is due to the fact when an individual moves on the way to becoming a Yogi, they sever their connection with the family and society. To be on the yogic path one must leave all their belongings, materials, and relations also. This is the very reason that the name given to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is also not certain and is varied with sources.

The Early Life of Maharishi

Maharishi studied Physics at the University of Allahabad. He earned a degree in Physics from this University in 1942. Before following the spiritual life and yogic path he tried his life in one or two things here and there. However, his destiny and his true passion lie elsewhere, he had not realized that till now. He felt increasingly attracted to the spiritual life. He joined the Jyotir math and became a disciple of Swami Brahmananda Sarswati. It is also said that it took more than two years to consider Brahmananda Sarswati to take Maharishi as the disciple of the path. He started calling himself Bal Brahmachari Mahesh. Maharishi says that his life truly began in 1940 when he met his master. He was with his Master till the death of Sarswati in 1953.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and Transcendental Meditation

After the death of the Maharishi’s guru, he thought of teaching his learning to the world in 1955. So began teaching traditional meditation technique called Transcendental deep meditation to India and the world. He also assumed the title “Maharishi” which means great sage and is quite common amongst Indian Gurus who have achieved great spiritual capacity.

Transcendental Meditation Movement

In 1957, he founded his first organization the Spiritual Regeneration Movement. There have been many related organization, they tend to get grouped under the heading of Transcendental meditation Movement. The growth in Transcendental Meditation movement was rapid especially in 1960s when the counterculture made meditation and eastern spirituality more appealing and in the public eye. Many high profile celebrities  were attracted to the movement.

Process of Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental Meditation involves repeating a mantra silently for 15-20 minutes (or longer) in a quiet, dimly –lit room with no distractions or music. Before starting make sure you turn off your phone or put it on silent. You can also light candles or burn incense to make your meditation space more comfortable. This meditation involves simple steps of 7 to 8, which collectively completes the meditation.

Then follow these steps:

  • Sit in a comfortable position either in the chair or in the floor with your hand on the lap.
  • Take a deep and slow breath and relax your body and mind so that your body goes through the meditation period efficiently.
  • Closing your eyes during the whole period of time is one of the compulsory thing about Transcendental meditation.
  • Silently repeat the mantra in your mind continuously for 15-20 minutes. This could be a Sanskrit sound you learned from a meditation teacher.
  • Focus on the mantra completely. If you feel yourself getting distracted, refocus your thoughts on the mantra.
  • Just after chanting mantra, take a deep breath and start slowly moving your feet and palms. Now you are back to the world.
  • Gently and slowly open your eyes.
  • Relax and rest for a few minutes until you feel ready to get up. This concludes transcendental meditation.

Mantra for transcendental Meditation

Mantra selection can be a complicated process for some people, as there are thousands and thousands of mantras here. Search for positivity and balance in whichever mantra you choose. Few are believed to have massive spiritual and deity powers. Those who practice transcendental meditation for religious approaches also can use it. Om Nama Shivaya, Om Gan Gana Pattye Nama, Surya Namaha, Om Namo Narayan Aaya, etc. There are many to choose from, you can choose one, no need to think hard about it more than necessary. Those who are into transcendental meditation for self-development and are not religious can create their mantra if they like, the options are open and wide. To create a mantra first, go through yourself to find out want from transcendental meditation.

Your goal can be lots of things like confidence, spiritual strength, mental strength, and inner peace. First, figure out what you want through your meditation and make it your mantra. All types of meditation, including transcendental meditation, can have the following benefits:

  • Reduce stress
  • Improve focus and memory
  • Improves quality of sleep
  • Connection to the inner-self
  • Improves productivity, and self-steem
  • Improves pain management
  • Decrease the risk of developing certain diseases
  • Improve awareness

New Maharishi Vaastu Building for Transcendental Meditation

Our fourth Maharishi Vaastu Building project is almost complete as of January 2021. This project is a campus with four buildings to house 400 Maharishi Vedic Pandits and one building to serve as a Training Center.

Maharishi Vaastu architecture ensures that a building or community will have only nourishing influences on its occupants. This results from the use of several key natural law-based, Vedic principles: Right Direction, Right Placement of Rooms, Natural and Nontoxic Materials, Right Proportion, and Solar Energy, plus several external influences.