29 Sep 2019 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

Indeed, the science of yoga is a boon for humans in the modern century, where our health is deteriorating at physical, mental, and spiritual levels. The Naukasana, the yoga posture, in which you assume the shape of a boat, is the practice for health.
From helping you to lose extra pounds to waking up the core to strengthening the back muscles, the Naukasana has diverse variations, in all of which you can garner the benefits of boat pose. Here are the TOP 5 HEALTH BENEFITS OF NAUKASANA:
Step by Step performing Naukasana
1: Start the boat pose in a sitting position on a yoga mat.
2: Press the hands into a yoga mat behind the hips, lift through the top of the sternum, and slightly lean back.
3: Try to sit on the tripod of your two sitting bones and tailbone
4: Breathe Out, bend your knees, and keep your thighs at a 45-degree angle to the floor.
5: Gently straighten the knees and raise the feet above eye level.
6: Stretch the arms alongside the legs parallel to the floor.
7: Stay in the Boat Pose for as long as comfortable.
The Top 5 Health Benefits of Naukasana
- Good for our digestive and reproductive systems:
It aids both the upper abdominal organs (pancreas and liver) and the lower abdominal organs (kidney and intestines), thus helping in reducing digestive problems. Helping in the circulation of the blood and oxygen around the abdomen area faster, this pose also enhances the secretion power of the liver and pancreas. For men, it is essentially beneficial because it stimulates the prostate gland which is good for the male reproductive system.
2. Strengthens the Body Muscles:
During the practice of the Naukasana, the arms are stretched in a forwarding direction, the thighs are angled at 45 degrees, the shin is perpendicular to the floor, and the feet are raised up. All these movements cast a stretching and strengthening effect on the diverse muscle group located in the body. In this way, you strengthen your whole body internally helping you manifest a robust look.
3. Very good for diabetic patients:
The health benefits of the Naukasana pose are also reaped by diabetic patients as it essentially works on fixing the sugar levels of the body.
4. Placid Mind:
Like with most yoga asanas, the Naukasana also acts as a distress tool, keeping your mind peaceful and placid. With a calm mind, you can enjoy the present moment, work with alertness, and can have a healthy body.
5. Ideal Weight Loss:
In the Naukasana, you can lose stubborn fat in a healthier and ideal manner. The stretching, compressing, and relaxing of the abdominal organs during the performance of the Boat Pose helps you to lose extra fat around the stomach. The key is to practice the pose regularly with attention to alignment.
With the Naukasana and its variations, develop a healthy body, mind, and soul.
To know about Naukasana in further detail, explore our Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal