24 Jan 2020 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

By Swami Yog Subodh – Himalayan Yoga Academy
The meaning of AUM :
OM or AUM is a mixture of sounds or vibrations. It is defined as a sacred sound of the Universe. It is the first sound of the creation. ‘A’ stands for Birth, ‘U’ stands for Living, and ‘M’ stands for Death or Rebirth. AUM is the union, the atom is the union of Electron, Proton, and Neutron. AUM in Sanskrit is called ‘Anaahat Naad’ which means a sound that is continuously produced without hitting the two. This is also known as soundless sound, which is called ‘Pranava’
When we chant AUM or OM means we are trying to tune up individual consciousness with supreme consciousness. Chanting Om is matching individual frequency with the supreme frequency. Once you become silent both body and mind, then you start hearing the sound of consciousness, which is nothing but bliss.
Yoga declares that once you realize OM, it will remove all sufferings of life. Yoga declares the truth only after the experience. Yoga says that once you master AUM or Om You are liberated.
Om kaaram Pray:
“Omkaaram Bindu Samyuktam, Nityam Dhyaanti Yoginah; Kaamadam Mokshadam chaiva, Omkaaraaya Namo Namah!!
Meaning: The symbol of AUM, united at a point on which Yogis meditate every day, it fulfills the desires and liberation, so we bow to that AUM.
How to Practice by OM pattern?
First Level: 3:1:1 = A……………………………….U……………M……………Focus physical power, Activation of Physical Units.
Second Level: 1:3:1 = A………………U………………………………………….M……………. focus mental power, relaxation, and union of body and mind
Third Level: 1:1:3 = A………………U………………M………………………………………………… focus the spiritual power, awakening of spirit….
Use of “Om” pattern
First Level: 3:1 = A……………………………………………………….M……………Focus physical power, Activation of Physical Units.
Second Level: 1:1 = A…………………………………M…………………………….. focus mental power, relaxation, and union of body and mind
Third Level: 1:3 = A…………………M………………………………………………… focus the spiritual power, awakening of spirit….
“Tasya vaachakah pranavah”‘ PYS 1.27; that means the syllable ‘OM’ is its significator.
Om’ is Omnipresent. “Tajja pasted-artha-Bhagavatam” PYS 1.28; that means through the repetition, the meaning of Om comes to the meaning life.
After true realization and experimental perception, Om is the ultimate goal or supreme goal for harmony and bliss when we constantly recite and meditate on AUM or OM