18 Apr 2022 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

Kundalini is a dormant energy. There is a set of three nerves called ida, pingala, and sushumna, which connect the base of the spine to the brain. When Kundalini Energy awakens, it rises through the central nerve sushumna to the brain, which causes an explosion in the brain, since the dormant or sleeping areas begin to blossom like flowers. It represents the future consciousness of humanity. All the happenings in the spiritual life and all outstanding works in any walk of life, such as poetry, painting writing, music, war, science, art, philosophy, etc. are all related to the awakening of Kundalini Energy. It is the creative energy, the energy of self-expression.
The awakening of Kundalini transforms and transcends one’s life. It brings visions of God and higher realms, awakens supramental faculties, and sparks creative intelligence. The mind, priorities, and attachments change. After Kundalini awakens, the integration of karmas begins. The cells in the body undergo a complete transformation, initiating a rejuvenation process. The voice, body’s scent, and hormonal secretions change. This accelerates physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual evolution.
“Once the great Shakti awakens man is no longer a gross physical body operating with a lower mind and low-voltage prana (quantum cosmic energy). Instead, every cell of his body is charged with the high-voltage prana of Kundalini. And when total awakening occurs, man becomes a junior god, an embodiment of divinity.”
As the first symptoms of an awakened Kundalini Energy, some people experience violent shaking of different parts of the body, such as a car shudders when starting. Aspirants also feel pleasure of a spiritual kind and the brain becomes hot and heavy as if under intoxication, an experience never undergone before.
Six symptoms that come into manifestation are – a feeling of blissful pleasure, trembling of the whole body, a newborn power, intoxication, sleep, and merger of consciousness. One could experience one or several of the eighteen symptoms listed, for example, in Dev-Atma Shakti.