Himalayan Yoga Academy

Education & research Foundation

24 Aug 2019 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

Yoga Teacher Training Nepal 2020

                                                                                                                                                        August  2019
Dear Dr,
I want to take this time to say a few words.

Firstly ” Thank You”.

Thank you for creating a course just for  what the needs. Thank you for your warmth, generosity and wisdom. Thank you for holding me when it was difficult. Thank you for making a safe space for me to learn and grow. Thank you for welcoming me into your family. Thank you for teaching me so much in such a short space of time. And mostly, thank you for you love.

I know these moments are the beginning of this journey.With your words and insight, I will put together a beautiful jigsaw of life, a healthy, creative and loving life.

I wish you and Himalayan Yoga Academy ongoing success.

With only love + Peace

Dr. K.J.B