30 Nov 2019 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

A steam bath room is created when a water-filled generator pumps steam into an enclosed space so there is moisture in the air when people are sitting in it.
The temperature inside a steam room is generally between 110°F and 114°F with a humidity level of 100 percent.
Steam Bath: Benefits
Skin health
Both steam rooms and saunas will make a person sweat due to the heat. The sweating opens up the pores and helps cleanse the outer skin.
Warm condensation will help rinse away dirt and dead skin and has been used in the treatment of acne.
However, what a steam room also does that a sauna does not is help remove the toxins trapped below the skin.
Loosens stiff joints
A steam room can also be used before a workout, as it helps to loosen up the joints and increase flexibility, just as a pre-workout warm-up does.
Burns calories
When a person is inside a steam room their heart rate increases. If they use a steam room after exercise, then their elevated heart rate can be prolonged.
Experts have found that when used alongside a healthy exercise program, the heat generated by the steam room and the sweating it causes can