7 Sep 2019 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

THE SKELETAL SYSTEM is the framework or body model of bony portion. It is made up of bones,joints, tendons and ligamentswhich provide support, movement, and protection to the body. They serve as levers for the of muscles and they provide anchor for tension, resistance and muscular contraction
Bones Composition: Water: 25% and solid matters: 75%
Types of Bone: Compact (Hard Bone) and Cartilage (Soft Bone)
Bones have various roles:
- To hold upright (femur), To protect the organs
- Permitting movement and locomotion
- To articulate (lower arm): ulna and radius twist around one another while the wrist and shoulder stay immobile)
- Manufacturing blood cells and storing the calcium
Joint is the meeting ground between bones made of Hyaline cartilage; capsular ligament; Synovial membrane; synovial fluid and fat pads in some
Roles: Allow friction and impact (runners versus cyclists or swimmers) Have cartilage to protect and smoothen and stabilize articulation Have ligaments to connect bones (while tendons connect bone to muscle) Ligaments cannot contract but they can stretch and become loose and unstable.

- Fixed 2. Cartilaginous 3. Synovial Joints

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