8 Jul 2019 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

“AUM Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah”
SMS for, Health, Happiness, and Harmony
S – stands for Straight Body.
M – stands for Mind Fullness
S – stands for Smiling
Let’s talk about the SCIENCE OF HAPPINESS. Today, medical and scientific evidence shows that staying blissful for just 24 hours, free from tension, anxiety, irritation, or agitation, can boost the sharpness of our intellect by up to 100%. Our body and mind function better way. Medically and scientifically, it’s proven that staying joyful can change your entire chemistry, yet we claim to meditate and practice yoga. We hesitate to use the term “yoga” today, especially when we see how it’s practiced in modern society, particularly in the West. It scares us because it’s a cell, a very subtle technology, it’s not an exercise, people think it’s an exercise. If we want to just stay fit play tennis, swim, climb a mountain, you will be fit.
Yoga is a profound science that aligns your body’s geometry with cosmic geometry; you don’t need to do it for just that. When I say aligning the geometry of your body with cosmic geometry what we need to understand is that the solar system acts like a potter’s wheel in shaping the body. Adi Yogi, the first yogi, stated over fifteen thousand years ago that the human body must evolve further. The human body cannot evolve further without fundamental changes in the solar system. Modern neurologists now say something strikingly similar to what was said fifteen thousand years ago about the arrangement of the planets.

Many people are asking if evolution can further develop the human brain. Now, they suggest that physical laws, rather than neurological principles, may play a role in this development. Physical laws limit brain evolution, as it can only develop by increasing neuron size or number. However, this expansion is limited by these laws.
In another hand, happiness is the thing that appears from the inside, and this is eternal and pervasive. It does not come from physical things or materialistic ways of life that can be easily purchased. Neither it is artificial nor man-made. It comes from inside via mind and soul. Getting something material tools or a gift gives temporary happiness but joy is incomplete. Real happiness requires nothing, regardless of physical gain or achievement.
We don’t need any causes to be happy, which doesn’t mean that any conditions are required for happiness. It is eternal, and the entire flow comes from the mind and heart or soul. It is the state of sat chit ananda (sat – chitta – ananda) that means a true and blissful state of mind. “Santosha paramo Sukhah” means that Contentment is supreme happiness. If you are satisfied, you won’t have desires and you will be happy. If you don’t have any desires, you will be satisfied and then you will be happy.
Just be in something for need but not for desires. You focus on fulfilling all your needs, without seeking anything else to satisfy your desires. Try to be human and divine but not to be animals. Animals get rest when tired and eat when hungry, but the animal does not say, I am so stressed, please dear, let me smoke once. So “be happy, be jolly be cheerful”.
Yogacharya Subodh Simkhada