28 Mar 2020 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

When practice of one anga of the three anga-s is given importance, it means that the other angas are practiced to support the main anga. Pranayama is given importance because it removes physical and mental impurities.Vyasa , the commentator of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra states that there is no Tapas superior to Pranayama “Tapas” is done for removal of impurities and pranayama is considered as the supreme form of tapas. In Pranayama, the correct technique of breathing has to be followed.Also the practice of the three Bandhas assumes special importance.Why Pranayama for Middle Aged People
Role of Pranayama in maintaining well being :
Well-being calls for a pleasant state of mind .That is achieved when there are no distractions and disturbances in the mind.According to Hathayoga Pradipika the mind and breath are closely linked.When any one of them is agitated , the other one also gets agitated. The same is the case with calmeness also . To make the mind calm, the bdeath must be made quiet.Also the illness is primary cause for the absence of well being and treatment and prevention of illness is an important step in the path towards well beinig. In dealing with illness and diseases, Pranayama plays an important role.Again , Hatha yoga Pradipika states “Through the proper practice of Pranayama there is freedom from all diseases. By a mistaken course of Yoga brings upon himself all disease.More in next blog for Pranayama for Middle Aged People