7 Sep 2019 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

Group of specialized contractile cells (e.g. Contraction and relaxation) are MUSCULAR SYSTEM.
Types of Muscles:
1. Skeletal Muscles

- Smooth Muscles e.g Stomach
- Cardiac Muscles e.g Heart Muscles

Parts of Muscles

Fundamentals of Body Movement: Alignment; Flexibility & Efficiency

What holds us up in a standing posture? The position of the limbs or the carriage of the body as a whole is called posture: The viewed posture is maintained and erected from four aspects; anteriorly, posteriorly, right and left in which the line of gravity (the vertical line drawn through the body’s Centre of gravity) is called the Ideal posture. When viewed from the front or the back, the vertical line passing through the body’s centre of gravity should theoretically bisect the body into two equal halves, with the body weight distributed between the two feet.

Flexibility is defined as a range of mobility and ability of joints and muscles. For a yogi, a yoga teacher and any level practitioner, flexibility is the greatest challenge but most important, anatomically speaking, because it loosens cartilage restraints, tendon, ligaments and joints
Benefits Flexibility: *increase range of motion *decrease the risk of injury *reduce muscle soreness *Keeps muscles loose and relaxed * improves athletic performance.
Things to be remembered when stretching: *Free and relax mind *Intake of water * more oxygen inhalation * Natural food*equilibrium of action and rest* Visualization the changes inside*warm up before stretching *stretch the entire body * hold the stretch for at least 05 to 15 second, but do not bounce *stretch to the point where you feel some mild tension *breathe normally when stretching; never hold the breath * Lubricating the joints and tensed part of body * Vibrating and relaxing.Remember stretching = lengthening and decreases stretching = foreshortening
Specific effects through:
When alignment and efficiency are mastered? Below are just a few of the numerous effects of yoga physiologically. Some can be felt before efficiency is mastered. Effect of yoga are muscles flexibility, muscular strength, and endurance, joint stability, correct postures, balance neuro muscular co ordination, and improves all involuntary functions.