24 Oct 2020 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

Jalandhara bandha: Jalandhara is a Sanskrit word derived from the roots ‘jalan’ meaning “net,” and dhara, meaning “flow” or ‘stream’. It is performed by bringing the chin down towards the chest; therefore, it is also called the “chin lock.” Practicing this bandha improves the function of the thyroid and parathyroid glands, supports the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as activates the Vishuddhi chkara.
Jalandhar bandha is also known as ‘Chin Lock’ or ‘Throat Lock’. This bandha locks the prana in the throat region.
Once the Kundalini energy passes through the Abdomen, it flows toward the head through the throat. So, to clear its path in the throat region, we lock Prana in the throat region. This stimulates the Vishuddhi Chakra with Jalandhara Bandha. Therefore the Bandha practice is completed with Jalandhara Bandha. Jalandhara bandha is the action of simultaneously lowering the chin and lifting the sternum.
Methods of Jalandhara Bandha ( Throat Lock )
a) Sit in a comfortable sitting position, either padmasana or siddhasana or any other comfortable meditation position.
b) Extend your spine and lift your sternum slightly up.
c) Begin the inhalation slowly and deeply with head upright, retain the breath inside.
d) As you near the end of the inhalation with short retention, gently lower your chin down and draw simultaneously the top of the sternum upward. Straighten the arms and lock them firmly into position.
e) Hold during the retention. The chin rests comfortably on the sternum.
f) Exhale and raise your head slowly to a neutral position.
Variation: In different means of kriya Yoga a more simple and subtle form of jalandhara bandha is practiced where the head is simply bent forward so that the chin presses the neck. It is commonly used while practicing the mudras and pranayama.
We can perform with abhyantara (internal) and bahyantara (external) kumbhaka (Retention).
This bandha is literally formed with Mudras, bandhas, pranayamas. It should be practiced after asanas and pranayamas and before pranayama. Pranayama with bandha is called Uchcha Pranayama (Higher/advance).
Benefits of Jalandhara Bandha ( Throat Lock ) :
The jalandhara bandha compresses the carotid sinuses, which are located on the carotid arteries. The practice of Jalandhara bandha connects the head with the heart and thoracic and throat cavity, and opens up the throat chakra. The bandha presses the ida and pingala channels and allows the prana to pass through sumshumna. The jalandhara bandha regulates the flow of blood and prana (energy) to the heart, head and the endocrine glands in the neck. This practice produces mental relaxation and, relieving stress, anxiety and anger. It develops one-pointedness.
Cautions of Jalandhara Bandha ( Throat Lock ) :
Those with stiff necks should keep their head as far down as possible or roll a piece of cloth and place it on the top of the collar bones. Hold jalandhara bandha by lifting the chest rather than by pressing down with the chin. This releases tension in the throat and breathing becomes relaxed. Work on lengthening the back of your neck, releasing your shoulders, and opening your chest. Never force your chin to your sternum. Jalandhara bandha is the action of simultaneously lowering the chin and lifting the sternum.