19 Jul 2021 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

The Sanskrit word mudra is translated as `gesture’ and `attitude’. It is used to signify a psychic, emotional, devotional, and aesthetic gesture like a mystic position of the hands, a seal, or even a symbol. However, there are eye positions, body postures, and breathing techniques that are called mudras. These symbolic fingers, eyes, and bodies can vividly depict certain states or processes of consciousness. Yogis have experienced; gestures as attitudes of energy flow, intended to link individual pranic force with universal or cosmic force.
These are a combination of subtle physical movements which alter mood, attitude, and perception, and which deepen awareness and concentration. It may involve the whole body in combination of asana, pranayama, bandha, and visualization techniques or it may be simple hand position. These are higher practice which can lead to awakening of the pranas, chakra, kundalini, and which can below major siddhis, physic powers, on the advanced practitioner.
Mudra and prana
The attitudes and postures adopted during gestures practices establish a direct link between Anamaya kosha, the physical body), manomaya kosha, the mental body, pranayama kosha, the energy body. Initially, this enables the practitioner to develop awareness of the flow of prana in the body. Ultimately, it establishes pranic balance within the koshas and enables the redirection of subtle energy to the upper chakras ,inducing higher states of consciousness .
Five Groups Of Yoga Gestures
In Hatha yoga, there are 25 gestures or attitudes. These includes eye and body positions (asana) and locks (bandhas). The yoga mudras can be categorized into five groups .
1) Hasta (hand mudras)
They are meditative gestures that redirect the prana emitted by the hands back into the body. Mudra which join the thumb and index finger engage the motor cortex at a very subtle level. They generate a loop of energy which moves from the brain down to the hand and then back again. Conscious awareness of this process rapidly leads to internalization. Techniques included in this category are:
- Jnana mudra
- Chin mudra
- Yoni mudra
- Bhairava mudra
- Hridaya mudra
2) Mana (Head Gesture)
These practices form an integral part of kundalini yoga and many are meditation techniques in their own right. They utilize the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and lips. Techniques includes in this category are:
- Shambhavi
- Nasikagra drishti
- Khechari
- Kaki
- Bhujangini
- Akashi
- Shanmukhi
- Unmani
3) Kaya (postural Gesture)
These practice utilize physical postures combined with breathing and concentration. Techniques included in this category are:
- Vipereeta karani
- Pashinee
- Prana
- Yoga
- Manduki
- Tadagi mudra
4) Bandha (lock gestures)
These practices combine mudra and bandha. They charge the system with prana and prepare it for kundalini awakening. Techniques included in this category are:
- Maha Bandha
- Maha bheda
- Maha vedha
5) Adhara (perineal gestures)
These techniques redirect prana from them lower centers to the brain. Mudras concerned with the sublimating sexual energy are in this group. Techniques included in this category are:
- Ashwini mudra
- Vajroli/sahajoli mudra