9 Oct 2020 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

THE MEANING OF YOGA – FEELING “योगको अर्थ – भाव”
The world “Yoga is rooted from ‘Yuj’ dhatu that means to join or to yoke and Yoga means “addition”/ ‘Union’; So ‘Yuj’ determines the process but ‘Yoga’ determines the achievement.Yoga is Jod or Sam or Dhyaya or Sadhya in Bhav Pradhan sense.Yoga Tradition Divine Knowledge Explained Yoga is literally meant by three fundamental ways. Literally Yoga means to have Addition / Experience. (Derived from verbs)H
Divadiganiya ‘Use-Samadhau’ ‘युज–समाधौ’ Samadhi from Yuj
Rudhadiganiya ‘Yujir Yoge Dhatu’ युजिर योगे धातु’ –Samyog from Yuj
Churadiganeeya Yuj ‘Samyamane’- संयमने – Samyaman from Yuj
DEFINITION OF YOGA (योगको परिभाषा)
The commentator Maharshi Vyas said the yoga is “Yoga: Samadhi” “योग: समाधि”- Yoga is called Samadhi and Samadhi is called Yoga.
“Sthitametat Sven Rupen” (Chhandogya 8.3.4), “स्थितमेतत स्वेन रुपेण” (छान्दोग्य ८।३।४) –
In the state of Swaroop by Samadhi, the soul is situated in Swa-Swaroop – Yoga
Yogashchittavrittinirodh: Pa. Su..1; 2-..”योगश्चित्तवृत्तिनिरोध:” पा. यो. सू..१; २ Controlling the changed instincts or thoughts in the mind or the journey of emptiness is yoga
Yoga tradition योग परम्परा
In the pre-Vedic period of yoga, Paramatma has given the knowledge of the Vedas to four sages or poets or yogis in the form of meditation, that is, in the state of samadhi. Four rishis are Agni, Vayu, Aditra and Angira.
The Yoga period is considered to have five periods.
- Pre-Vedic period-> 15000; 2. Vedic period-> 5000; 3. Pre-classical -> 3000; 4. Classical -> 2000 – 3000; 5. Post Classical; > 1893; 6. Yoga in Modern Era <1893,
SOUL + SPIRIT = BRAHMA CONSCIOUS – आत्मा + परमात्मा = ब्रह्मा चेतन
The conscious energy (soul) within the element or organism, Cosmic Conscious Energy (Spirit), Which are functional as ॐ = a + u + m. According to Vedic doctrine, om shakti was later considered to be Paramayma, Purusha or consciousness. Omkar is the first universal name of Ishvara / God.
ORIGIN OF OM FROM PANCHMAHABHUTA-पन्चमहाभूतबाट ॐ को उत्त्पति
In the Panchmahabhuta, the subtle form of the sky element is the word or sound or vibration (Shabda). It is from this sound that completes Panchatattva, that is, all things, originated. Meeting the celestial element of a word or sound is perfect yoga. The nature of the union of the five elements is yoga. The cosmic energy is the existence of every creation.
“OM KHAN BRAHMA”-“ओम खं ब्रह्म“
Omkar / om = a ——– u …………….. m …………..
Existence cycle = creation …… status ………… cataclysm ………
Dharma Parampara = Brahma ——- Vishnu ————- Rudra ———–
Life = body ———– mind —————- soul —————-
Nadi = Ida ———— Pingala —————— Sushumna ———
Gland = Spirit ——– Vishnu ————— Rudra ————
Chakra = Mula-Swadhi —- Mani-Anahat —- Vishuddi-Ajna-
Bandh = Original ——— Aviation —– Jalandhar ——-
Molecule = Electron —– Protron ——– Neutron ———-
ORIGINAL SOURCE OF YOGA योगविद्याको आदिस्रोत
Paramatma – Parabrahma – Omkar.
The meeting point of Veda and Yoga Vidya is Brahma / Prana Vidya. “Om Khan Brahma” Yaj-A-40; “-“ओम खं ब्रह्म” यज-अ-४०; and “Tasya vaachakah brahma” P.Y.S 1.27; “तस्य वाचक: ब्रह्म ” –यो सु १-२७; That is, Om is Brahman or Paramatma. Brahma Vidha in the Vedas: The entire Veda is the same form of Omkar. Brahman is considered to be omnipotent, omnipresent, eternal sachchidananda, unchanging, eternal, incomparable, omnipotent, omniscient.
SPOKESPERSON OF HIRANYAGARBHA YOGA –हिरण्यगर्भ योगको प्रवक्त्ता
Brahma created ‘Raj Yoga’ and was offering the right to develop to Hiranyagarbha as spokesperson and -Patanjali-10,000 years ago as successor.
Vishnu created Vedic Yoga and offering the right to Sri Krishna to develop Sannyasa, Sankhya, Mantra, Dhyana, Gyan, Bhakti, karma Yoga etc.
Shiva created the Tantra Yoga , Kundalini Yoga and Hatha Yoga and offering the right to Gorakhnath. “Hiranyagarbha: Samavartatagre Bhutasya jaatah Patireka Aasit. Sadadhar Prithivi Dhyamutemam Kasmai Devaya Havisha Vidhem, Rig 10. 121 1.. “हिरण्यगर्भ: समवर्तताग्रे भूतस्य जात: पतिरेक आसीत्। सदाधार प्रिथिवी द्यामुतेमाम कस्मै देवाय हविषा विधेम।। ऋग १०। १२१। १।।. First of all, Hiranyagarbha was born who was the only lord of the creatures. He was the one who created the world and the spirit world.

YAJNA, SIDDHI AND RAJ YOGA -यज्ञ, सिद्धि र राज योग
“Yasmadrete na siddhati yajno vipaschitashchan. Sa dheenaam Yogaminvatee. Rig 1/18/7. “यस्मादृते न सिद्धती यज्ञो विपश्चितश्चन। स धीनाम योगमिन्वती।। ऋग १/१८/७।।; Without the great element of Brahma Yajna (meditation of the evening between sunset and sunrise), no Yajna of the scholar and Vidhushi is perfect. Since there is a desireIn which the coincidence of sorrow is detachment, that is Yoga Samadhi. That yoga, which is the goal of Dhyana Yoga, must be practiced from the mind. to prove spiritual yoga through the yoga sadhana rituals in the form of Paramatma by Dharna, Dhyana and Samadhi in the form of the chosen deity, be perfect by providing perfection in the sadhana of the rituals.
YOGA INTERVIEW- योग साक्षात्कार
‘Rishirdashanaat’, ‘Mantra Mananaat’ ,’ऋषिर्दशनात् ‘, ‘मन्त्र मननात्”. What a poet / yogi in the form of a sage,Rishi says and writes, he first writes and speaks by seeing his own mind power through the vision of yoga. In Vedo-mantra, the subject interviewed is fulfilled by the yoga of meditation, which is full of serious and profound mysteries. “Sakshatkritadharman Rishay:” “साक्षत्कृतधर्माण ऋषय:” The sage / poet who interviewed the subject from his point of view. “Na Vichetdandha:” ” न विचेतदन्ध:” – Without yoga vision or yoga knowledge, one cannot experience / portray any subject.

Maharshi Yajnavalkya, while preaching to his friends, says, – ‘Aatmaa waa Are draShtuvyo mantavyo nididhyaasitavyo Maitreyee’ – Brihadaranyak Sub.4 / 5/6 / “आत्मा वा अरे द्रष्टव्य:श्रोतव्यो मन्तव्यो निदिध्यासितव्यो मैत्रेयी”। -बृहदारण्यक उप.४/५/६/ -The soul itself is a truth, the soul is a visible element, the truth must be realized through its hearing, contemplation and meditation (intimate yoga-meditation and samadhi). “Drishyate Tvagrayayaa Sukshmaya Sukshmadarshibhi” 3. 12. “दृश्यते त्वग्रयया सूक्ष्मया सूक्ष्मदर्शिभी ” कठ १। ३। १२।- The yogi made his intellect subtle and depth through yoga sadhana.
“Antah shareere jyotirmayo hi shubhro yama pashyanti yatayah ksheena doshaa”- Mundak 3.1.5. “अन्त:शरीरे ज्योतिर्मयो हि शुभ्रो यम पश्यन्ति यतय: क्षीण दोषा ” मुन्ड़क ३। १। ५।–It means- Prabhma is all-pervading, Paramatma is present in everyone’s heart as Jyotirman. Only a person with a pure heart without any guilt can see it.
Yogashikhopanishad -24: “Gyannishtho Viraktto’pi Dharmajno Vijitendriya. Without Dehe’pi Yogen, there is no salvation. योगशिखोपनिषद: २४; ज्ञाननिष्ठो विरक्त्तो’पी धर्मज्ञो विजितेंद्रिय। विना देहे’पी योगेन न मोक्षम लभते विधेThis means – O Vidhe! Even if the seeker is as knowledgeable, pious, pious and ascetic, there is no salvation without yoga.
To be continued………