9 Jan 2020 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

The Answer : How do I find Yoga Alliance certified schools ?
In every nook & corner of the world, there are a lot of Yoga Schools. generally all yoga schools are not Yoga Alliance certified schools, the vast majority on the market are. Normally, you can find out by looking at the school’s website, or speaking to the lead trainer and training courses. Be certain to also double check the Yoga Alliance Website to check about good school stats. The Yoga Alliance recently changed their certification standards for schools, imposing significantly stricter statues for certification. You can also check other information on the website of Yoga Alliance about the Teachers. hope you got your answer on How do I find Yoga Alliance certified schools ?
You may visit the web and see the nature of yoga courses, fundamental principles of yoga, ethical values of this great science, teaching styles and skills, Authentic & Academic way of learning & teaching, etc. You don’t follow the Gymnastic and acrobatic postures only, the literal part of yoga science, the Dharma of yoga, science eof yoga for science of life.