9 Dec 2020 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy

Himavat (Sanskrit: हिमवत्, literally frosty) or Himavān (Sanskrit: हिमवान्, literally snowy) or Parvateshwara (Sanskrit: पर्वतेश्वर, lit. lord of mountains) is the personification of the Himalayan mountains and Frosty Hills, which are also known as the Himavat Mountains. He was the ruler of the Himalaya Kingdom of Nepal, is one of the independent country in south Asia since ancient Era, which finds mention in Shiva Sabhyataa (Civilization) and in the epic Mahabharata.
Himavat fathered Mahakali the river goddess, river is commonly known as Ganga Sagar as well as Ragini and Parvati, the wife of Shiva. His wife and queen consort is Vedic Menavati, the daughter of Mount Meru (Himalayan Parvat).
Let us do some mountain climbing that ends in the Kailash and Sagarmatha (Mount Everest) ‘Himavant’ means having much snow. Thus Himavat is the God of Snow implying the Himalayan Mountains or the Himavat Mountains. It is also called the Abode of the Gods or Devabhumi (Land of GODS). The Mahabaratha extols Himavat as the ruler of the Himalayan Kingdom, now known as Nepal. The sum total of various versions makes Himayat the father of Sati or prominently known as Uma or Parvathi. His consort is Queen Mena, the daughter of Mount Meru.
The Himalaya range in general and Mount Kailash to Sagarmatha (Mount Everest) in particular have inspired awe for anyone who has beheld them. People on all sides of the great mountains have regarded them as space between the world of humans and the heavens. Mount Kailash is sacred to Hindus as the mythological paradise of Lord Shiva and his wife Parvati- who is the daughter of Himavat- the King of the Himalaya. Ganesh, the elephant headed god, who is the remover of obstacles, is the son of Shiva and Parvati and also grew up in and around Mount Kailash alongside the Himalayan ranges. Kailash is the Palace of Shiva and also Yogaashram (a place for Yoga practice). He is always in state of Yoga or Samadhi with meditation in different mudras.
Shiva is often depicted in traditional paintings with Parvati and his son Ganesh on his lap. He is blue in color to reflect the fact that he has taken in all the “poison” in the world so that everything else can live and exist. Shiva is one of three principle Hindu deities along with Vishnu (Operator) and Brahma (Generator) forming Trimurti or a triad. Shiva protects but also destroys and is hence found in battlefields and Cremating Ghats. The most famous one being at the Arya Ghat in Pashupatinath Temple complex along the Holy River ‘Bagmati’ here as the first temple of the world and also the first Yoga School of Shiva here in Kathmandu, Nepal. In Hindu mythology, Shiva, the god of destruction and regeneration, resides at the summit of Mount Kailash which believers regard as the center of the world. Everything on earth and the Universe stretch out in all directions from here.
Yoga as Path of Spiritual Exploration
Yoga is the higher spiritual achievement throughout the Knowledge, Karma, Upasana and Science. The almighty viewed the valuable knowledge and ethics for the creation, existence and life-cycle of beings in meditated form or in a state of Samadhi to Human Kind via four sages. A prayer in the ancient Sanatan Holy Scripture, Rig Veda, entreats upon Supreme Power, Almighty, ‘Tamaso Maa Jyotir-gamaya, Asato Maa Sat-gamaya, Mrityor Maa Amritam-gamaya” or ‘Lead us from Darkness (Ignorance) to Light (Knowledge), from Untruth to Truth, from Mortal to Immortality:
Every human being on earth is in relentless pursuit of love, mental peace, happiness and spiritual bliss. According to Sanatan Dharma, the eternal religion or Human religion, the proven way to overcome the tensions, stress and strain that one faces in daily life is faith in spiritualism (adhyatma), Spiritual practice (sadhana) casts ‘light to do away with darkness’ and liberates a person from sorrows, gloom and suffers. Spiritual enlightenment leads to blissful inner peace and equanimity i.e Samadhi.
For many since ancient, Nepal remains a mystical land on the lap of Himalayas, especially Mount Everest with its harmonious blend of two of the world’s prominent religions, Hinduism and Buddhism, the beauty of natures and cultures; its incredibly tolerant people living through a fascinating traditional-cultural milieu and its amazing landscapes that in ancient times drew rishis (sages), ascetics, mystics and yogis who wandered in a spiritual mission in search of tatva jnana (supreme knowledge), nirvana (enlightenment/ isolation) and divine grace, and today draws spiritual seekers, aspirants of a new bewildered generation seeking tranquility, mental peace, happiness, fulfillments and all the unconditional answers to all the questions that people had long hidden or unknown till today.
Sagarmatha / Mount Everest:
Kathmandu: Nepal and China on Tuesday jointly announced that the revised height of the world’s highest peak Sagarmatha / Mount Everest was 8,848.86 metres, about 86 centimetres more than the previous measurement done by India in 1954. It is said ‘Third Pole of the World”.
The Nepal government decided to measure the exact height of the mountain amid debates that there might have been a change in it due to various reasons, including the devastating earthquake of 2015.
The new height of Mt Everest, the world’s highest peak, is 8,848.86 metres, China and Nepal jointly announced on Tuesday, 8th December, 2020. China’s state-run Xinhua news agency said in a brief report.
Nepal recalculates the height of Mount Everest at 8848.86 metres, the country’s Foreign Minister Pradeep Gyawali announced in Kathmandu.
The new official height is 8,848.86 meters — roughly one meter higher than Nepal’s previous measurement. Global warming and a 2015 earthquake spurred speculation over the actual height of the world’s tallest peak.
The new height is 86 cms more than the previous measurement. According to the measurement done in 1954 by Survey of India, the height of Mount Everest was 8,848 metres.
Notice :
Note: Himalayan Yoga Academy is going to organize the Highest Altitude Yoga Camp in around 5643 meters height, Kalapatthar, of Mount Everest Base camp in coming May, 2021. So, we humbly request to reserve this Yoga campaign as soon as possible via this links given below.