13 Apr 2021 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy
OM TATSAT BRAMANE NAMAH !! ओम तत् सत् ब्रमणे नम: !!!
नव वर्ष २०७८ को सम्पूर्ण दिव्यात्माहरुलाई हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना !!!
Last year’s New Year began with the epidemic of Covid-19. Now the situation was supposed to be comfortable, but again Corona is reported to have returned with a new dress. Those who say the vaccine can eradicate the covid-19, but somebody has been re-infected who have got already two doses of vaccine.
Those of us who live a mechanical or artificial life today giving value on external or artificial means and devices more than internal or natural means and rules. We have lived in hope, desire and expectation more than improving ourselves, activating the entire potency and disciplining the body and mind. People are looking and becoming so hopeful and then expressing their hopes in this way:
Oh! Some country is going to make the vaccine; next month expression is: another country has already started to make it;….. another country has already made it,…… now the vaccine is coming in the our country…….., now the agreement is done by government with the country……., it is coming within a month………, 1 million has already imported……….., now then they made again debate Indian vaccine is safe or Chinese one or english one….., balaa………balaa..etc….etc….. etc…… But these types of faith also increased the self-confidence and resilience of the people of the world community.
But there was no any focus and role on saving nature, saving oneself, saving life, saving existence, no regreting, no realizing the facts and truth what we missed, misused or misguided. After all, life is alive with disease and pandemic, disruption and ignorance, but we couldn’t feel and experience the complete sense of life that we lost.
Ultimate Solution:
Sirs! Epidemics are not solved via an artificial and temporary solution. Mask and Vaccines are not the final answer. To get rid of them, we should understand the universal ethicks , code and conduct of life, manage our lifestyle and build the underlying natural vaccine within us. And also we should apply healthy food habit, good workplan, proper sleep, proper rest, positive willpower, self-confidence etc..
Daily Walk 30 – 45 minutes, do at least 25 minutes of yogasana , 20 minutes of pranayama and 15 minutes of meditation, do pranayama and meditation twice a day if possible. Yoga is not practiced, it is achieved and experienced. Yoga is about reaching in discipline and getting Chaitanya (Higher consciousness. Yoga is the goal, which is achieved through meditation and Samadhi by preparing our ethics, values, asanas and pranayama, etc.
If possible, work in the field for 2 to 4 hours for farming, increase lung and heart function, break the sweat once, and strengthen your natural ventilation that it doesnot make us go into Ventilator. The two lungs inside our chest are our natural ventilators. The two nostrils are the doors to the ventilation. The heart between the two lungs is the computer of the natural ventilator. The pulmonary vessels of the heart and the airways of the lungs are the pipes of the ventilator. As long as you don’t keep it active, you can’t imagine a healthy life, a happy life, a long life, a happy life.
Therefore, regular aerobics exercises, asanas, breathing exercises, pranayama, gesture (Mudra), meditation, it is important to strengthen the lungs, heart and all vital organs what we have.
Eat organic and natural foods, do not eat meat, eat less dairy products, do not watch the news, do not read news, sleep soundly, have fun, love nature, serve and love animals and humans, be your shepherd rather than the shepherd of others. Be positive in life except covid-19 and able to win easily from corona. And be happy and joyful with New Year new energy , new vigour, new hope, new wish, new dream, new goal.
Bhavatu Sarva Mangalam. भवतु सर्व मङ्गलम।